Thursday, November 30, 2017

Blood & Steel

The problems are far wider and deeper with the out of control Home Land Security, C.I.A, F.B.I .and the rest of the alphabet soup gangs.  These agencies are run by world wide Trillionaires.  That’s not a typo.  Anyone who believes the Rockefeller’s – along with the Kennedy’s plus a hand full of other notables – are mere Billionaires is diluting themselves.  What they – the ruling top families – are orchestrating and choreograph by their upper management, Council of Foreign Relations, is the transfer of all wealth into their hands.  This of course will result in the destruction of America’s middle class!

This can be illustrated by a once burgeoning country that came out roaring economically after the Great Depression…Cuba…That’s right Cuba.  This island nation during the forties and fifties was just not known for its night life in Havana but their expanding and by Latin American standards flourishing middle class.  Their trajectory of growth left unmolested by the 1980’s or early 1990’s would have been on parity with the U.S.  The ruling families who now had control of the Office of Strategic Services then morphed into the Central Intelligence Foreign and Domestic Country Molestation Agency saw Cuba’s wealth ripe for the picking.  The CIA recruited a wealthy wannabee actor, baseball player, and sometime lawyer in the name of Fidel Castro.  That’s right folks he was our boy from the get go.  And extract the wealth they did and as the expression goes “the rest is history”. 

You will say, “That is so short sided”.  These mega super rich compete to see if they can scoop up the riches before their mega rich competitors.  As Mrs. Lusignan as so ably pointed out these individuals are psychopaths but you need to go one step further.  They are nothing more than families living in mansions, jet setting around the world, eating the finest foods – STREET THUGS!  Instead of ripping off one person at a time it is now done one country at a time!  They believe the United States of America is ripe for the picking.

This saga will not end with simple pitch forks.  Long has passed of a peaceful return to constitutional rule.  Sides will be taken.  The civil war but reminiscent of our revolutionary war and struggle from our oppressors will transpire.  Beware elites when the guillotine tastes blood – yours and ours – she will not be finished until gorged and consumed with fatigue.  When America awakes a core portion of patriots cannot be bribed or threatened into submission or retreat into the dead of night – we will do what is in our blood – FIRE – our backbone – STEEL – driven by our souls – FIGHT! 



California Shooting

California Crisis Actor Practicing His Lines


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Image result for jack ruby shooting lee harvey oswald

From day one as children we are taught to respect our elders that transcends into believing authority figures.  As in the case of JFK are told that Jack Ruby being so distraught that Lee Harvey Oswald who supposedly shot the President (Nov. 22, 1963 12:30 P.M.) worked his way in to a highly secure location – the basement of the Dallas Police Department – with a gun, the news media alerted to his transfer, Ruby shot and killed Oswald (Nov. 24, 1963 12:20 P.M.).  Oswald obviously NOT handcuffed and in civilian clothing.  This is the guy who is accused of shooting the F’ing President NOT handcuffed and NOT in prisoner attire???  The main stream press back then and as it is today tell you what to believe.  They are the authority figures, just as children we are taught to respect the authority of our elders and the main stream press are billed as you’re elders.  Propaganda mind control, simple as that!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tit for Tat

Iran's navy: Warships to be deployed to Gulf of Mexico

Nov. 23 (UPI) -- Iran's new naval commander vowed to send a warship to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, a move that could raise concerns in Washington.
DYI:  I highly doubt the Iranians will send a war ship into the Gulf of Mexico much less the Atlantic as well.  However it is Tit for Tat maybe the Russians will weary of American war ships in the Black Sea and send a few cruisers in support of the Iranian’s in the Gulf of Mexico.  Possibility of that happening is some where between zero and never happening.  Political theater at its best!

The problem isn't populism--the problem is the status quo has failed 95% of the populace. Life isn't wonderful, prosperous and filled with expansive equality except in the Protected Elite of the top 5% of technocrats, corporate executives, tenured academics, bureaucrats, financiers, bankers, lobbyists and wealthy (or soon to be wealthy) politicos.
DYI Quick Comment:  That has been the design from day one when the Federal Reserve was established in 1913 to drive the preponderance of the wealth into the hands of the elites.
Populism is the dismissive propaganda term that the media uses to distract us from the real cause of our problems: the total failure of the status quo, the corrupt, predatory, exploitive, inefficient, rentier pay-to-play-"democracy" cartel-state hierarchy that has failed the bottom 95%. 
The natural response to this abandonment, betrayal and parade of propaganda is labeled populism as a means of blaming the victims: it's too bad you couldn't make it into the ranks of the Protected Elite, but that failure is yours, not the system's.
DYI:  That sums up in a nut shell especially the lower level elites think as a way to rationalize away their remaining morals and ethics.  The top levels no longer concern themselves with such moral and ethical constructs.  They are too busy defending attacks from other trillionaires – that’s not a typo – families such as the Kennedy’s, DuPont’s, Morgan’s, Rockefeller’s, Warburg’s, and Rothschild’s plus any other mega super rich I’ve failed to mention.

Monday, November 27, 2017

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln


Main Stream Media at one time fooled a majority of the people all the time.  The false flag event of 1898 with the sinking of the U.S. Navy Armored Cruiser Maine in Havana Harbor Cuba was an inside job – just as 911.  The Hearst Publishing Empire ginned up the slogan “Remember the Maine” and before you can say “one, two, three,” war was declared against Spain kicking the Spaniards’ out of Cuba and Puerto Rico.  Propaganda at it best.  Everything worked for decades upon decades with the invention of movies, radio and the biggest propaganda machine TeeVee!  Even President Richard Nixon stated "The American people don't believe anything until they see it on television" And yep they faked the moon landings.  The gold medal standard of fake news but that was then today is now.

American’s Red Pill Moment!
911 is and continues to be – American’s awakening moment.  Instead of faking deaths you doubled down by killing 2,977 people not just Americans you proceeded to kill 372 foreign nationals from 61 countries thoroughly enraging the surviving relatives from around the world.

In your arrogance and over confidence – you screwed up royally – so bad the most gullible and naïveté questioned your 911 report based upon fantasy, lies, and omissions.  Then proceeded by name calling anyone who challenge these lies – CRAZY!  The elites had to parade their latest puppet president – President Bush Jr. – begging Americans not to listen to conspiracy theories and it worked…The vast majority of Americans never believed your conspiracy of Osama Bin Laden and the 19 hijackers gathering so much momentum today almost everyone knows it was an inside job by our own government in an effort to bill this event as another Pearl Harbor.  All to promote endless profiteering wars, in an area of the world the military wanted to stay out of – the Middle East.

Legacy Main Stream Media Death Spiral!
You parade on TeeVee your propaganda poster child Anderson “Pooper Scooper” Cooper an obvious CIA Vanderbilt rich sissy boy attempting to sell the American public your latest propaganda event.  You are fooling less and less Americans by the day.  So much so CNN is now the headliner of FAKE NEWS.  All of the legacy media is in a death spiral with ratings in the toilet plus as more Americans cutting the cable losing all of your media revenues.

The Coming Revolutionary War!
The elites are now doubling down with one fake shooting at a fast and furious pace.  All you are doing is waking up more and more Americans and you know it as many talking heads are showing their true colors angered that the sheep are no longer following the narrative.  In the elite’s anger and frustration IMHO you are planning to use force in order control and contain.  This will require massive numbers of boots on the ground – the U.S. Army.  Long ago your propaganda was so good you could always count on the military especially the Army.  Back then you were the masters of deception now you’ve become the dimwitted of propaganda.  The Army see’s right through you’re deception…They are tired of endless wars that have value only for the Military Industrial Complex using soldiers as cannon fodder profiteering.  In a nut shell…THEY HATE YOU…Every day, every month, every year this continues (war with North Korea?) the Army and the military in general is ever so close to OUTRIGHT REBELLION!

How this will exactly play out is anyone’s guess.  It is easily to see the upsurge in fake shootings – and a possible future real killing(s) – is swelling to a climax to formalize the country into a fascist constitutional shredding police state all for the benefit of the elites.  Terrible times are coming…The possibility of non violent redress is long past.  God help us and those of us who defend the Constitution!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

5 Year Avg. Annual Rate!

The Chapwood Index reflects the true cost-of-living increase in America. Updated and released twice a year, it reports the unadjusted actual cost and price fluctuation of the top 500 items on which Americans spend their after-tax dollars in the 50 largest cities in the nation.
It exposes why middle-class Americans — salaried workers who are given routine pay hikes and retirees who depend on annual increases in their corporate pension and Social Security payments — can’t maintain their standard of living. Plainly and simply, the Index shows that their income can’t keep up with their expenses, and it explains why they increasingly have to turn to the government for entitlements to bail them out.
It’s because salary and benefit increases are pegged to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which for more than a century has purported to reflect the fluctuation in prices for a typical “basket of goods” in American cities — but which actually hasn’t done that for more than 30 years.
The middle class has seen its purchasing power decline dramatically in the last three decades, forcing more and more people to seek entitlements when their savings are gone. And as long as pay raises and benefit increases are tied to a false CPI, this trend will continue.
The myth that the CPI represents the increase in our cost of living is why the Chapwood Index was created. What differentiates it from the CPI is simple, but critically important. The Chapwood Index:
Reports the actual price increase of the 500 items on which most Americans spend their after-tax money. No gimmicks, no alterations, no seasonal adjustments; just real prices.
Shows how our dependence on the CPI is killing our middle class and why citizens increasingly are depending upon government entitlement programs to bail them out.
Claims to persuade Americans to become better-educated consumers and to take control of their spending habits and personal finances.
The inaccuracy of the CPI began in 1983, during a time of rampant inflation, when the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics began to cook the books on its calculation in order to curb the increase in Social Security and federal pension payments.
But the change affected more than entitlements. Because increases in corporate salaries and retirement benefits have traditionally been tied to the CPI, the change affected everything. And now, 30 years later, everyone knows the long-term results. Ask anyone who relies on a salary or Social Security or a pension and he’ll tell you his annual increase in income doesn’t come close to his increase in expenses. What comes in is less than what goes out — a situation that spells disaster for average Americans.
Governments the world over when unfunded liabilities, debts, and on going spending become so onerous money printing (digitally) is their last resort to maintain power.  The U.S. is at the beginning stage of the government’s end game of inflating off Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, along with playing the world domination game with our oversized military.  So far the Federal Reserve – it is a private corporation and there are NO RESERVES – has effectively pounded down interest rates far below the real rate of inflation enabling corporations and governments to pay debts with inflated dollars. 

There is an entity that is far more powerful than all of the world’s central banks combined.  His name is MR. MARKET!  Central banks can play this game far longer than most believe possible but in the end the real market – not the one manipulated by central banks – interest rates will rise.  Mr. Market – a short hand name for the REAL market place – in the end will drive rates upward catching up to the real inflationary rate and eventually effecting interest rates ABOVE the true inflationary rate.  It appears to me this has already begun with short term rates rising.  This will take years to push rates upward along with recessions pushing rates down temporarily for the duration of the economic downturn.
 Image result for 10 year treasury bond rate chart pictures   Yield as of 11-24-17
Interest rates as measured by 10 year Treasury Bonds topped out in September of 1981 at 15.32% and appears to have bottomed out in July 2016 at 1.50%.  When the next recession emerges; rates could very well fall below these historical lows temporarily then resume rising due to all of the money printing mentioned earlier.  Be as that may be, valuation and historically rates are at lows never seen before in U.S. history!  Helen Keller could easily see rates at sub atomic low levels ramping bond prices to the top of the mountain.

Market Sentiment

Smart Money buys aggressively!
Max-Pessimism *Market Bottoms* Short Term Bonds
Depression MMF

Hope Gold
Relief *Market returns to Mean* 

Smart Money buys the Dips!
Media Attention

Smart Money - Sells the Rallies!
Max-Optimism *Market Tops* U.S. Stocks
Denial of Problem Long Term Bonds

Smart Money Buys Aggressively!
The name of the game is to purchase assets systematically as their valuation improves and sell off systematically as valuations decline.  Simple as that!  This is the essence of investing – as opposed to short term speculation – moving from DYI’s four diametrically opposed uncorrelated assets that are driven up or down over the long term by completely different economic forces.  Placing the preponderance of your dollars in the correct asset at the correct time competitive with the long term average rate of return – 10.2% since 1926 - on common stocks.

This is DYI’s goal is besting the long term return of 10.2%.  Not yearly as no one knows what markets will do in the short term; rolling 5 year returns is my benchmark.  Will this blogger be successful?  No guarantees and as my disclaimer states; this blog is for educational and entertainment only.  However, study my method and see if it passes the acid test of common sense. 
 Updated Monthly


Active Allocation Bands (excluding cash) 0% to 60%
73% - Cash -Short Term Bond Index - VBIRX
25% -Gold- Precious Metals & Mining - VGPMX
 2% -Lt. Bonds- Long Term Bond Index - VBLTX
 0% -Stocks- Total Stock Market Index - VTSAX
[See Disclaimer]

 This blog site is not a registered financial advisor, broker or securities dealer and The Dividend Yield Investor is not responsible for what you do with your money.
This site strives for the highest standards of accuracy; however ERRORS AND OMISSIONS ARE ACCEPTED!
The Dividend Yield Investor is a blog site for entertainment and educational purposes ONLY.
The Dividend Yield Investor shall not be held liable for any loss and/or damages from the information herein.
Use this site at your own risk.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

Don’t Steal!
Governments Hate the Competition!
If you’re thinking, “Thank goodness I live in a free country where that would never happen,” think again. 
This is really no different than Civil Asset Forfeiture in the Land of the Free, the legal framework where countless federal, state, and local agencies have the authority to seize and freeze every asset you own without even so much as charging you with a crime.
Today oil constitutes more than half of Saudi Arabia’s GDP and more than 90% of government revenue… and it is the reason why Saudi Arabia is one of the world’s richest nations as measured by per-capita GDP. 
But all that success also comes with risk: what happens when the wells run dry? Or when the oil price falls? 
Last year the Saudi government announced “Vision 2030,” a long-term plan to diversify its economy and reduce dependence on oil revenue. 
But none of these options fixes the short-term problem. Saudi Arabia needs cash. Now.
So over the past few weeks they’ve 
found their source: 
Under the guise of a ‘corruption crackdown’, the government of Saudi Arabia has arrested hundreds of its wealthiest, most prominent citizens, and frozen more than 1700 bank accounts. 
It does strike me as a farce, though, to see extremely corrupt bureaucrats and politicians arresting corrupt businessmen… and then confining them to the very swanky Ritz Carlton hotel in Riyadh. 
The timing is also suspect– the Saudi government needs the money and cannot afford to wait for their long-term plans to generate income.
The biggest theft is inflation all generated by government itself in order to pay its debts and bills.  The newest con is digitally printing of dollars in order to purchase assets both government and corporate bonds.  The interest is returned to the Treasury to help offset incoming tax receipts.  Not a free lunch as the only way the purchase is made is by ginning up the dollars out of thin air digitally…So hence the interest earned is inflationary.  When the SHTF during the next economic downturn – this latest QE – will be just the warm up as the Fed’s will purchase dividend paying common stocks world wide as well.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The cat of nine lives Rachel Hunter died TWICE...Roanoke VA as a reporter shot by camera man and Las Vegas Route 91 Harvest Fest!

Hollywood Actress
Rachel Hunter
Image result for rachael parker las vegas shooting pictures
Rachel Parker or Alison Parker has nine lives just like a cat; so far as I know used up two; killed as a reporter in ROANOKE, VA

And now as Rachel Parker of the Manhattan Beach allegedly Employee of the Manhattan Beach Police as a civilian records technician  [I doubt see ever was employed there] who allegedly died [No she didn’t total BS] at the Las Vegas Route 91 shooting.

Here is Rachel Hunter web site advertising her acting credentials… can’t wait for her next acting gig; so I can highlight how alive she is! 
NOT SAFE FOR WORK           Co-star                 NBC                                      
CRIMINAL MINDS                   Co-star                 CBS                                        
GROWING UP FISHER           Co-star                 NBC                                            
THE CLIENT LIST                   Co-Star                Fedora Films                                                  
AS THE WORLD TURNS        U5                        CBS                                             
THE REBOUND                        Supporting           The Film Department           
THE NANNY DIARIES            Featured               The Weinstein Company      
REIGN OVER ME                     Supporting            Sunlight Productions            
CYNICAL LIFE  (pilot               Supporting           Alchemy Pictures                    
HIGHER EDUCATION(pilot)  Lead                     Chapman University               
INTERSECTION (web series)  Supporting            Myriad Arts Productions     
HOMECOMING                        Supporting           Myriad Arts Productions      

A REASON TO BELIEVE         Supporting           Pioneer Pictures                      

Great looking women to bad she is SPOILED GOODS!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

When Unpaid Student Loan Bills Mean You Can No Longer Work

  • As debt levels rise, creditors are taking increasingly tough actions to chase people who fall behind on student loans.
  • In 19 states, government agencies can seize state-issued professional licenses from residents who default on their educational debts.
  • South Dakota suspends driver's licenses, making it nearly impossible for people to get to work.
Few people realize that the loans they take out to pay for their education could eventually derail their careers. But in 19 states, government agencies can seize state-issued professional licenses from residents who default on their educational debts. Another state, South Dakota, suspends driver's licenses, making it nearly impossible for people to get to work.
As debt levels rise, creditors are taking increasingly tough actions to chase people who fall behind on student loans. Going after professional licenses stands out as especially punitive.
Firefighters, nurses, teachers, lawyers, massage therapists, barbers, psychologists and real estate brokers have all had their credentials suspended or revoked.
Proponents of the little-known state licensing laws say they are in taxpayers' interest. Many student loans are backed by guarantees by the state or federal government, which foot the bills if borrowers default. Faced with losing their licenses, the reasoning goes, debtors will find the money.
Want to have the cost of education drop significantly?  I do and so do you!  End all student loans, government grants and subsidies.  The cost of education will drop like a brick thrown into the deep end of a swimming pool.  Why?  Basic economics 101!  You cannot price a product or service greater than your market can afford UNLESS you extend government sponsored debt.  The Universities/Colleges have a third party payer – Uncle Sam – willing to shovel more and more debt their way; hence constant increases in tuition and other related costs.  If as a nation the political will to end all loans, grants and subsidies higher educational costs would go back to working a part time job, a little help from Mom and Dad (or not at all) AND graduate in 4 years as opposed to 5 or 7 years which is becoming the norm.  Of course the graduate – or if they didn’t graduate – would be free of any student loans. 

Of course the Universities/Colleges will scream bloody murder just as all industries do when their subsidies are removed.  Making unfound claims that education will only be for the rich straight from the bull$hit economics department dispensing nothing more than propaganda – LIES!  There will be Universities and Colleges that will cater to all different economic classes from the very poor (with help from private charities) the different strata within the middle class to the very rich (Harvard and Yale).
Just as you have heard of corporate greed this is University/College greed whether private or State run. 
Lunatics are in Charge!

Canadians Paying Dearly for Their Housing

Another housing study has come to familiar conclusions: Canada boasts the least affordable housing in North America. With a median family income of just under $65,000 a year, it would take 7.5 years for a family to pay off the median-priced home valued at 485K. 
That’s if they were able to live on air and direct every single dime of income to pay off just their home for 7.5 years. 
According to the latest International Housing Affordability Survey, a multiple of 3x income and under is considered affordable, and multiples over 5.1 are considered severely unaffordable. In Vancouver, this multiple is now 17.3 and in the greater Toronto area 7.5x. You can look up comparables on other NA cities at this link.
Oh Canada – Oh Canada.  I’ve been writing for 5 plus years your debt bubble has pushed real estate – residential and commercial – to heights greater than Mount Waddington (British Columbia Canada 13,186 ft.)!

At 3 times your income, yes you can afford the house AND pay the rest of your bills but not much after that.  Reality is a real task master if you want to have a life.  At 2 times your income or less a rapid pay off is not only possible but very doable without living on air!  Drilling down further into the Canadian numbers Toronto at 7.5 times income is simply insane and Vancouver 142 miles north of Seattle Washington at 17.2 times income the lunatics are in charge of the asylum!

When the manure hits the fan popping this debt/real estate bubble Canada will go into a flat out depression lasting 10 and possibly 15 years in length.  The Canadian government is doing everything to kick the can down the road extending the life of this bubble but Mr. Market in the end will have his way dropping home prices BELOW their long term mean.  Bankruptcy will be the order of the day as one Canadian household after another throws in the towel defaulting not just on real estate debt but all of their loans.  This will be Canada’s 2009 and possibly a redo of the 1930’s!

As an American I wish the Canadian people the best of luck. They are going to need all they can get!   
Bail In’s
Coming to America?

Protect Your Savings With Gold: ECB Propose End To Deposit Protection

– Protect Your Savings With Gold: ECB Propose End To Deposit Protection
– New ECB paper proposes ‘covered deposits’ should be replaced to allow for more flexibility
– Fear covered deposits may lead to a run on the banks
– Savers should be reminded that a bank’s word is never its bond and to reduce counterparty exposure
– Physical gold enable savers to stay out of banking system and reduce exposure to bail-ins
 It is the ‘opinion of the European Central Bank’ that the deposit protection scheme is no longer necessary: 
‘covered deposits and claims under investor compensation schemes should be replaced by limited discretionary exemptions to be granted by the competent authority in order to retain a degree of flexibility.’ 
To translate the legalese jargon of the ECB bureaucrats this could mean that the current €100,000 (£85,000) deposit level currently protected in the event of a bail-in may soon be no more.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) would be unable to handle a major banking run especially if it is among the top 25 New York centered super banks.  This in turn would snow ball bringing down regional banks along with a host of small town banks as well. 

So…What to do?  First and foremost is to be debt free.  What I tell young people before you can have a life you must be debt free.  Everything stops until the debts are retired including the house.  Be honest with yourself if you have purchased a home greater than 2.0 times your income the budget is being stretched AND the capacity to retire the debt early (down size).  Also purchase a mortgage no longer than 15 years and if you can swing the payments many Credit Unions have 10 year mortgages.  The savings in interest expense as compared to 30 year mortgage is astounding. Build 2 years worth of savings.  Sounds difficult?  Remember ALL of your debts are retired your 2 years of savings is at a much lower cost basis – very doable.  After that 50% of the money that went to the retired debt payments is to be invested in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, gold, and cash the other 50% go have a life and have some fun you earned it!


Monday, November 20, 2017

Barry Soetoro Truth Teller
Is Back
After being kick off YouTube
Here is the link to his latest video regarding Las Vegas

Faked Shooting!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Green Screen

Published on Jan 17, 2016

Story 1: "I had no idea at the extent of this tragedy WHEN I GOT TO THE FIREHOUSE. If I had, I don't know that I could'a gotten there. But I did and MY SON thankfully WAS THERE."

Nancy "Green Screen" Grace is at it once again pumping out pure propaganda all in front of a green screen.  These presstitutes have absolutely no shame, values, or integrity.  It is so bad I wonder if her Bio is made up as well.  Haven't looked into it just wondering out loud! And of course, the story of the women being interview is contradictory, so much so, not possible for a person to be confused. Simply two different takes put together in a hurry hoping an emotional audience would not catch it!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Back Lash

Russia names nine U.S.-backed news outlets likely to be labeled 'foreign agents'

It said it had written to the U.S. government-sponsored Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), along with seven separate Russian or local-language news outlets run by RFE/RL. 
One of the seven outlets provides news on Crimea, which Russia annexed from Ukraine in 2014, one on Siberia, and one on the predominantly Muslim North Caucasus region. Another covers provincial Russia, one is an online TV station, another covers the mostly Muslim region of Tatarstan, and the other is a news portal that fact-checks the statements of Russian officials. 
Russia's broadside against U.S. media is part of the fallout from allegations that the Kremlin interfered in the U.S. presidential election last year in favor of Donald Trump.
Voice of America and Radio Free Europe has always been the propaganda arm of the U.S. from day one.  Of course the Russian government through Russian state sponsored media “pumps out” propaganda just as much as the U.S. main stream media employs.  Simply, a game of tit for tat; - all for the amusement of geopolitics.
On the Horizon?

Bond Traders Should Prepare for Yield Curve to Zero Out in 2018

The peak yield on the 10-year Treasury should roughly approximate where the final level of fed funds settles out, so that to us implies a flat yield curve if we assume the Fed will do two or three hikes in 2018,” Mark Vaselkiv, chief investment officer of fixed income at T. Rowe Price, said at a press briefing. In his eyes, the Fed will likely stay the course, and the difference between short- and long-term debt could reach zero as soon as the second half of next year.  
The timing matters because an inverted yield curve has proven a reliable indicator of an impending recession. When the spread between short- and long-term debt shrinks, it tends to hurt bank earnings and the real economy. 
The yield curve from two- to 10-year Treasuries is about 66 basis points, near the flattest since November 2007. 
The last time the spread was at that level and still getting narrower was April 2005, about two-and-a-half years before the recession began. 
It remained close to zero for about 18 months.
As of 11/16/17 the difference between 5 year Treasury Notes and 30 year Treasury Bonds is 73 basis points – [2.77%  - 2.04% = 0.73%].  Very little sauce for the goose for the difference in maturity lengths; if the Fed’s continue to raise rates they will guarantee a recession.  Even without raising rates another recession is on the horizon with all of the imbalances in the economy.

When the next recession hits don’t be surprised to see 10 year Treasury Notes under 1.0% and 30 year Treasury Bonds less than 2.0%!  Pushing the economy squarely into deflation with the Fed’s pursuing QE like madmen by buying up not only Treasury securities but this time around corporate bonds as well.  The Fed’s might go as far and begin purchasing common stocks directly in order to support the market from a total melt down.

Don’t expect the Fed’s balance sheet to be reduced of any significant degree over the next two decades as the Treasury will be revenue hungry due to retiring Boomers tapping Social Security and Medicare.  The interest and possible dividends (if the Fed’s purchase common stocks) is returned to the Treasury.  Simply another way to tax the populous – the Federal Reserve has moved from monetary policy to indirect fiscal policy all without having to go through Congress – Fascism.  Of course there is no such thing as a free lunch.  The Fed’s ginned up this money digitally out of thin air to purchase bonds and possibly stocks;  therefore the money returned to the Treasury will debase (inflate) our currency.  This will not be the only method there will be incremental changes to defer the costs of Social Security and Medicare along with F.I.C.A. tax increases to pay the retiring Boomer’s.
Hold onto your hats and cash better values are ahead!