Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Why the Government Teaches it’s Populous not to Steal?
They Hate the Competition!

Historically, the government will seize gold when it’s the most valuable, during times when its fiat currency has become utterly devalued. When President Roosevelt made ownership of gold bullions illegal in 1933, the move was preceded by the boom of the Roaring Twenties, then the crash of 1929. Although Roosevelt didn’t call it gold confiscation; he preferred the term “gold hoarding.” 
By the 1930s, the US government was facing its most severe financial crisis, and it needed gold (something of value), to stimulate the economy that was running on the fumes of fiat currency. So, it took people’s gold. It was as simple as that. Non-compliance was threatened with severe punishment. 
Since the US dollar is no longer backed by any amount of gold, why would the government want to confiscate it these days? The government is keeping afloat by printing as much fiat currency as it can. The more it prints, the less valuable the dollar becomes, while gold concurrently rises in value. A desperate government might very well begin to eye private gold as the solution to its problems. 
With the “everything bubble” only getting bigger and bigger, will the U.S government want gold to be under its control or under the control of its citizens?
 DYI: Not this time around; for those individuals who own physical gold and silver will not buy into this nonsense of voluntarily complying with a new law mandating gold confiscation as this community is way too savvy for this outright thievery.  The Fed’s in one form or another will have to get heavy handed in order to force compliance that could very well backfire creating a rebellion.  As more and more Americans begin to wake up [rejecting the propaganda] at least gold/silver confiscation becomes less and less of a probability.      


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