Monday, May 30, 2016

We Have Entered The Looting Stage Of Capitalism — Paul Craig Roberts

We Have Entered The Looting Stage Of Capitalism
Germany’s Assault On The IMF
Having successfully used the EU to conquer the Greek people by turning the Greek “leftwing” government into a pawn of Germany’s banks, Germany now finds the IMF in the way of its plan to loot Greece into oblivion.
The IMF’s rules prevent the organization from lending to countries that cannot repay the loan. The IMF has concluded on the basis of facts and analysis that Greece cannot repay. Therefore, the IMF is unwilling to lend Greece the money with which to repay the private banks.
The IMF says that Greece’s creditors, many of whom are not creditors but simply bought up Greek debt at a cheap price in hopes of profiting, must write off some of the Greek debt in order to lower the debt to an amount that the Greek economy can service.
The banks don’t want Greece to be able to service its debt, because the banks intend to use Greece’s inability to service the debt in order to loot Greece of its assets and resources and in order to roll back the social safety net put in place during the 20th century. Neoliberalism intends to reestablish feudalism—a few robber barons and many serfs: the One Percent and the 99 percent.
The way Germany sees it, the IMF is supposed to lend Greece the money with which to repay the private German banks. Then the IMF is to be repaid by forcing Greece to reduce or abolish old age pensions, reduce public services and employment, and use the revenues saved to repay the IMF.
As these amounts will be insufficient, additional austerity measures are imposed that require Greece to sell its national assets, such as public water companies and ports and protected Greek islands to foreign investors, principally the banks themselves or their major clients.

DYI Comments:  During the early days of the EU myself and friends speculated that over a period of years the central European Union would be run from Berlin.  Our speculation that this would happen during their first nasty economic downturn.  Also speculated during a downturn the whole union would fly apart.  My latest thoughts which I expressed at that time as well, was a strong federal union with the other Germanic countries and controlling interest in the remaining countries.  Once again the fear of a united Germany has prevailed.

How the Deep State’s Cronies Steal From You

1-pages in CFR
The relentless growth of Leviathan: total pages in the Code of Federal Regulations, 1950-2013 (it has continued to grow since then…). No wonder the economy is in the dumps. 
From fewer than 25,000 pages when President Eisenhower left the White House, the CFR now has nearly 200,000 pages – each one a honeypot for Deep State cronies.  And who reads this stuff? 
Do you know what rules and regulations you are breaking right now? Most people are too busy earning their money and raising their families to spend much time tracking the federal bureaucracy and its cronies. But the foxes make it their business to pay attention… and make the rules that work for them. 
An honest person is at a great disadvantage.

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