Monday, April 24, 2017


Many poor Venezuelans too hungry to join protests against President Maduro

Many of the impoverished residents of the vast slums that ring Caracas and other major cities are angry about a collapsing economy and food shortages. But Venezuela’s political unrest remains mostly confined to middle-class enclaves, underscoring the struggle the opposition here faces in trying to unseat an increasingly authoritarian government. 
More than four in five Venezuelans say they don’t earn enough to meet basic needs and three-quarters say they have lost an average of 19 pounds of weight last year, according to the Encovi survey by Venezuela’s top three universities.
DYI:  Bernie Sanders Vermont’s resident socialist is all too quiet when it comes to the woes of Venezuela.  Utopia doesn’t work.  That’s right Bernie; it never works leading the country into despair.  Socialist’s are always selling utopia yet it never works ending in a dictatorship or politburo style government with a total loss of rights for the average citizens, along with malnutrition and outright starvation (North Korea) due to the loss of free markets.

If the world goes into recession dropping oil prices substantially Venezuela could very possibly loose 10% to 15% of her population due to starvation, along with the remainder fleeing to other countries reducing the overall population by 40%.  This is not Cuba with an ocean surrounding the island nor a police state such North Korea but a nation with very porous borders.  The exodus has already begun with the middle class immigrating to other countries a world wide recession will turn the fleeing citizen’s into a mass evacuation.

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