Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Asset Strippers!

Psychopathic US Senator Openly Calls For Maduro To Suffer Gaddafi’s Fate

Influential US Senator and 2016 presidential candidate Marco Rubio has tweeted a blatant death threat and incitement of violence against Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro. As of this writing the post has 13 thousand shares and counting. 
Secondly, the paltry $20 million in food, medical and hygiene supplies sent via USAID pales in comparison to the $30 million per day the new US oil embargo will be costing Venezuelans this year. If the US wanted to help the Venezuelan people, the best thing it could do is end its crushing economic warfare upon them, which experts say has made economic recovery all but impossible. Believing the CIA/CNN narrative that US sanctions only impact a nation’s leadership is dumber than believing that US bombs only kill bad guys; former UN special rapporteur Alfred de Zayas has said that US-led sanctions are killing Venezuelans and could be tried under international law as crimes against humanity. The best way for the US to help Venezuelans would be to cease all interventionism and end its economic warfare upon them.
DYI:  Don’t anyone dare call this meddling as we all know the U.S. would never do such a thing especially in Latin America??  We’ve had a long and sordid history of doing just that since the Monroe doctrine.  It looks as if the U.S. is going to asset strip Venezuela to the bone all to the benefit of our global natural resource corporations.

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