Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Thinking out loud
Cuba & Venezuela
When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.
Frédéric Bastiat

Cuba has and continues to this day infiltrating Venezuela bringing about their version of utopian socialism – how to rip off financially an entire country.  But how did Cuba and Fidel Castro come about in the first place?  Before taking on old Fidel we need to go back down memory lane with the mysterious sinking of the U.S. Navy’s cruiser the Maine in 1898 – of course why would Spain allow a military vessel to port in Havana with so many other American ports close by?  In a nut shell the U.S. State Department was flexing their muscles just itching to kick Spain out of the Caribbean.  So…In order to gin up a war with Spain America needed provocation – justification within the European powers and most importantly the folks back home.
Image result for sailors deaths cruiser maine

False Flag – An event real or faked perpetrated on their own people orchestrated to blame a different group.

The U.S. blew up the Maine in Havana harbor on April 15, 1898 killing 258 of our sailors then ginned up yellow journalism [sound familiar?] with the battle cry of “Remember the Maine” with the United States declaring war against Spain on February 25, 1898 ending with the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. The U.S. Navy immediately established a naval base on Guantanamo Bay the far eastern side of Cuba.  Signing a lease for Guantanamo Bay in perpetuity (forever) on February 23, 1903.
Image result for Caribbean region map pictures
From 1898 on Spanish colonial rule ended and American colonial rule began.  Suffice to say anything of importance on the Cuban island is directed by the American government to this day!

Back to Fidel Castro – baseball player and aspiring actor

That’s right an actor who to this day has post on the Internet Movie Data Base or WWW.IMBD.Com.  Now how many committed communist future dictators having acting credits as an extra as late as 1946?  Plus tried out for the Washington Senators baseball team in 1951?   Straight from IMBD:
  •  Loved to play baseball, and while living in the United States, was invited to try out for the Washington Senators. He failed to make the cut, however, and went to law school instead. 
  • While attending The University of Havana in 1946, he worked as an extra in several Hollywood Films including "Holiday Inn Mexico" and "Easy To Wed' both starring Esther Williams.
And from Wikipedia:
  • Castro briefly practiced law; before he went on to marry Mirta Diaz-Balart, a wealthy philosophy student with family ties to Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista.  They had a son, Fidelito, but after 5 years, the couple divorce and went their separate ways.  [Married October 11, 1948 divorced in 1951 (month & date unknown)]
 So here we have is a rich kid who marries a rich girl tries his hand at acting as well as baseball as late as 1951.  And at the same time achieves a doctor degree in law?  Then has a complete revelation two years later with aspirations' to become the future communist dictator all at the tender age of 27!  Bull$hit!

September 18, 1947 The CIA is born

Since 1898 till now nothing of importance in Cuba happens without the sole consent and direction of the U.S. government.  Of course today it is the CIA working with industrialist elites who pull the strings in Cuba.  Fidel Castro was (deceased) an actor working the entire time for the CIA.  What they have done is rip off the wealth of the Cuban people for decades!  The first order of business for the CIA was either the takeover or domination of organized crime in America.  It is well known that organized crime primarily from Florida controlling all of the illicit activities in Cuba especially Havana.  Hence CIA/organized crime – Fidel Castro!

Skimming Operation

Corruption is inversely correlated to the size of government.  Larger the beast easier it is to skim.  Remember just before 911 Vice President Chaney was going to testify regarding the missing 2.3 Trillion dollars from the defense department?  This is the primary method elites who control government to line their pockets [not their only method they love monopolies and countries massively in debt paying their banks interest in perpetuity].  That is what has happened to Cuba with Venezuela on the road to 3rd world status.     

It is my contention what you witnessing in Venezuela is nothing more than Cuba part II!  Hugo Chavez rise to power all was engineered by the CIA thru electronic ballot box stuffing.  Chavez was never that popular only with the very poor and only during the beginning.  As with any socialist program(s) they work fantastic in the beginning extracting only small amount of wealth from the producers of society.  As they grew in size so does the wealth extraction from producers slowing done wealth creation not just for the producers but the country at large.  Simply making the poor, poorer, as producers join the ranks of beneficiaries of government programs – as looting is so much simpler and lucrative.  Of course Maduro has continued the same path as Chavez throwing off any contention that he was legitimately elected pushing for outright dictator status.  It is my contention both Chavez and Maduro are either CIA operatives or their hired stooges to effect looting by the elites.

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