Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Study: Student loan debt threatens retirement savings

Asking the question, "Will the explosion of student debt widen the retirement security gap?," researchers with the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College found student loan debt chips away at the ability to prepare for a comfortable retirement. 
"The bottom line is that college costs should be included in broader policy discussions over how to improve financial security," researchers said. "If today's working-age households had the same level of student debt as those recently leaving college -- an additional 4.6 percent of households would be at risk of having inadequate income in retirement."
DYI Comment:  Additional 4.6%???  I don't have the exact numbers but "off the cuff" that number is way too low.  Something around 15% to 25% would seem more likely.  Student loans has significantly reduced household formation plus reduced their ability to save for retirement.  The fastest way to reduce College costs is by allowing bankruptcy for student loans.  No this is not a free lunch.  This would become a signature (no collateral) loan no different than any other loan such as credit cards. Universities easy days of credit would end and so would the cost of attending.  Within 5 years costs would go back to a part time job, a little help from parents and the student graduates debt free.

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