Wednesday, February 28, 2018


This Is What Life Without Retirement Savings Looks Like

Many seniors are stuck with lives of never-ending work—a fate that could befall millions in the coming decades.

More and more older people are finding themselves in a similar situation as Baby Boomers reach retirement age without enough savings and as housing costs and medical expenses rise; for instance, a woman in her 80s is paying on average $8,400 in out-of-pocket medical expenses each year, even if she’s covered by Medicare. Many people reaching retirement age don’t have the pensions that lots of workers in previous generations did, and often have not put enough money into their 401(k)s to live off of; the median savings in a 401(k) plan for people between the ages of 55 and 64 is currently just $15,000, according to the National Institute on Retirement Security, a nonprofit. Other workers did not have access to a retirement plan through their employer. 
The retirement-savings system in the United States has three pillars: Social Security, employer-sponsored pensions or retirement-savings plans, and individual savings. But with the rise of less stable jobs and the decline of pensions, a larger share of older Americans are relying only on Social Security, without either of the two other pillars to contribute to their finances. This by definition means they have less money than they did when they were working: Social Security replaces only about 40 percent of an average wage earner’s income when they retire, while financial advisors say that retirees need at least 70 percent of their pre-retirement earnings to live comfortably.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Why Buffett Pulled Back: Companies Overvalued after “Purchasing Frenzy” Fueled by “Cheap Debt”

Warren Buffett explains in his annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders why he made only one large deal in 2017 (the 38.6% stake in Pilot Flying J) though his investment vehicle is sitting on a huge pile of cash, and why it will continue to sit on this pile of cash, rather than invest it. This “recent drought of acquisitions,” as he says, came down to this: Companies are overvalued. 
Buffett goes through it step by step. One of the four “key qualities” for acquiring stand-alone businesses is a “sensible purchase price,” he said:
That last requirement proved a barrier to virtually all deals we reviewed in 2017, as prices for decent, but far from spectacular, businesses hit an all-time high. Indeed, price seemed almost irrelevant to an army of optimistic purchasers.

Market Valuation and Actual Subsequent 10-Year Total Returns

Points of ‘secular’ undervaluation such as 1922, 1932, 1949, 1974 and 1982 typically occurred about 50% below historical mean valuations, and were associated with subsequent 10-year nominal total returns approaching 20% annually. By contrast, valuations similar to 1929, 1965 and 2000 were followed by weak or negative total returns over the following decade. That’s the range where we find ourselves today. Of course, we also won’t be surprised if the S&P 500 ends up posting weak or negative total returns in the 2007-2017 decade, which would require nothing but a run-of-the-mill bear market over the next couple of years. - John Hussman
DYI:  The U.S. stock market is significantly overvalued at price levels in relation to sales, earnings, or dividends will produce going forward – stock held or purchased today; go to sleep like Rip Van Winkle waking in 10 to 12 years – returns that will be negative.  That is before and then on top of any fees, commissions, trading impact costs, taxes, and the ever present inflation.  To say the least this is a dreadful time period to purchase stocks in this environment of extreme overvaluation.

Monday, February 26, 2018


HUGE VIDEO EVIDENCE: MUST WATCH David Hogg, Son of FBI agent caught on video “interviewing” student about shooting 4 HOURS ahead of Actual Shooting

DYI:  The war of the elites is about to viral as the old guard CIA FBI outs the upstart’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) over who controls America.  At this juncture “Our enemy of our enemy is our temporary friend” as the old guard elites out the upstarts even at the peril of destroying the main stream press.  The Battle of the Titans is in play as the CIA FBI is out to end the existence of DHS.

So three cheers for the CIA and FBI hopefully they will be successful once completed we will be enemies once again and then the American public will put an end to the CIA and FBI.  That will signal the beginning of restoring the Republic!

 More to come!
Fake Shootings
[No one died; no one shot]
Are for Gun Sales
Not Gun Control!

Florida Gun Show sees 'record number' of attendees despite gun control debate

The manager for the Florida Gun Show, George Fernandez, says they've never seen such a big crowd.
What it looks like to me is happening is that DHS ran this event so that they can install body scanners in schools, making a huge profit. Also to keep to gun sales high. We are told these events are run to destroy the 2nd Amendment, but that is misdirection. The truth is just the opposite: they aren't pushing gun control, they are pushing gun sales. They own these companies, and profit mightily from that as well.

$700 Billion
WASHINGTON (AP) -- It's the biggest budget the Pentagon has ever seen: $700 billion. That's far more in defense spending than America's two nearest competitors, China and Russia, and will mean the military can foot the bill for thousands more troops, more training, more ships and a lot else. 
The budget bill that President Donald Trump signed Friday includes huge spending increases for the military: The Pentagon will get $94 billion more this budget year than last -- a 15.5 percent jump. It's the biggest year-over-year windfall since the budget soared by 26.6 percent, from $345 billion in 2002 to $437 billion the year after, when the nation was fighting in Afghanistan, invading Iraq and expanding national defense after the 9/11 attacks.
DYI:  I’m pleasantly surprised by the Associated Press own admission [AP & Washington Post mouthpieces for the CIA] in its first paragraph the Pentagon’s gargantuan budget.  How much of it will be out right stolen labeled in accounting speak as unaccounted funds is anyone’s guess?  If recent history is any sort of guide it will not be small.  Professor Mark Skidmore who specializes in public finance from Michigan State University along with a bevy of grad students looked into Housing Urban & Development (HUD) and the Department of Defense (DOD); the last 20 years could not account for $21 trillion dollars.  That’s not a typo.  $21 trillion!

The next paragraph right at the end the AP is back on message by spewing the propaganda of the 911 attacks.  As a nation we were never attacked by a foreign power.  First there were no planes…But…But…But “I saw them on TeeVee!”  And that is the only place they could be viewed.  Nothing more than Computer Generated Images or using shorthand you were CGI’ed!  The second plane being absorbed into the building then with the nose cone – that is made out of PLASTIC – coming out the other side is preposterous.  An airliner is made predominantly out of aluminum.  To put it bluntly; you are flying in aluminum beer can.  Upon impact with the steel building the airliner would have shattered dropping at the base of the towers killing everyone on board along with unknown numbers of pedestrians.

If the same level of propaganda is delivered without killing people why deal with the mess?

That is correct; why deal with all of the mess.  Killing people for real is messy as all types of legal proceedings come into play bringing in a myriad of government agencies that will need to be controlled.  The most important point when carry out propaganda psychological operations those chosen to carry out the mission will go along with it – [you don’t have to rely upon undependable and unpredictable psychopaths] – for a warped sense of patriotism or money; for no one was killed or injured.

Second the twin towers were empty.  That’s right empty! No bodies were found, no chairs, desks, computers, telephones, file cabinets, refrigerators, microwave ovens, toilets; all of the items in any high rise none were in the debris.  Also of note in   high rise buildings depending on size have 7 to 10 thousand gallon water holding tanks every third or fourth floor those were not present except those necessary to service the 44th observation floor and the two top floors; observation and restaurant.  The rest of the buildings [twin towers only] were empty from day one.  No floors, just an empty shell.

Main stream media:
Does not report real events, it subsists to entertain or titillate and propagandize the masses as diversions from real events and their consequences.

New York City cops under orders to clear the World Trade Center buildings [other 5 buildings] of personnel along with highly incentivizing civilians to flee in any of the nearby buildings.  Along with creating a perimeter allowing citizens to leave but not enter.

The holes in the buildings were pre-cut at the right moment pulled inward, then smoke generators providing the scene – just as you would expect from a Hollywood production – all for the cameras tightly controlled by the main stream CIA press.

No one was waving from the buildings; no one jumping out of the buildings that was performed in a studio mixed in with CGI technology.  All told nothing more than Hollywood special effects on a grand scale. 

Modus Operandi:
A modus operandi (often shortened to M.O.) is someone’s habits of working, particularly in the context of business or criminal investigations, but also more generally.  It is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as method or mode of operating.

Fakery has been a main stay of our intelligence services from day one.  An example of this fakery going back to 1898 with the Maine heavy cruiser in Havana Harbor allegedly blow up by radical Cubans killing 258 of our sailors.  258 sailors died?  Not a chance another ship picks them up steamed back to one of many naval ports and then reassigned.  Did our naval intelligence even set mines to the ship and blow it?  I can’t even find one photo showing the ship sunk in the harbor.  Only newspaper artist renditions available [propaganda] of the staged event ginning up war fever; declared war on Spain; kicked Spain out of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Massive land grab based on total BS.

Fast forward to today’s FAKE SHOOTINGS.  The M.O. fits the bill.

 More to come!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Pants on Fire!

Signs to spot a liar:
  • Pupil dilation
  • Excessive hand gesturing or touching of face
  • Excessive or unnecessary details
  • Liars are more defensive
  • Pressing lips to avoid laughing
  • Maintains constant eye contact
  • Increased blinking or just stare
  • Change in tone or stammering

DYI:  Here is a video showing all of the basic signs of fabrication.

Florida Shooting Duping Delight


Saturday, February 24, 2018

If the same level of propaganda is delivered without killing people why deal with the mess?

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.  No matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong.

DYI:  Here is a short excerpt from a researcher of exceptional quality; a rare gem in a sea of lies:
Apparently, the masses have caught on enough that the media is now running major damage control. Yesterday David Hogg and his father went on Anderson Cooper’s show to oppose claims that he’s a crisis actor. 
The BBC [DYI: British Brainwashing Commission] also covered the interview, and linked to an article they published less than two weeks before the school shooting titled “The people who think mass shootings are staged”. The article is just more blackwashing and misdirection, referencing the fake conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and absurd theories about the illuminati, while also tying conspiracy theorists to the alt-right and white supremacists. 
But I view this all as a positive. 
The fact that they’re trying this hard means they’re scared more people are catching on.
DYI:  Sordid FAKE SHOOTINGS is unravelling as greater numbers of Americans are seeing through the propaganda [LIES]!  Moving into complete panic mode as MSM and the competing elites scramble to put a lid on the truth that ALL of these highly televised soap operas are totally FAKE; no one died; no one shot; no one injured [except for bruised elbows or knees “crises acting” can be brutal].  If this completely unravels the American public will be in no mood for the likes of DHS, FBI, and the 300 pound gorilla Central Intelligence Agency.

Restoring the Republic

Truth: – mass FAKED SHOOTINGS are nothing more than propaganda to deliver a political narrative to control the masses and engorge themselves with oversized profits from industries they own benefiting from these counterfeit dog and pony shows.

Justice: – the elites have the money of Gods.  In reality they are nothing more than common thieves; these need to be brought to justice, bringing a sense of righteousness to the American citizens.

American Way:
Restoring the Republic by slashing the size of the Federal government of biblical proportions; allowing our 50 sovereign states to once again wrestle from the chains of authoritarian tyranny to restore the American way of constitutional law. Bringing government to the breast’s of our citizens that will once again allow for democracy within our Republic to flourish.

The journey ahead begins with terminating three agencies that are impossible to reform:  Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency.  As the expression goes:  It is a good start!

More to come!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Clash of the
‘And she had actually said that over the phone that I needed to stick to the script’
DYI:  This is the clash of the Titans as the trillionaire family’s battle over who is going to control the U.S.  The old guard [I can only guess who they are] has control of the CIA and FBI; the competing families in control of Department of Homeland Security with all of the billionaires posturing between the two competing interests.  This is why this “revelation” is now on the main stream press who are caught between the two [I have zero sympathy for the MSM].  They are outing each other; this may escalate to the point of admitting that ALL of these mass shootings have been Department of Homeland (DHS) drills promoted as real slamming down hard the trillionaire team to the point that DHS is so defunded they exist in name only with the old guard remaining in control.

Who Will Buy All Those Trillions of US Treasury's???

As of the latest Treasury update showing federal debt as of Wednesday, February 15...federal debt jumped by an additional $50 billion from the previous day to $20.76 trillion.  This is an increase of $266 billion essentially since the most recent debt ceiling passage.  Of course, this isn't helping the debt to GDP ratio at 105%.
The chart below shows the annual change in GDP minus the annual federal deficit incurred.  Since 2008, the annual deficit spending has been far greater than the economic activity that deficit spending has produced.  The net difference is shown below from 1950 through estimated through 2025 based on 2.5% average annual GDP growth and $1.2 trillion annual deficits.  It is not a pretty picture and it isn't getting better. 
DYI:  The economy has run out gas when you take away its high octane debt boost all brought to by our – not so friendly – Federal Reserve with almost continuous QE.  Why did the Fed’s find it necessary to purchase so much government debt?  Simple here is the explanation from Econimica:
With the change to the Unified budget, effective as of 1969, the Social Security surplus was "unified" into the federal budget.  
 The government gave themselves a ready buyer for US debt while simultaneously allowing the SS surplus to be spent in "the present". 
Congressionally mandated to buy US debt, from 1970 to 2008, the Intra-Governmental Holdings (over half from the Social Security surplus) purchased over 45% of all federal debt issued.  This meant "only" 55% of US debt was auctioned into the market, or "marketable debt". 
But the annual SS surplus has declined by 90% (from over $200 billion a year at the peak in 2007 to perhaps $20 billion this year) and, according to the SS trust fund, the last surplus will be recorded in 2020 or 2021. 
After that (or essentially now), the Congressionally mandated buyer (which consumed almost half of all US federal debt for 4 decades) will cease.  Not only will the IG Holdings no longer be a buyer, they will need additional debt created to make good on those $2.9 trillion in SS "reserves"...and all the debt issued will be "marketable".
During the next economic downturn who will be the debt purchaser for our soaring deficits?  Our largest foreigner buyers have already scaled back due to ever increasing debt to GDP fearing either a debt default (unlikely) or monetization (highly likely).  Who else will purchase our chronic deficits whether during downturns or not [Social Security will be desperate for funds]?  Here is Econimica conclusion paragraph: 
This leaves the domestic public to purchase all the surging new issuance, plus the portion the Fed (and soon enough, the IG) is rolling off, and with little to no assistance from foreigners (even the possibility the strike turns into an outright selloff!?!).  The domestic public currently holds about $6 trillion in Treasury debt and will need to buy in excess of $1.5 trillion annually (indefinitely) between picking up the roll off and the new issuance.  If the public "willingly" do this at low interest rates, it will represent 7.5% of GDP going toward Treasury purchases that yield well below needed returns.  If the Public don't do this "willingly", interest rates will soar far more than shown above and the US will be overwhelmed by debt service.  The only other option is that the Federal Reserve makes a U-turn to re-start QE and openly engage in endless monetization.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


Florida Parkland School shooting survivor David Hogg is a fraud

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


US Treasury Posts Gigantic $1.16 Trillion Shortfall in Fiscal 2017, Hilariously Points out “Where We Are Headed”

Just add tax cuts and ballooning expenditures. The media chose to silence the report to death. 

 “Where We Are Headed”That $1.156 trillion in Net Operating Cost occurred in fiscal 2017. But these are the good times, the boom years, if you will, when shortfalls should shrink into oblivion. So what will happen to the shortfall when the economy slows down or goes into a recession? That was a rhetorical question.
 Is the Fed trying to send a message to Congress about all this? The chorus for four rate hikes is getting louder. But no one will be ready for those mortgage rates.
DYI:  U.S. interest rates as measured by DYI’s proxy the 10 year Treasury bond is currently at 2.88% below the long term average of 4.57%.  If rates normalize [4.57%] interest expense will explode by 60% moving  interest costs on Treasury Securities held by the public from 6% to 10%.

Add on a nasty recession our budget deficits will soar adding further to our national debt.  Of course during a severe downturn Treasury rates will drop precipitously holding off the run up of interest cost held by the public.  Once that recession plays itself out we are once again back to leaping interest costs as rates eventually normalize.

I don’t know where the tipping point where confidence is lost; my best guess when 25% of the Fed’s budget is chewed up by interest costs the dollar will accelerate its loss of purchasing power as dollar holders seek alternatives.

Ex-CIA Director Thinks US Hypocrisy About Election Meddling Is Hilarious

Take off the terrorist’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the revolutionary’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the Hollywood producer’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the billionaire tech plutocrat’s mask, and it’s the CIA. Take off the news man’s mask, and guess what? It’s the motherfucking CIA. 
CIA influence is everywhere. Anywhere anything is happening which could potentially interfere with the interests of America’s unelected power establishment, whether inside the US or outside, the depravedlying, torturingpropagandizingdrug traffickingcoup-stagingwarmongering CIA has its fingers in it.
 The US meddles constantly in other democracies, not “for a good cause” as Woolsey claims, but to advance the agendas of the loosely allied plutocrats, intelligence and defense agencies which comprise America’s permanent government. 
It does this not to improve or protect the lives of ordinary Americans, 
but to make the rich richer and the powerful more powerful, usually at the expense of the money, resources, homes, governments, livelihoods and lives of people in other countries. 
It does this with impunity and without hesitation.
 And now we are in the middle of a steadily escalating new cold war between two nuclear superpowers, all under the extremely flimsy pretense of punishing Russia for its alleged election meddling but really to cripple the Russia-China tandem and prevent the rise of a potential rival superpower. 
This is not cute. This is not funny. This is endangering the life of every terrestrial organism to advance the power-hungry geopolitical agendas of the US-centralized empire. Stop giggling, you fucking freaks. We see you.
DYI:  Wow!  Australian author Caitlin Johnstone lets it fly with a barrage of truth!  I’ve been saying the exact same thing for decades long before the opportunity [internet] to get the word out.

The CIA is not run by a bunch of James Bonds; over the decades has morphed into a criminal organization run by many with a warped sense of patriotism.  Simply put, the CIA along with their counterparts – FBI and the new thugs Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have to be closed.  They are corrupt from head to toe thus reform is impossible and besides these three organizations are not needed.  Our intelligence services of our military branches are more than suited to protect our nation from possible foreign invaders. 

FBI and DHS are nothing more than an arm of the CIA domestically operating as the secret police.  Our 50 states are sovereign NOT an underling of the Federal government.  These governments at the State and local level have their police and sheriff departments who are more than able to maintain peace to bring a sense of domestic tranquility to a majority of our citizens.
And now we are in the middle of a steadily escalating new cold war between two nuclear superpowers, all under the extremely flimsy pretense of punishing Russia for its alleged election meddling but really to cripple the Russia-China tandem and prevent the rise of a potential rival superpower.
DYI:  U.S. Empire together with what I call the Alliance [U.S., U.K., NATO, EU] have had their eyes for decades to break Russia apart to bring in their global natural resource corporations.  Attempting to shear off the Caucuses’, Lapland’s [northeast of St. Petersburg] and the grand prize lands east of the Ural Mountains all rich in natural resources – oil/gas, tin, copper, gold, silver, timber etc., and in the southern regions farming.  Nothing more than grand theft from the Russian people [Yes, I realize the Russian elites steal as well].

The Russian - Chinese get together despite their long cold history of mistrust is all based upon mutual need.  Or as the expression; “politics makes for strange bedfellows.”  Russia/China have and continue to purchase gold [and silver] at a fevers pace with the long term goal of trading natural resources priced in precious metals.  They will start off with a natural resource that is in abundance such as coal or timber then slowly move upwards to the more critical resources.  Eventually the grand prize is pricing oil/gas in gold.  Those countries that have 100% fiat currencies [U.S., U.K., EU,] will experience inflation as they have to print up more and more dollars to pay for oil/gas contracts priced in gold/silver in order to power their economies.

The game is afoot; let’s pray this doesn’t cause WWIII…