Feb 4
A central plank of the Jew World Order is the shutdown of air travel as we know it by 2030. The freedom of being able to book a flight to wherever you like whenever you like at an affordable price will soon be a thing of the past, if the madmen get their way. With the launch of his AI airports within hours of the DC psyop - because humans are suddenly too dumb, black and gay to be air traffic controllers allegedly - Trump has sealed the deal to make that vital component of the control grid a reality. For a long time, flying was only for the elite. It will become that way again.
We’re watching the infrastructural demolition of all public services in real time: hospitals, schools, policing, courts and on. All by design. Aviation is next. They need chaos to bring about their new order so as with all of their cunning ploys, they’ll use fear to make the choice not to fly seem voluntary, just like the poison jab - that’s the purpose of these recent crash psyops.
Since the rash of staged crashes, the fakestream media have been pumping out their predictable predictive programming spinning acres of stories about how everyone is just too scared to fly any more. Here in Ireland, the media concocted their own ‘near miss we all could have died’ scare story about some non-event that happened in the skies above Cork last July. Don’t put anything past them. We may be about to witness a crash hoax of our own on these shores.
One of the most depressing aspects of crashgate is that most of the red cap brigade whom we thought had some understanding of fakery are feigning willful blindness on this one. ‘Oh no, they’d never stage an air crash.’ Oh really? They fake school shootings almost monthly. Another one today in Sweden, it appears. They fake wars. They fake elections. Shut down the world for a fake virus. Fake air crashes? They can do them in their sleep. CGI does all the work and there’s never any shortage of willing crisis actors (aka blackmailed state assets) to play the role of grieving relatives whose retarded interviews have been prerecorded well in advance.
The DC crash hoax is the psyop that keeps on giving - like so many these days because they are so obviously bogus. The hilarious videos taken by randomers on the ground who just happened to be filming into the night sky at the precise moment of the collision take some beating like this one by a Pallywood actor whose timing must have been sent from Allah himself:
And then there’s the dubious interviews with ‘relatives’ which are jaw-droppingly insincere and dry-eyed. Take the smiling ‘Mr O’Hara’ who’s just found out his son has died. Make your own mind up…
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