Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Lies, Lies, and more Damn Lies!

We Are Being Lied Into War Again

Now our government and our media are trying their damnedest to lie us into another war, this one with Venezuela. They tell us the Venezuelan people are desperate for necessities like toothpaste, while independent journalists show piles of affordable toothpaste in Caracas. 
And even if they didn’t have toothpaste, that hardly seems like a good reason for America to begin dropping our long-range bad decisions on the heads of innocent people. Turning a town into an impact crater for the sake of a battle to stop gingivitis seems a bit extreme. 
The mainstream media also inform us that the Venezuelan military set U.S. aid trucks on fire, when video shows opposition forces doing it. Furthermore, the idea of Venezuela taking “aid” from the country whose sanctions are crushing them would be like the Standing Rock Sioux accepting gift packages from the construction crews swiss-cheesing their land to lay down the Dakota Access pipeline. Unless the boxes are filled with industrial paper towels to help clean up oil spills, I fail to see how it would be beneficial. Sometimes you do indeed have to look a gift horse in the mouth (or should I say “gift dog”).
The overarching point here is that we’ve replaced our media with stenographers to the ruling elite long ago. 
 The ruling class comes up with a lie to manufacture American consent for its all-American war crimes, and that lie is then sprayed like laminate all over average American citizens. 
This goes on until such time as any average citizens who question said lie is looked at like they have two heads, and one of them is covered in rat shit.
DYI:  Anyone who goes against their narrative is labeled a tin foil hat nut job conspiracy loving moron.  And yet the main stream propaganda outlets are conspirators hard at work attempting to gin up yet another war.
If our economy maintains some reasonable level of growth the military will begin to experience labor shortages of young men willing to join due to endless wars.

Why are we pursuing Venezuela simply put another resource grab not just the oil but any strategic minerals they might have all for our global natural resource corporations. 

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