Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Robot-Delivered Death in Dallas

The legal question is whether the officers reasonably believed Johnson posed an imminent threat of death or great bodily injury to them at the time they deployed the robot to kill him. Johnson was apparently isolated in the garage, posing no immediate threat. If the officers could attach explosives to the robot, they could have affixed a tear gas canister to the robot instead, to force Johnson out of the garage. Indeed, police in Albuquerque used a robot in 2014 to “deploy chemical munitions,” which compelled the surrender of an armed suspect barricaded in a motel room.
But the Dallas police chose to execute Johnson with their killer robot. This was an unlawful use of force and a violation of due process. 
The right to due process is a bedrock guarantee, not just in the U.S. Constitution, but also in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, a treaty we have ratified, making it part of our domestic law. Due process means arrest and fair trial. It is what separates democracies from dictatorships, in which the executive acts as judge, jury and executioner.
There were also practical public-safety concerns that should have been considered. During the standoff, Johnson reportedly told police there were “bombs all over” downtown Dallas. The police didn’t know if that was true. In order to protect the public, they could have interrogated him about the location of the bombs after getting him out of the garage with tear gas. 
But the answer to our national epidemic of police killings is not to further militarize law enforcement. We must completely rethink and restructure policing. That means requiring advanced degrees for police officers, intensive screening for racism, and rigorous training in how to handle cross-racial situations. It means moving toward community-based policing and citizens police-review boards with independent authority. And it means coming to grips with the pernicious racism that permeates our society.
President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines—designated a “Major Non-NATO Ally” by the U.S. State Department—is pushing an anti-drug campaign that includes encouraging law enforcement and even civilians to kill drug users and dealers on the spot. And he will pardon anyone who takes part in the killings. 
In Duterte’s July 25 State of the Nation address he said, “If you know of any addicts, go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful. 
During the election campaign earlier this year, Duterte estimated 100,000 people would be murdered during his campaign, and fish would grow fat from feeding on bodies dumped in Manila Bay. 
This reign of terror has already seen more than 400 people summarily executed by police and others since May. Bodies are being found with cardboard placards saying, “I am a drug pusher” or “I am a drug addict.” Relatives and village residents are pictured weeping from the violent loss of their loved ones.
DYI Comments: The Philippines when the rule of law is replaced with the rule of men and madness.  During the 1970's and 80's citizens here in the States were advocating mandatory death sentences for drug dealers. Obviously and thank God it never gained any traction.  Don't get me wrong I'm not here to coddle criminals the death sentence should only prevail for the most heinous of crimes.

Today the rule of law is breaking down everywhere.  Bankers who are routinely fined and yet no one goes to jail.  Our government desperate for revenues have become partners with the criminal bankers taking their share of the ill gotten gain!

The first article I posted our police have become militarized along with the mentality of shot first or in the case of Dallas "blow him up" ending any rule of law.  Again - I'm not here to coddle criminals - only to apply EQUAL protections under the law for EVERYONE including the scum bags.  Why? What happens -nothing nefarious a mistaken identity - when the police shot first and kill as standard procedure an innocent then later capture or kill the actual criminal only to press release something to the effect -  to make an omelette "you have to break a few eggs!"     

ObamaCare (Affordable [My Ass] Care Act) was and is to "buy more time" AND "to keep the party going" for the medical oligarchs and monopolies from ANY form of market based reforms. Medicare(elderly) and Medicaid(poor) continue their moon shot cost trajectory. 

US Health Care Costs Surge to 17 Percent of GDP

While total U.S. spending on health care increased 5.3 percent last year – topping $3 trillion overall – health care funded by the federal government rose by 11.7 percent, to nearly $844 billion in 2014, compared to a 3.5 percent increase in 2013, according to an annual report on health care costs released Wednesday by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers on Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Congress - both Republican and Democrats - have absolutely no stomach to reform Social Security and place it back into balance.  It is my suspicion both party's will maintain a stalemate and when the Social Security Trust funds (I know they are only IOU's) run out the Social Security Administration will re-balance the program by reducing benefits by 25% plus.   
The rule of law has now become inversely applied to the power and wealth of individuals.  Almost routinely corporate CEO's break the law never see one day in jail and then rewarded with a massive bonus.  

Congress upon pressure from the public made it illegal for Congress - placing them under the same laws for its citizen - from insider trading.  Only later as the pressure from citizens subsided did they quickly repeal by voice vote and signed by the President in less than hour.  Congress and their staff can legally insider trade.  If you or I insider trade WE GO TO JAIL.

Any wonder Hillary Clinton "beat the rap" for her e-mails?  You shouldn't.  This is now part and parcel for those who are politically connected or rich.  They are now above the law.

Massive debt build up private, corporate, government and a break down of the rule of law America will experience a massive deflationary debt blow off depression.  When? This bubble will burst within 2 to 5 years or sooner.

Be prepared


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