Saturday, February 24, 2018

If the same level of propaganda is delivered without killing people why deal with the mess?

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.  No matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong.

DYI:  Here is a short excerpt from a researcher of exceptional quality; a rare gem in a sea of lies:
Apparently, the masses have caught on enough that the media is now running major damage control. Yesterday David Hogg and his father went on Anderson Cooper’s show to oppose claims that he’s a crisis actor. 
The BBC [DYI: British Brainwashing Commission] also covered the interview, and linked to an article they published less than two weeks before the school shooting titled “The people who think mass shootings are staged”. The article is just more blackwashing and misdirection, referencing the fake conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and absurd theories about the illuminati, while also tying conspiracy theorists to the alt-right and white supremacists. 
But I view this all as a positive. 
The fact that they’re trying this hard means they’re scared more people are catching on.
DYI:  Sordid FAKE SHOOTINGS is unravelling as greater numbers of Americans are seeing through the propaganda [LIES]!  Moving into complete panic mode as MSM and the competing elites scramble to put a lid on the truth that ALL of these highly televised soap operas are totally FAKE; no one died; no one shot; no one injured [except for bruised elbows or knees “crises acting” can be brutal].  If this completely unravels the American public will be in no mood for the likes of DHS, FBI, and the 300 pound gorilla Central Intelligence Agency.

Restoring the Republic

Truth: – mass FAKED SHOOTINGS are nothing more than propaganda to deliver a political narrative to control the masses and engorge themselves with oversized profits from industries they own benefiting from these counterfeit dog and pony shows.

Justice: – the elites have the money of Gods.  In reality they are nothing more than common thieves; these need to be brought to justice, bringing a sense of righteousness to the American citizens.

American Way:
Restoring the Republic by slashing the size of the Federal government of biblical proportions; allowing our 50 sovereign states to once again wrestle from the chains of authoritarian tyranny to restore the American way of constitutional law. Bringing government to the breast’s of our citizens that will once again allow for democracy within our Republic to flourish.

The journey ahead begins with terminating three agencies that are impossible to reform:  Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency.  As the expression goes:  It is a good start!

More to come!

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