Sunday, October 30, 2016

Will Our Citizen's Throw Our Republic Under the Bus by Electing Hillary Clinton?

America's first potential despot - Hillary Clinton!

If Hillary Clinton is elected to the Presidency judging by her actions going back to her days with then Governor Bill Clinton to today she has a complete disdain for any criticism personal or political AND IS WILLING TO USE THUGS TO SUPPRESS DISSENT!  

1.)  She will crucify the 1st Amendment to the Constitution

   Amendment I.

 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

This has been proven repeatedly and the latest is Project Veritas go to their site it is very telling. Assuming she becomes President it is well known her executive branch through the Attorney General primarily along with other agencies to clamp down and suppress citizen journalism or establishment of competing news services through the internet.

2.)  Dissolve the 10th Amendment to the Constitution

Amendment 10.

   The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

A huge power grab by the Federal government in order to solidify her control over the States and most importantly the people themselves.  This has been going on for some time NOT just with her potentially.  Most of today's government agencies - unless specifically stated in the constitution - ARE UNLAWFUL.  I can tell you right now her administration will use Homeland Security aggressively - executive orders - ramrodding legislation through Congress to Federalize State and local control.

3.)  Hillary Clinton - as President - will engage America into additional wars including Russia.

I've written how the Alliance [U.S. U.K. NATO EU] efforts to break Russia apart with the loss of the Caucasus', the Laplands, and the grand prize the political subdivision east of the Ural Mountains all creating new countries favorable to the Alliances global energy and natural resource corporations.

A major war also has the additional benefit of side tracking the populous and Congress from her crimes and an administration that will be scandal ridden.  War has the other benefit as despot use it as an excuse to "clamp down" on the press.  In this case the emerging internet based citizen and competing news services who now have greater readers/viewers than the corporate/government main stream press.

4.)  The Clinton administration - if elected - will push heavily for quick passage of TPP.

This trade deal is more than just trade within its scope international corporation will be able to supersede the U.S. Constitution - endear these corporation with tax free status - provide their corporate heads with diplomatic immunity.  This is the essence of Fascism where the elites are immune from taxation, regulation, with immunity from prosecution.

5.)  The Clinton Administration will have an opportunity to pack the Supreme Court with tyrannical corporate/government feudal state justices. 

All in pursuit to rubber stamp UNCONSTITUTIONAL  trade deals - constitutional.  Allowing outright UNCONSTITUTIONAL gun grabs - constitutional.  UNCONSTITUTIONAL control of the news media - constitutional.       

6.)  Hillary Clinton will put a strangle hold on the second Amendment.

Amendment 2.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Along the way the Clinton administration will chip away at gun rights only until the preceding five items are in place will a full court press to ban gun ownership.  This will not be pursued unless there is heavily controlled news media and massive Federal control of the States and the People.

At this point the elites and those administrating the Corporate/Government Feudal State extracting the wealth from the general populous - systemically destroying the middle class - WILL FEAR REPRISALS FROM A WELL ARMED CITIZENRY!  At this point - and God help us if we do - citizen groups will assassinate elites and their top administrators.  An underground civil war will transpire.

7.)  Conclusion

Hillary Clinton is very typical of so many despots from history.  All have one thing in common and Hillary is no exception - She is a Kleptocracy - Kleptomaniac her motivation is to become as rich as the elites who rule her.  It is well known from multiple sources of the highest standards when Bill & Hillary left the White House they stole George Washington's china and silver!  That alone goes to the very soul of these criminal deviants that is far greater than all of murders - criminal theft - destruction of the constitution etc.


They Stole American Citizens Birthright


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