Monday, February 11, 2019


Next Stop: Recession!

We've enjoyed years of "recovery" since the Great Financial Crisis by literally papering over our problems with newly-printed money, instead of addressing their root causes. 
Despite more than a decade of an "all-hands-on-deck" propping up of the financial markets, all the central bankers have to show for it is the widest wealth gap in history coupled with stagnant wages. 
Depending on which OECD country you live in, you can take your 'official' inflation measure and multiply it by either a 2x or 3x to get the true rate. 
For example, in the US we’ve been told that inflation is running at just under 2% for years. In reality, it’s been trucking along at closer to 4% to 6% (for rural and urban dwellers, respectively). 
DYI:  Damn straight we are supposed to believe BLS’ distorted inflationary numbers going on decades.  A case can be made inflation is running even faster than two or three times than the so called official reports.  The Chapwood Index is made up of 500 items all the way from the mundane such as toothpaste to purchasing a home and everything between.  Depending on your location inflation has been running between 8% [Phoenix, Arizona] to 13.2% [San Jose, California] averaged over the past 5 years.   
A recession lies dead ahead. An even though recessions are an inevitable part of the economic cycle, and it's been uncharacteristically long since the last one, we've been operating as if the current "recovery" will last forever. We're woefully unprepared for what's coming. 
The third credit bubble of the new century is breaking down just like its predecessors did. Except this one is the largest and most universal in history. 
But worst of all?  The public has lost faith in our institutions and political bodies after having been so obviously, comprehensively and repeatedly lied to over the years.
 DYI:  How many more lies will the American public endure before they completely refute anything this out of control Federal Government attempts to peddle.  The best illustration is all of these staged faked mass shootings [Department of Homeland Security DRILLS] that are being billed as real by the ever lying main stream press.  All this in an attempt to hoodwink our school systems to purchase CCTV Networks, metal detectors, bullet resistant glass windows, scanners and an assorted security services all for the benefit of those corporations selling this unnecessary equipment; effectively placing our children in prison like conditions.  Bankers who are routinely fined despite criminal activity yet no one ever goes to prison or the Medical Industrial Complex that has now institutionalized price fixing and has moved from local monopolies to regional.  The list is almost endless for lies and corruption.          
It’s kind of hard to ask people to embrace shared sacrifice during tough times after the political and financial elites greedily lined their own pockets at the expense of everyone else during the good days.

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