Tuesday, March 19, 2019


A Precarious Revolution Is Brewing

The American Revolution arose not from politics but from rapid social and economic changes that revealed the precariousness of the colonists' prosperity. Conventional histories focus on the political context (Boston Tea Party, etc.), but more important were the changes in social relations, and the impact of the economy moving from quasi-feudal forms of patronage to an economy of impersonal market forces. 
As I noted last week in What If Politics Can't Fix What's Broken?politics as practiced in a bygone era of stability no longer offers any solutions to these profound disruptions. Middle ground has vanished, and ideologies have become quasi-religious because they no longer offer any practical guidance to a society and economy that are being transformed by the 4th Industrial Revolution, resource depletion and demographics. 
Once again Americans are awakening to the precariousness of their prosperity and liberties, and traditional forms of belonging, loyalty and authority are unraveling. As the pie shrinks, the struggle to maintain one's own share at the expense of others becomes Darwinian, and so it's no surprise that finance and politics are increasingly winner-take-all or winner-take-most zero-sum endeavors.
DYI:  Two huge transformational secular trends that are both interconnected.  Natural resource depletion is driving worldwide demographics with birth rates below replacement is why government financed social programs are coming under strain.  This is especially highlighted in Central Europe and Japan with birth rates below replacement for decades.  Natural resource depletion is the main driver especially for energy.

Hydrocarbons are the most efficient in delivering high levels of Btu’s in a small concentrated form is oil [diesel, gasoline, kerosene] and gas [and coal] powers the entire world’s economy.  As more and more countries push their societies to modernize such as China and India oil and gas overtime is stretched for availability and cost.  As cost rises to compete for energy this drags their economies this cost is handled by couples electing to have smaller families.

When this base of future taxpayers – due to birth rates below replacement – overtime you will have smaller and smaller numbers of workers supporting their generational government programs such as their versions of Medicare and Social Security.  This in turn forces additional taxes to support these programs thus slowing growth further creating the vicious circle with yet smaller families until countries actually experience population decline [Japan].

This creates the winner take all mentality – whether understood by the general populous or not – all the way to super rich [elites] with a dog eat dog mentality so prevalent today.  This is the mentality of driving a high proportion of profits into a smaller and smaller number of winners versus the losers.  Income and net worth disparity is all well known.  Yes there are other reasons for this as well that I’ve posted that explains [monopolies, fraud etc.] for income/net worth disparity but the overall driving force for their behavior is resource depletion.  When energy was plentiful the elites got richer and the common man experienced a vastly increase in standard of living all made possible by cheap, easy to find and developed hydrocarbons. 

Until energy efficiency and alternatives outpace natural resource depletion the world is in for more of the same dog-eat- dog mentality.  If God forbid depletion is worse than expected then this will ramp up to a feverish pace.  Hopefully there will be clever engineers developing efficiency/alternatives at a break though pace – hope always springs eternal.  Hope for the best and plan for the worst is a great motto to live by.

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