Monday, November 27, 2017

You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
Abraham Lincoln


Main Stream Media at one time fooled a majority of the people all the time.  The false flag event of 1898 with the sinking of the U.S. Navy Armored Cruiser Maine in Havana Harbor Cuba was an inside job – just as 911.  The Hearst Publishing Empire ginned up the slogan “Remember the Maine” and before you can say “one, two, three,” war was declared against Spain kicking the Spaniards’ out of Cuba and Puerto Rico.  Propaganda at it best.  Everything worked for decades upon decades with the invention of movies, radio and the biggest propaganda machine TeeVee!  Even President Richard Nixon stated "The American people don't believe anything until they see it on television" And yep they faked the moon landings.  The gold medal standard of fake news but that was then today is now.

American’s Red Pill Moment!
911 is and continues to be – American’s awakening moment.  Instead of faking deaths you doubled down by killing 2,977 people not just Americans you proceeded to kill 372 foreign nationals from 61 countries thoroughly enraging the surviving relatives from around the world.

In your arrogance and over confidence – you screwed up royally – so bad the most gullible and naïveté questioned your 911 report based upon fantasy, lies, and omissions.  Then proceeded by name calling anyone who challenge these lies – CRAZY!  The elites had to parade their latest puppet president – President Bush Jr. – begging Americans not to listen to conspiracy theories and it worked…The vast majority of Americans never believed your conspiracy of Osama Bin Laden and the 19 hijackers gathering so much momentum today almost everyone knows it was an inside job by our own government in an effort to bill this event as another Pearl Harbor.  All to promote endless profiteering wars, in an area of the world the military wanted to stay out of – the Middle East.

Legacy Main Stream Media Death Spiral!
You parade on TeeVee your propaganda poster child Anderson “Pooper Scooper” Cooper an obvious CIA Vanderbilt rich sissy boy attempting to sell the American public your latest propaganda event.  You are fooling less and less Americans by the day.  So much so CNN is now the headliner of FAKE NEWS.  All of the legacy media is in a death spiral with ratings in the toilet plus as more Americans cutting the cable losing all of your media revenues.

The Coming Revolutionary War!
The elites are now doubling down with one fake shooting at a fast and furious pace.  All you are doing is waking up more and more Americans and you know it as many talking heads are showing their true colors angered that the sheep are no longer following the narrative.  In the elite’s anger and frustration IMHO you are planning to use force in order control and contain.  This will require massive numbers of boots on the ground – the U.S. Army.  Long ago your propaganda was so good you could always count on the military especially the Army.  Back then you were the masters of deception now you’ve become the dimwitted of propaganda.  The Army see’s right through you’re deception…They are tired of endless wars that have value only for the Military Industrial Complex using soldiers as cannon fodder profiteering.  In a nut shell…THEY HATE YOU…Every day, every month, every year this continues (war with North Korea?) the Army and the military in general is ever so close to OUTRIGHT REBELLION!

How this will exactly play out is anyone’s guess.  It is easily to see the upsurge in fake shootings – and a possible future real killing(s) – is swelling to a climax to formalize the country into a fascist constitutional shredding police state all for the benefit of the elites.  Terrible times are coming…The possibility of non violent redress is long past.  God help us and those of us who defend the Constitution!

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