Thursday, May 31, 2018

Lies, Lies, and More Damn Lies!

Suspect wounds teacher, fellow student in 23rd school shooting in 2018

DYI:  Nothing more than low rent propaganda. Here is an individual going by the name of Jason Seaman who is the hero of this stage hoaxed event.  We are to believe as repeatedly stated by the main stream press that Jason was not just shot once, not twice, but THREE TIMES, then subdued the attacker and in less than three days time strolls right up to the podium of microphones with obviously no signs whatsoever of injury and then proceeds to thank his surgeons and nurses for such excellent treatment.

This is an Insult to the Marines and the U.S. Army.  
For all of those who have boots on the ground.

What was he shot with a bb gun?  Anyone in the Marines or Army plus the Air Force enlisted who guard their airports knows damn well if you are shot with pistol, automatic, or rifle [doesn’t matter whether standard or assault] you’re going down.  Shot not just once, not twice, but three times?  YOU’RE DEAD!  If by some miracle you survive you would be in the hospital for not days, not weeks, but months!  But not our miracle boy!  Hell after the press conference he could take his wife or girl friend out for dinner and then after that DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY!  And speaking of press conference that was total make believe as well.

Stop Insulting Our Intelligence!

The main stream press relies on that the majority [but declining] envision these media outlets as a source of authority and a bastion of truth.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Since the late 1960’s U.S. Intelligence services have complete control over what is read, listen to [radio], seen on TV including the making of movies.  Plus textbooks all the way from kindergarten to Ph.D is controlled.  And since the 1970’s with consolidation of these media companies the task is even easier for the likes such as CIA, DHS, FBI, Army and Naval Intelligence and a host of other agencies to promote their version of mind control [propaganda] delivering any narrative the economic and political elite’s desire.
Related image

Smith – Mundt Act is Repealed!

U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans

For decades (since 1948), a so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the U.S. government’s mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering programming to American audiences. But on July 2 2013, that came silently to an end with the implementation of a new reform passed in January. The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs ...
The restriction of these broadcasts was due to the Smith-Mundt Act, a long-standing piece of legislation that has been amended numerous times over the years, perhaps most consequentially by Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright. In the 1970s, Fulbright was no friend of VOA and Radio Free Europe, and moved to restrict them from domestic distribution, saying they "should be given the opportunity to take their rightful place in the graveyard of Cold War relics." Fulbright’s amendment to Smith-Mundt was bolstered in 1985 by Nebraska 
Senator Edward Zorinsky, who argued that such "propaganda" should be kept out of America as to distinguish the U.S. "from the Soviet Union where domestic propaganda is a principal government activity."
Welcome to Amerika!

Before the repeal intelligence services pursued propaganda illegally directly or using outside contractors to protect themselves from prosecution if caught in a scandal [someone has to go to jail] exposing their activities.  Now with its complete repeal it is – open season – pushing whatever propaganda upon the American public the economic and political elite’s desire.

Miles Mathis is a top notch researcher who through the years has uncovered and exposed past and present psychological operations our intelligence services have run against American citizens.  Here is his take [and mine also] as to why these events are happening.

 The reason they are running these fake shootings is threefold:
1) They are preparing the public for the installing of body scanners at all public places, including all schools, sporting and entertainment events, casinos, and—very soon—grocery stores. I predict that soon after the body scanners are installed in schools, we will see a spate of fake grocery store shootings. As proof of the first part of that, note that Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (Texas Republican) immediately went on TV and said that schools “have too many entrances and exits”. Obviously, he wants to limit the entrances, so that he can place body scanners there. But ask yourself if that makes sense from the point of view of fire safety. Do you want to block off most exits?
DYI:  Look into a company called OSI, Inc. maker of all of the above mentioned devices plus more.  This company stands to profit magnificently when legislation compels their installment! 

The Lt. Governor of Texas was a long standing political radio personality therefor he has ties with our intelligence services whether directly employed or managed he will do their biding.  Don’t be surprised if he has ties with some of security outfits where he can profit as well [currently I have no idea one way or another]. 
2) This is part of the long running [and partially declassified] Operations Chaos and Cointelpro, by which the public is kept in a constant state of fear. This fear has many benefits for the governors, including the swelling of Intel, military, police forces and jails. This fear also keeps gun sales astronomically high. Some tell you these events are run to promote gun control, but that is misdirection. Have you seen any meaningful gun control lately? No, any real gun control would cut into their sales, so you won't see it. The governors know they don't need to do anything about gun control, since these events are faked. The governors know that because they are faking them. This fear also keeps sales of many others products brisk, since frightened and divided people spend far more money on compensating products than social and happy people. Social and happy people can entertain themselves, with sex, conversation, and simple inexpensive games. But divided and frightened people require a slew of new drugs, potions, porn, media, cosmetics, and surgery to get them through the day.
DYI:  When I was in line at the grocery store I mentioned to the young girl at checkout about all of these mass [faked] shootings how this seemed to be for gun control.  The young girl response was she was more inclined to buy a gun than to hope for some type of gun control legislation.  Wow! At that moment it dawned on me this was for gun sales not gun control!  How obvious!  Go to and pull up stock charts of the many publicly traded gun manufactures if you would have bought shares when Obama was elected and sold when Trump was elected your gain would be over 1000%!  WOW!
3) The New Yorker Magazine has already posted a piece on the “Ordinary Terrorist”. Here is the subtitle: The notion of a regular person committing horrific acts of violence, such as the Santa Fe High School shooting, for petty human reasons is terrifying in itself. Surely you can see through that.  More fear creation. Everyone is a potential terrorist. Don't just be afraid of really bad guys, be afraid of everyone. Be very afraid of the boy next door who mows your lawn or who takes car of your cats when you are on vacation.  And—especially—be afraid of men and boys. This is an important part of the project to split the sexes. Make women terrified of all men and boys. Joined to the Men-are-Pigs project also now in high gear—where every famous man is allegedly groping or raping all the women around him—these two projects are incredibly powerful. But it only works if you believe in them.

Noblesville School Shooting Media Fore knowledge: video

Santa Fe school staged hoaxed shooting

Shot in the head and he still does interviews right: video

Las Vegas staged hoaxed shooting

Stage faked hoaxed events:

Stage faked hoaxed infomercials/celebrity stunts as news:

DYI:  Expect to see every three to five weeks some type of staged hoaxed event whether shooting, knives, truck run overs etc.  My best guess the Department of Homeland Security has around two billion a year for these events along with slush funds that the CIA/FBI uses as well.

More to Come!

Monday, May 28, 2018


The End Of Stimulus?

 (And The Start Of The Crash?)

Back in January of 2016 we saw what appeared to be, and in my opinion should have been, the end of the Everything Bubble blown by the word's central banking cartel. 
It quickly devolved into a “Sell everything!” scramble. We saw the dollar spike and stocks fall -- with emerging markets taking the full brunt of the carnage as their stock markets rapidly fell into bear territory, their currencies fell, and their bonds were destroyed. 
Very early one morning in February of 2016 everything U-turned and rocketed higher. Suddenly and magically, the panic was over. This wasn’t the invisible hand of the market at work; it was the very-visible hand of central bank intervention. 
But we all know that this charade cannot continue forever.  Sooner or later it has to stop.  Given the [renewed] blow-ups we're now seeing in the emerging markets, there’s clearly serious trouble brewing somewhere in the system. 
When today's Everything Bubble bursts, the effect will be nothing short of catastrophic as 50 years of excessive debt accumulation suddenly deflates. 
Given the dangers involved, you should expect the central banks to 'go nuclear' in their deflation-fighting efforts by sending “money to main street” -- 
likely in the form of a universal basic income, or a check from the Treasury refunding your last 3 years of tax payments, or maybe even an electronic deposit directly from the Federal Reserve into your bank account. 
That's when the inevitable fiat currency crisis will begin in earnest.  At that time you’ll need to run, not walk, to buy anything with intrinsic value that can't be inflated away -- before your currency becomes worthless.
 Image result for shiller pe chart pictures
DYI:  I don’t see the U.S. dollar becoming worthless over a short period of time as the author of this article portends.  However it is more likely after a deflationary smash the Treasury along with the Federal Reserve to come up with some of the income replacement schemes presented creating inflation more along the lines of the 1970’s as opposed to the likes of Brazil or Argentina.  Of course anything is possible but living in the world of what is probable I don’t envision a complete currency collapse.  Despite all of our problems and yes they are huge by American standards the U.S. remains primarily a free enterprise state capable of generating future wealth.

U.S. stocks are massively overvalued greater than the year 2000 despite the Shiller PE10 being greater then as opposed to now.  In the year 2000 the Shiller PE10 was “JACKED UP” due to the high tech stocks.  Today all stocks are at nose bleed levels so when the decline begins all stocks will be hit severely. 
 Image result for U.S. 10 year treasury yields since 1790 chart pictures
Interest rates continue to be significantly below their long term average of 4.57% [since 1871] as measured by the 10 year T-Bond [2.93%].  Could rates go lower?  During an economic deflationary smash not only lower but very possibly go negative as experienced in Europe.  However in the grand scheme it is obvious that the huge majority of the bond bull market of a lifetime is over.  Rates will eventually normalize and highly likely overshoot as markets so readily and eagerly do.  So hang onto your cash and gold better values are ahead.  The only problem is no one knows when! 

The days of dollar dominance are numbered. The process won’t happen overnight, but the signs all point in one direction.

The Fall of
Dollar Dominance? 

The “Axis of Gold” Will Drive Gold Higher by the End of 2018

By James Rickards

A major blind spot in U.S. strategic economic doctrine is the increasing use of physical gold by China, Russia, Iran, Turkey and others both to avoid the impact of U.S. sanctions and create an offensive counterweight to U.S. dominance of dollar payment systems.

DYI:  As the pressure builds as an alternative to the almighty buck our government will scream through the highly controlled main stream press.  Hopefully the two principal players China and Russia will phase this in slowly enough not to precipitate world war.   
Gold offers adversaries significant defenses against these dollar-based sanctions. Gold is physical, not digital, so it cannot be hacked or frozen. Gold is easy to transport by air to settle balance of payments or other transactions between nations.
DYI:  The other adversary is the American public who is forced into the Federal Reserve’s debt based currency.  Since the debt is never paid off but continuously rolled over [behaves just like money printing] inflation is ever present in the system.  This is only interrupted during economic deflationary debt default smashes as illustrated during the Great Depression and more recently the Great Recession.  Never the less it is recommended having some amount of gold and silver in one’s possession simply to help maintain purchasing power as our government continues to debase the currency.  As with any rule there are exceptions when stocks or bonds are on the give – away – table then all precious metals should be sold to buy into a once in a lifetime bargain.  This exception is exampled at the bottom of the Great Depression of 1932 for stocks and corporate bonds or 1980 to 1982 for stocks, long term government and corporate bonds as well.       
Gold flows cannot be interdicted at SWIFT, the international payment system. Gold is fungible and non-traceable (it is an element, atomic number 79), so its origin cannot be ascertained. 
We know that for example, Russia has tripled its gold reserves in the last ten years. It’s gone from about 600 tons to over 1800 tons of physical gold, and is moving very quickly towards 2,000 tons. That’s an enormous amount of gold. 
China is also amassing physical gold at an astounding rate. Like Russia, it has tripled its gold reserves, officially from 600 tons to 1,800 tons. 
But we have very good reason to believe China actually has a lot more gold than that. 
China might actually own up to 4,000 tons of physical gold. We don’t know the exact number because China is highly secretive about its gold acquisitions. But that’s a reasonable estimate. China is also the world’s largest gold producer with mining output of about 450 tons per year. 
I’ve warned the Pentagon and the Treasury Department about this threat for years. 
But the message has yet to sink in. 
The U.S. is still unprepared for this coming strategic alternative to dollar dominance. 
But right now gold mining output is flat, western central bank sales of gold have ceased, and acquisition of gold by the Axis is increasing. 
With limited output, limited western sales, and huge eastern purchases, it’s only a matter of time before a link in the physical gold delivery chain snaps and a full-scale buying panic erupts. Then the price of gold will soar regardless of paper gold manipulations. 
Meanwhile, Fed tightening combined with weak growth will push the U.S. economy to the brink of recession later this year.
DYI:  Fed tightening is a blunt instrument not the fine tuning economic mechanism our central banker’s having come to believe.  Most likely event to occur is whether this will produce a mild or harsh recession depending on how long until the Fed’s recognizes the on going recession and begins lowering interest rates aggressively.  
That will cause the Fed to reverse course and pause in their path of rate hikes. The pause will come possibly in September, and almost certainly by December. 
The perception of the Fed flipping from tightening to ease will remove a major headwind to higher gold prices and create a tailwind.
DYI:  Very possible and the most probable scenario for a jump up in the price of gold and other precious metals when the Fed’s drop rates below current inflation [negative interest rates].  This will put the Fed’s back on the path to debasing the currency [inflation] thus taking more and more dollars to purchase precious metals and especially gold.

So….How do we measure between stocks and gold?  The Dow/Gold Ratio is an excellent tool and can be seen in graph form.  See below.
 Image result for dow gold ratio chart pictures
Current Dow/Gold Ratio 5-28-18 is 19 to 1
At 19 to 1 current Dow/Gold Ratio [5-28-18] has precious metals [as measured by gold] slightly below fair value.  DYI’s averaging formula has precious metals mining companies weighted at 29%.  Each asset category [excluding cash] depending on valuation moves from 0% to 50%.  At 29% just a bit undervalued as compared to the long term Dow/Gold Ratio [16 to 1] average for gold.
Updated Monthly


Active Allocation Bands (excluding cash) 0% to 50%
64% - Cash -Short Term Bond Index - VBIRX
29% -Gold- Precious Metals & Mining - VGPMX
 7% -Lt. Bonds- Long Term Bond Index - VBLTX
 0% -Stocks- Total Stock Market Index - VTSAX
[See Disclaimer]

 This blog site is not a registered financial advisor, broker or securities dealer and The Dividend Yield Investor is not responsible for what you do with your money.
This site strives for the highest standards of accuracy; however ERRORS AND OMISSIONS ARE ACCEPTED!
The Dividend Yield Investor is a blog site for entertainment and educational purposes ONLY.
The Dividend Yield Investor shall not be held liable for any loss and/or damages from the information herein.
Use this site at your own risk.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

DYI: Top notch video describing in detail how governments including ours [using our hard earned tax dollars] to propagandize other countries AND our American Citizens.  Below are a few excerpts from BitChute’s [you won’t have a video like this on YouTube due to censorship!] comment section that I found to be intriguing and insightful.
This is well presented thank you! My thanks is due to the fact this will be one of the things i can present to my wife which will help her understand what I'm fighting for.
DYI: Not only for spouses but for others who would be receptive to a very high quality professional video and long enough to highlight our current condition and short enough not to leave the viewer confused.
I do have this creeping realization that within 10 years, a Gmail account will be mandatory, or at least they'll make public services very difficult without one. Of course, other email accounts will be available, and they'll push this, but for certain government linked services...
That fat asshole is not the "creator", he's a front - CIA, NSA, MIC and the rest of alphabet soup agencies created social media for a purpose. We need to be very careful which platforms we use or they will be used against us.
DYI: No doubt about it these are creations of the Deep State in support of our Shadow Government.  The likes of Google [yes my blog is on Google] Face Book and infrastructure Microsoft & Apple.  All designed to spy on the world….Such lofty goals.  Yes it has help business  along with profits for the Deep State but that was the gravy, the potatoes and meatloaf the Shadow Government needs to stay in control.
Good video but i don't agree with the proposed solution to just turn off the computer, after all this is a war and the minds of the people is the battleground and youtube, facebook, twitter etc. is where the people are, that's why even though bitchute, steemit and [DYI:] are good alternatives, they could also be double edged swords since they are basically a form of voluntary exile that attracts like minded people, which is a bad thing since the intended purpose is to reach new people and to spread the message, what Corbett is saying is we should retreat from the battleground even though saying the truth or just stating one's doubt or opinion is highly effective, I read somewhere that all it takes for an idea to spread is that something like 30% of the people believe in it. 
We should also not forget that that it is a sign of weakness that the military is putting so much effort lately to silence the truth, or spread confusion.
DYI: I left the best comment for last; it just says it all, if the military has to try this hard to convince the public of their entire excursions world wide then their narrative is falling apart.  We have troops stationed all over the world and any thinking American will tell you is nothing more than world domination.  Sounds great until the bill comes in the mail and you pay for this nonsense with decade after decade of declining standard of living until the middle class is no longer.

Military Industrial Complex
America’s Declining Living Standard  

Attacking Russia Would Become "Military Nightmare", Swedish Paper Warns

The Swedish daily newspaper Svenska Dagbladet (SvD), recently examined the most difficult countries in the world to invade, which includes Russia, Switzerland, and New Zealand. The paper said an invasion of Russia would become a “military nightmare” for foreign armed forces. While SvD did not define who precisely that enemy would be, our suspicions point to the countries intertwined with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
Image result for Common Invasion Routes Into Russia  map pictures

DYI:  Attacking Russia with conventional forces today as those who have many times before all have been repelled. Many invaders such as Napoleon with a total loss of his army; Hitler didn’t succumb to that fate. Russian topography and vast size requires massive size armies 50 million plus [even with today's technology] to conquer the Motherland of Europe/Asia.  This would require a draft here and in Europe for an Army of 50 million.  Neither Europeans nor American citizens would go along with this nonsense and since 911 they are far less swayed by propaganda events.


What is all of this Russia, Russia, and more Russian talk? Nothing more than the deep state aligned with the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) to gin up another cold war with Russia to push for all types military hardware sales.  As the war on terror stagnates so does weapon sales so America needs a new/old enemy with Russia and throw in the Chinese as well the MIC will be making money hand over fist while the American taxpayer shells out the dollars along with a declining living standard.
Not Ready for Primetime! 
“Despite their potential to make our roads safer in the long run, consumers have high expectations for safety,” Greg Brannon, AAA’s director of automotive engineering and industry relations, said in a statement. “Our results show that any incident involving an autonomous vehicle is likely to shake consumer trust, which is a critical component to the widespread acceptance of autonomous vehicles.”
DYI:  Driverless cars or small buses will first be used within closed circuit courses that have low traffic density and much lower speed such as Universities, Colleges, hospitals, military bases etc.  This will be a live testing site in order to work the bugs out until moving up to larger buses such as those used in metropolitan cities.  This will not be revolutionary it will be evolutionary moving one step at a time in complexity and safety.  Once driverless vehicles are perceived as substantially safer than with a driver; only then will the growth phase kick into high gear for retail ownership and rental companies.  So far I’ve not come across any institution with working driverless vehicles until that happens these companies are still in the prototype experimental stage.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Mama Mia!
That’s a lot of
Margin Debt!
NYSE Investor Credit

DYI:  Just eye balling the level of margin debt and no telling how many market participants have borrowed money from other sources to purchase stocks.  When the bubble intersects with the pin the balloon world wide central bankers have inflated will let out with one gigantic fart [OK I said it, one big stinky fart] stocks will decline over many months 60% to 75%.  Think this without president?  Stocks declined from 1966 to 1981 a cumulative return of negative 10%!  Or from 1929 to 1932 for a cumulative return of negative 80%!  When the next recession hits I’m anticipating negative interest rates with a high probability of 5 year or less T-notes with negative yields.  A lower possibility, if this turns into a deflationary smash, then 10 year T-bonds will go negative.

Bottom line:  This is an awful time to purchase stocks!

Meet The Los Angeles Firefighter Who Earned $300,000 In Overtime...By Working More Hours Than There Are In A Year

Firefighter Donn Thompson of Los Angeles earned some $300,000 in overtime in 2017, aside from his $92,000 salary. If that sounds like a lot of money in overtime, it is. In fact, as Transparent California reports, Thompson has pulled down $1 million in overtime since 2013. Eric Boehm of explains:
Here's how the math breaks down. Thompson, like all firefighters in Los Angeles, works 2,912 hours every year. With a base salary of $92,000, that comes to an hourly rate of $31.60. That means Thompson would earn overtime pay at a rate of $47.40 per hour—that's one and a half times the base rate. But earning $302,000 at a rate of $47.40 per hour would require working more than 6,370 hours. 
Add that to the 2,912 hours he worked as a salaried employee, and you get more than 9,280 hours worked, despite the fact that there are only 8,760 hours in a year.
 This is what happens when a state is governed by unions, as California is: California unions elect public officials, who then sign rich contracts with the unions, who then elect public officials. The cycle creates debt and serious safety problems as well — if public employee unions strike, that’s a disaster area. We can love our firefighters, but these deals are destroying localities.

DYI:  This goes far deeper than public unions running the State of California – and many other States – it is institutionalizing FRAUD.  And it is not just among firefighters pulling these capers it is police and sheriff officers and school teachers.  Ever wonder why these three professions work diligently in convincing the American public they are akin to sainthood and Mom’s apple pie with a bit of flag waving thrown in as well?  When you have an overblown pay and benefits significantly greater than the general tax paying public as a group you better bill yourselves something akin to sainthood to deflect public scrutiny and examination.  

Mathematics and the economy are a self correcting mechanism these pensions are nothing more than house of cards Ponzi schemes and when the next recession hits we will see other round of city bankruptcies.  I see zero reform occurring politically unless motivated by outright bankruptcy.
European Markets

The First Signs of Financial Contagion Spread out from Italy

It is now almost certain that the next Italian government will be composed of a coalition of the two least EU-sympathetic parties in Italian politics, the northern league (Lega Nord) and the 5-star movement (M5S). 
Yet despite this, the single currency is trading at 1.1825 against the US Dollar at the time of writing - back up above the key 1.1800 level. Against Sterling, it has risen to 0.8750, and versus the Yen to 131.20. Although it is down versus SEK, NOK and AUD, it is firmly higher versus the majors - surprising considering the new Italian government poses the greatest threat to the integrity of the Eurozone since the Macron-Le Pen presidential election.
 The coalition's economic policies are radical: they want to cut taxes and raise public spending bringing an end to the economics of 'austerity'. 
The poorest in society will receive a basic income of 780 Euros a month. An extra 2bn Euros will be invested in job centres. Pension rules will be relaxed and free childcare provided to help working parents. 
On the tax front it wants to lower the basic rate of tax to 15% and simplify the system into just two tiers of 15%, and 20% for higher earners. It wants to increase the tax-free allowance for families by 3,000 Euros, scrap a controversial new VAT law, and reduce or eliminate duty on petrol and electronic cigarettes. 
Lower taxes and higher spending will probably increase the Italian budget deficit to above the 3.0% limit tolerated by the EU, however, the coalition is not concerned about this as it believes the EU should reform its fiscal rules to make them more socially-orientated.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Credit Card Delinquencies Spike Past Financial-Crisis Peak at the 4,788 Smaller US Banks

These large banks have been offering appealing incentives to consumers for years, and they’ve been going after consumers with the higher credit ratings, and they’ve been following good underwriting practices – having not yet forgotten the lesson from the last debacle – and this conservative approach is now helping to keep losses down. 
But the thousands of smaller banks couldn’t compete with those offers, and so they got deeply into subprime cloaked in sloppy underwriting. This way, they were able to reel in new credit-card customers that the big banks didn’t want, and those customers needed the money and charged up their new cards in no time, and the interest rates of 25% or 30% looked good on the banks’ income statement and helped maximize executive bonuses, yes even at smaller banks. 
But turns out, those banks had reeled in the most fragile customers and had eagerly doused them in irresponsible levels of debt at usurious interest rates – and now what? These customers won’t ever be able to pay off the balances or even pay the interest. For many of them, there’s only one way out. This caused the delinquency rate to spike from 3.81% to 5.90% in just three quarters.
But the surge in charge-offs at these banks points at something fundamental: Credit problems at the margin. 
The consumer spending binge in recent years has been funded not by surging incomes at the lower 60% of the wage scale, where real wage stagnation has reigned, but by borrowing – particularly via credit cards and auto loans. 
Both of them have turned sour at the margins. And these are still the best of times.

Monday, May 21, 2018

There seems to be a lot of misinformation being peddled on the internet about gold and bitcoin.  One major misconception is the notion that bitcoin will replace gold as a monetary instrument.  Some analysts, once stanch precious metals advocates now turned crypto aficionados, believe in such theories that there is too much gold in the world to be used as money or that it is now just a barbarous relic.  Just a year or so ago, these same supposed analysts were criticizing the Mainstream media financial network talking heads for calling gold as a barbarous relic, but now have jumped on the bandwagon. 
Well, in one small way, who can blame them.  It has been frustrating holding onto gold and silver patiently waiting for their inevitable rise.  So, when Bitcoin and the crypto prices moved up exponentially last year, promising investors vast riches in the future, it was easy for many to drop the precious metals and move into the crypto market.  The mindset today is to make lots of money doing nothing.  Thus, it’s not surprising to see many fall into this delusion and way of thinking.
DYI:  What the author is highlighting are not investors but speculating performance chasers.  Ask why these folks are buying Bitcoin the main 1# reason is – drum roll please – the price is going up.  Simply put they are performance chasers who jump on the bandwagon expecting to sell before the crash.  This of course can happen and will happen to all asset categories through out history as exemplified today with  stocks and long term bonds at nose bleed levels creating poor returns going forward.  DYI is a value driven historical compounding blog slowly increasing or decreasing our allocation as valuations change higher or lower than their respective mean [average].

 Updated Monthly


Active Allocation Bands (excluding cash) 0% to 60%
64% - Cash -Short Term Bond Index - VBIRX
29% -Gold- Precious Metals & Mining - VGPMX
 7% -Lt. Bonds- Long Term Bond Index - VBLTX
 0% -Stocks- Total Stock Market Index - VTSAX
[See Disclaimer]

 This blog site is not a registered financial advisor, broker or securities dealer and The Dividend Yield Investor is not responsible for what you do with your money.
This site strives for the highest standards of accuracy; however ERRORS AND OMISSIONS ARE ACCEPTED!
The Dividend Yield Investor is a blog site for entertainment and educational purposes ONLY.
The Dividend Yield Investor shall not be held liable for any loss and/or damages from the information herein.
Use this site at your own risk.

The main stream media does not report real events; it subsists to entertain or titillate and propagandize the masses as diversions from real events and their consequences.

16 Year-Old Female Stabs Uber Driver to Death…For No Apparent Reason

DYI:  Alex Scott is a 25 year veteran police officer with 15 of those years as a general detective of a large metropolitan city.  He uses his skills as a detective to expose the main stream press in their incessant barrage of phony news stories.  Within the body of the text Alex ably describes how this is a faked news story.  Once you’ve caught on to the multitude of main stream media’s bogus stories; the next question that immediately arises is WHY!  Below is an excerpt from his article explaining many of the agendas pushing these hoaxed staged events.  His web site is an excellent “go to one stop shop” exposing these counterfeit news stories.  Hence the name of web site: 
When presented with an alternative explanation such as presented in this article people will invariably ask, “Why would they stage something like that?” Usually, there are many reasons and we don’t always know all those reasons. What we can be sure of is that the powers that be have to keep us in a constant state of fear. That element is first and foremost in any false flag, hoax or staged event. I believe the [faked] murder of Grant Nelson pushes several agendas. 
The most obvious of these is mental illness, which I highlighted earlier in this article. It is especially important for the power structure to label young people with some sort of mental deficiency in order to get them addicted to highly toxic psychotropic medicine. Once they have done this they can later take away their ability to own and purchase firearms, which is still high on their agenda.  Mental illness is also a cash cow for both the pharmaceutical industry and the mental health profession in general. At the end of the day it all comes down to money. 
Another possible motive for staging such an event is to subconsciously plant the idea that a person does not want to use Uber, Lyft or any other online transportation services. They want us to think of such services as being dangerous and risky. Instead, they want us using their government-owned mass transportation. 
Several states are looking into, and others have already passed, legislation that provides for rapid transportation and/or light rail services. This is all a part of the United Nations Agenda 21 program and sustainable development. Eventually, they want every American utilizing their transportation systems. Automobiles will be a thing of the past and we will no longer be permitted to own them. I know that for those not familiar with these programs that it sounds absolutely unbelievable. I encourage you, however, to do a little research. A great place to start is by going to the following website run by Deborah Tavares. I think you’ll be astounded.  
Ending on a positive note, more and more people are waking up to these fake stories every day. And the more people who wake up the less control they have over us. It pisses them off…and I’m okay with that.

DYI:  There is also one other explanation as to why the main stream media is pushing these counterfeit stories; just as my headline states:

The main stream media does not report real events; it subsists to entertain or titillate and propagandize the masses as diversions from real events and their consequences.

If it bleeds it leads….
Alex Scott handles the propagandizing skillfully however just as important is main stream press method of delivering product to push for ratings and those ever present advertising dollars.  Simply put by entertaining and titillating the public their ratings will be sustained.  The easiest and far less costly way is through staged, scripted, events and acted out by low cost crises actors.  With heavy use of blue and green screen technology in order to reduce or in some cases eliminate travel expenses for their reporters.  Always remember these major companies are businesses and thus push the revenues and slash the expenses.  Also reporters whether main stream or not are under no legal obligation to tell the truth only excepted by cases of slander.  Since these are hoaxed events all portrayed by actors there obviously is no case of slander [they’re all part of the hoax].  The main stream press has simply morphed over the decades into nothing more than story tellers pumping out endless staged, and faked hoaxed events.

More to come…..