Monday, February 19, 2018


Couple who took in Cruz: ‘We had this monster living under our roof and we didn’t know’

Main stream media:
Does not report real events, it subsists to entertain or titillate and propagandize the masses as diversions from real events and their consequences.
DYI:  The hardest to grasp for the uninitiated is the breath and depth that the main stream media (MSM) is controlled by the CIA and our assorted intelligence services.  Everything you read (including school textbooks), hear as in radio, and see on TV (especially TV) is highly controlled by intelligence services.  How is this possible??  Consolidation!    
Related image
Image result for mainstream media ownership chart
Intelligence services only have to deal with 6 corporations to deliver propaganda – for whatever reason the elites and political class deems necessary for their profit and security.  This covers 85% to 90% of ALL media.  And by the way TV programs such as sitcoms, drama, etc. will have subtle [not like a pie thrown in your face] plants of propaganda to reinforce whatever narrative intelligence deems need of a boost.

Distract the public through the use of propaganda in order to conceal the true intention of the elites and/or political class.  This is what is happening today – and for the uninitiated this will seem insane – all are FAKED SHOOTINGS.  No one died; no one was shot; a total Hollywood production all brought to by a willing MSM and a bevy of low rent [I want to be in Hollywood] crises actors.

Propaganda by volume…

Have you ever wondered how in the world the main stream propagandist are able to “pump out” mammoth amount of product when these staged events occur all within a very short period of time?  Are there herculean teams working 20 hour days to bring you the latest updates?  Or is something afoot?  If you want to call me the tin foil hat conspiracy theorist nut job; then so be it.

Occam’s razor:
The term Ockham’s razor refers to the philosophical idea or scientific principal that of any given set of explanations for the event occurring, it is most likely that the simplest one is the correct one.

Green screens everywhere… 

William of Ockham (circa 1287–1347) was an English Franciscan friar claim to fame is his theory that by using a razor to shave away unnecessary assumptions; thus arriving at the simplest solution as the correct solution.

Simply put the main stream press has completed a majority of the interviews BEFORE the staged event occurred.  Green screens everywhere; with CNN as the worst player and easiest to catch [don’t get me wrong they all do it CNN just sucks at the propaganda game (thank God for that)].


Victim's mother: President Trump please do something!

This YouTube CNN video is a prime example – and yes easy to catch use of green screen technology.  Starting at the 28 second mark this so called grieving mother (crises actor) goes into her political rant.  Turn the sound off (this women is almost screaming) look at the people behind her.  Not once did they stop and look; hell not even a glance.  The simple solution is the correct solution as this was stored footage used as a backdrop our fictitious screaming mother standing in front of a green screen spouting her nonsense.  And yes this was prepared days if not weeks earlier.

Also of note: if you were a parent who just lost a child would you be able to do an interview?  A sudden loss of a child by means of senseless violence and a mother is spouting a political opinion?  Ever been around anyone who has lost a loved one suddenly?  What quickly follows is profound grief with the inability to communicate to anyone for days and their appetite drops to zero.

Staying with this video (though not a green screen event) at the 1:51 mark our CNN propagandist multi-tasks into crises actor duping sadness for our fictitious mother and does it so poorly Congressman Ted Deutch of Florida (being interviewed) almost breaks out into complete laughter over this complete farcical FAKE shooting staged event.  Freeze at the 2:16 mark; you be the judge!

Florida high school student interviewed classmates during shooting

CBS freeze at the 14 second mark clearly green screen as both these men look like cut outs.  The man on our right is an imposter (actor) who is portraying a high school senior.  Despite his youthful appearance I place his age between 25 to as high as 27.  He is very articulate and is well educated – so much so – he is right out of the playbook for our intelligence services.

Modus Operandi:
A modus operandi (often shortened to M.O.) is someone’s habits of working, particularly in the context of business or criminal investigations, but also more generally.  It is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as method or mode of operating.

Here is an excerpt that I wrote:
That is no teenager being interviewed in front of what is obviously a GREEN SCREEN!  I place his age between 25 to 27 years old most likely a rich kid who graduated from a top flight prep school [high school 40k to 60k per year] and then graduated from an Ivy League university who was recruited by one of our many intelligence services.  How do I know?  It is the typical Modus Operandi of our security services who are run by the elites for the elites.  My suspicion he is being groomed as a replacement for the ageing Anderson Cooper [he’s that good!].  And by the way this interview was most likely completed days if not weeks earlier hence the green screen technology.
At he 2:08 mark he states “We thought this was a drill” no it wasn’t a drill it is pure Hollywood staged propaganda to distract the masses from real events and to promote State terror conditioning the masses to be malleable of authoritarian rule.

2:20 to 2:23 David Hogg [whatever his real name is] states “once we saw the headlines we knew this was life or death.”  Exactly at the moment of shots being fired there are already headlines??  Good grief if David is going to replace the Pooper Scooper [(Anderson Cooper) he shovels manure]; better polish up your timeline story. 

Freeze at 3:04…Wait one month and run the names through the Social Security Death Index you will not find one match.  However as the corruption continues to run rampant our intelligence services (con artists & thugs) will plug that hole.  For the time being they have not.  I did a search for the FAKE Las Vegas shooting and not one match after 3 months.

At the 5:07 mark David expresses “there is solid chance for another mass shooting.”  You can bet your a$$ and it will be Hollywood with less than B crises actors (who will whore themselves for a few bucks) staging another FAKE SHOOTING in order to terrorize the unsuspecting and gullible public.

Freeze at 5:30…So typical of these propaganda photos the women has no tears despite this horrific event.  You will see this played out with zero tears over and over from video to video from one FAKE SHOOTING to the next.

At 5:57 what he would say to the President??  What I would say “Mr. President; stop with all of these FAKED SHOOTINGS we are on to your game!”  "Put an end to it now!"

 I could go on and on and on from one video to the next…

I know it is hard to imagine that almost everything you read, hear, or see is all pushed through our security services.  We live in a fascist nation and have since the early 1960’s.  This blogger is 63 years old and my name is Kenneth E. Royer – and that is my real name – living some where in the great State of Georgia – I’ve never seen this much propaganda being “pumped out” in my lifetime.  What are the elites setting us up besides a complete fascist state?  I don’t know.  Only guesses on my part such as world war, major 1930’s type economic collapse, world government?  Who knows? We need to put a stop to it by waking up more and more Americans to the point the numbers become great enough top flight leaders will emerge.  A civil war is coming; think more along the lines of the revolutionary war as we throw off our masters placing them into chains and restoring the Republic.  We are in a race against time as our fascist rulers clamp down on the last vestige of mass communication the internet.

Department Of Homeland Security Capstone Exercises & U.N. Drills...No one died...Just a drill...All for propaganda.

1) Sandy Hook School Shooting

2) Texas Sutherland Springs Church Shooting

3) Las Vegas Concert Shooting

4) Boston Marathon Bombing

5) Orlando Pulse Nightclub Shooting

6) Charleston Church Shooting

7) Manchester Concert Bombing

8) Times Square Car Attack

9) Waco Twin Peaks Biker Shooting

10) Alpine Texas School Shooting

11) Charlie Hebdo Shooting

12) Oslo Bombing and Shooting

13) Aurora Colorado Theatre Shooting

14) Virginia Live News Crew Shooting

15) Nice France Truck Attack

16) Istanbul Airport Bombing and Shooting

17) Paris France Mass Shooting

18) Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooting

19) Melbourne Australia Car Attack 

20) Lockhart Balloon Crash

21) N.Y. Central Park Bombing

22) Atlanta Olympic Bombing

23) San Antonio Rolling Oaks Mall Shooting

24) San Bernardino School Shooting

25) Cascade Mall Shooting

26) Berlin Truck Attack

27) San Diego Pool Shooting

28) U.K. Parliament Attack

29) Dallas Police Shooting

30) Israel Truck Attack

31) Chattanooga Bus Crash

32) Barcelona Van Attack

33) Los Angeles LAX Airport Shooting

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