Thursday, August 30, 2018

It is easier to forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

 Mike Buffington is co-publisher of Mainstreet Newspapers.
Why do people believe in crazy conspiracy ideas?
DYI:  For starters these ideas are not far fetched as they are vetted in logic based critical thinking.  Simply put main stream history simply doesn’t add up.  
That question popped up again recently when several people showed up at a Trump rally wearing T-shirts and carrying signs that had the letter “Q” on them. Turns out, Q is short for QAnon, an on-line conspiracy idea that somehow blends the ideas of an anti-Trump “deep-state,” Hollywood pedophiles, George Soros and various other whacky ideas into a pro-Trump rallying cry. 
That isn’t the first or last crazy conspiracy theory to surround modern American politics. In 2016, some people on Facebook circulated the nutty idea that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring out of a pizza joint in Washington D.C. That led one man to show up at the pizza place with a gun. 
And then there are the stupid conspiracy theories promoted by Alex Jones and others on the alt-right that the murder of children at Sandy Hook Elementary School wasn’t real; 
that the Parkland students in Florida who protested that school shooting were actors and not real students; that the Clintons have had a number of people murdered; that FEMA set up concentration camps under Obama to intern American citizens; 
and that 9-11 was an “inside job” done by Americans. 
Why does anyone believe that crazy stuff? 
Sandy Hook 

DYI:  For starters Mike Buffington when it comes to Sandy Hook and 9/11 you can count me in as a “conspiracy theorists.”  Let’s begin with Sandy Hook and look into the voluminous admission and omission any REAL investigating journalist would have immediately caught from day one and many others a few days later by asking the right questions.

I’m going to jump right in assuming the reader has some basic understanding of the event as delivered by the main stream press.

Adam Lanza age 20 was purported to have Asperger’s Syndrome [autism spectrum].  The police describing him as weighing a mere 112 pounds yet he was able to carry a Bushmaster .223 caliber rifle [8.27 lbs.] with an excess of 5 30 round ammunition magazines while wearing a 15 pound bullet proof vest shooting over 150 rounds with a kill ratio at 96%.  Only one alleged individual was wounded but not killed.  An extremely high kill rate even for a skilled marksman with combat experience and yet was accomplished by a 20 year old weighing 112 pounds with a form of autism.  This so called fact reported to the point of being nauseating, by the main stream press, stretches the believability of this story from day one!

Within 11 minutes 18 children and 6 teachers were declared dead that is an astoundingly fast declaration of death.

As stated by the Connecticut State Attorney his .22 caliber rifle use to shoot and kill his mother had zero fingerprints.

The very same day, the exact same location, mimicking a disaster scenario that happened at Sandy Hook called “Planning for Needs of Children in Disasters” sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) drill number L-366.  This fact alone would have a REAL journalist jumping out of their chair and begin interviewing individuals from these two agencies.  A major red flag!

The main stream press reported that Adam Lanza [the shooter] was the son of a Sandy Hook kindergarten teacher.  It was well known that Nancy Lanza was never a kindergarten teacher nor did Adam Lanza have any PROVEN connection to Sandy Hook School!

Trauma helicopters [Life Star, Inc.] were NEVER called a standard operating procedure.  Having the chopper on standby, engine running with all preflight accomplished the pilot and EMT crew could be there in a moments notice.  My God a few dollars for the crew and a few gallons of kerosene when there are children evolved a major oversight or is there something more nefarious??  And there is!  The EMT’s were NOT allowed inside the school, their ambulances and crews were HELD BACK at the nearby fire station!  Hell they could have been held back in the Great State of Hawaii it would have been just as effective.  The ground commander rounds up as many cops as possible and storm the school with the EMT’s only a few steps behind.  This is an outrage of biblical proportions!

At least one emergency event was taken care of!  There were at least a dozen portable toilets just in case someone needed to do a number one or two.  At least that crisis was adverted.  And why were they there in the first place, when were they ordered, and by whom??

The Coroner Dr. Wayne Carver while describing the scene at Sandy Hook during a press conference a police officer behind and to his left was seen laughing at least five times.  And Dr. Carver apparently thought describing Sandy Hook was as just as funny as he laughed a couple of times himself.  And our laughing cop [low rent 3rd rate CRISES ACTOR] gets around as he was at Douglas High School shooting as well.  At least he wasn’t laughing just smiling from ear to ear.

That day December 14, 2012 weather was a brisk 26 degree day and yet there was no steam being generated from the boilers to heat the school.  Plus there had been zero internet activity at the school from 2008 up to and including December 14, 2012!  And it just gets better and better Mike Buffington as the school itself was not in ADA compliance and had hazardous ASBESTOS all though out the school and had been closed since 2008!

School safety expert, Paul Preston, was informed and confirmed through several contacts at the Department of Education that Sandy Hook was a Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency Integrated Capstone DRILL!

The FBI’s crime statistics for Newton Connecticut [Sandy Hook] for those who died by nefarious means [murder] was ZERO for the entire 2012 year!  And yet the FBI field report of the shooting is redacted and now is deemed “classified??”  On what basis would this be classified within the realm of national security?  What was Adam Lanza a 112 pound super soldier willing to kill, and at an astonishing 96% kill rate thus the report is now deemed “classified?”  A real journalist Mike Buffington would smell the stink of bull crap a mile away!  But not you! All you do is attempt to connect CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS with wing nut crazies thus stopping CONCERNED citizens from asking informed logical questions of our government!  Why is that?

Charity Fraud!

Facebook tribute page for alleged slain Victoria Soto was created four days before the shooting.  Makes me want to go to taro card reader and see what’s in my future.

United Way Sandy Hook School Support Fund web page created three days before the shooting within a few days received donations in excess of 8 million dollars from unsuspecting and well meaning but gullible Americans. another donation site for the families of Newtown was set up four days before the event.

A Victims Fund for Sandy Hook set up the day before.

Go Fund Me [Go Fraud Me] accounts set up the day of the fake as hell shooting by Mr. Juarez.  Along with Emile Parker’s donation site established the same day as well.

“I hope the people of Newtown don’t have a crash on their heads later.”  Dr. Wayne Carver [if he really is a coroner or a mere actor] what does he know and why would something like this crash on their heads?  Massive charity fraud just might put a few dozen or so folks in prison for starters!

I could go on and on for another 5,000 plus words showing all of the errors, omissions, and flat out lies by our government and parroted by the propaganda spewing main stream press.     
Though it’s very sad - it is true and it's not the first time our government has lied. To tell the truth I don't know what's worse. Knowing some people in government got away with this or the outrageous number of naive people who are totally unaware of what's going on. It is easier to forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. People who fear government produces tyranny.... government who fear the people Liberty will flourish.

Call me a conspiracy theorist; call me a Truther; I don't follow sheep; I'm just a simple man with eyes of his own and I call it as I see it. 

With a little common sense one has to understand that something else was at play on September 11th. Concerning all the insults you can hurl; the blame is on naive people who believe the official story. 

As an American is it not my right and duty to ask questions? 

Why does CNN report Building 7's collapse even before it collapsed? 

Then maybe we shouldn't ask any questions at all. 

In 1967 the CIA coined phrase "conspiracy theorist" towards anyone who questioned or disagreed with the government as an insane or crazy or just plain wacko. It is still used today. It’s the parrots with no merit and shamefully shares it group of people such as you Mike Buffington who attack anybody who questions the government.

Those of us who are not easily fooled and personally I think you have your fools mixed up.  September 11th has so many unanswered questions so many coincidences so many unbelievable things that happened that day. So much information withheld, denied, and altered we've known for too many years and soon to be decades that we’ve been lied to. 

You want me to believe 19 hijackers carried nothing but these weapons of mass destruction called box cutters and kicked Americas ass?

You want me to believe the laws of physics need not apply anymore concerning the way the Towers fell?

You want me to believe that a plane actually hit the Pentagon when in fact the Pentagon is the most highly secure building in our country and has hundreds of security cameras and somehow these magicians avoided every single camera and hit their target?

Man talk about the one that slipped by the goalie!  

If they want me to believe a plane hit the Pentagon all they have to do is simply provide a picture of a plane but what do we get instead is 5 frames of a fireball and no picture of a plane.

You want me to believe that a jet hit the Pentagon leaving a much smaller Impact then the plane?

You want me to believe that a plane crash never leaves behind a tail section or wing section or a fuselage or engine parts or bodies or luggage or seats and not leave a single mark on the lawn of the Pentagon?

You want me to believe a plane slammed itself deep in the ground [Shanksville PA] so deep like a horned toad lizard and buried itself again leaving no tail section wing section, luggage, seats, or bodies?

You want me to believe 19 hijackers flew around for over an hour before hitting their targets?
You want me to believe NORAD and all the United States military after finding out ...not one.....not two....not three....but four planes flew around for over an hour unmolested. even though USA Today reported that Norad practices drills and had success 67 out of 67 * except of course on 9/11?

You want me to ignore the fact that video and photos show numerous High Velocity burst of debris being ejected and the well-documented presence of molten steel throughout the debris field along with some 156 Witnesses stating they saw heard and felt explosions prior to and during the collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7?

You want me to believe the New York fire department and the New York Police Department did not give testimony to hearing and seeing explosions even though this was televised?

You want me to believe that the entire building could just pulverize itself to dust?

No disrespect to anyone but 911 was a false flag and inside job and anyone who thinks different should consider suing their brain for non support.
As Pete Townsend once said... 
We Won't Get Fooled Again....and face it..... America is not the greatest country in the world anymore...... 
Those, of course, aren’t the only conspiracy theories in history. For centuries, Jews were the target of various conspiracy theories in Europe: That Jews poisoned wells, drank Christian blood and were the origin of Communism. A lot of Jews in Europe died over the centuries as a result of those nutty beliefs. In more modern times, Jews have been the target of other conspiracy ideas, including that the Holocaust was faked, that ISIS was a Jewish creation and that Jews control all the world’s media. 
Catholics, too, have been the target of crazy conspiracy ideas over the centuries, especially in England. To some, the Pope was the anti-Christ. Catholics, like Jews, were often included in KKK propaganda in the U.S. 
Not all conspiracy ideas revolve around religion. Many revolve around politics, like the Q nuttiness. A secret “New World Order” via the World Bank, Trilateral Commission or some other group has long been part of the right-wing conspiracy network. Freemasons and the Illuminati are also often attached to the idea that there is some secret government at work around the world. As part of that, some believe the Denver Airport sits on top of a giant secret city which is the headquarters of the New World Order. More recently, Obama drew a slew of conspiracy theories, including the one that he wasn’t really born in the U.S. and had been born in Africa. After the 2016 elections, Trump and others promoted the fake conspiracy idea that “millions” had illegally voted in the election. 
Science has also been a target of conspiracy ideas. Some believe that airplane chemtrails contain secret government chemicals. 
In the 1960s, the John Birch Society promoted the idea that putting fluoride in public water supplies was a communist plot designed to weaken America. 
More recently, some promote the idea that vaccinations are linked to autism, or that vaccines are an anti-Islam plot. 
The moon landings are also part of some conspiracy theories alleging that they never happened and were staged.
DYI:  Germany does not fluoride their water.  Is Germany some back water 3rd world country that simply doesn’t know any better??  Oh I guess I was wrong Germany has had 108 Nobel Laureates beginning in 1901 with Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen in Physics all the way to Joachim Frank in 2017 for Chemistry.  Maybe that was just one hundred year plus fluke for Nobel prizes. 

Let’s look at patents.  The German patent office issued 128,921 patents for the year 2017 19,928 were for non German companies.  A little arithmetic that is 108,993 patents awarded to German companies all accomplished with a population of 82.29 million people!  Well…Maybe just maybe those pesky Germans may know something that we don’t know when it comes to fluoridation of water supplies.  Maybe just maybe Mike Buffington as a REAL journalist why don’t you hop on a plane and go to Germany interview those pesky know nothing Germans as to why they are not using fluoride?  Maybe just maybe you can set them right despite the fact they invented items such as the automobile, the helicopter, aspirin, the chip [not the one on your shoulder] but the one on your credit/debit card, and lo and behold toothpaste sorry no fluoride!

And by the way 99% of western continental Europe has rejected, banned, or stopped fluoridation due to environmental, health, legal, or ethical concerns.
 Safe and Effective?    

DYI:  You’ve probably never heard of the “Vaccine Court” that if you receive a settlement in order to obtain monetary compensation you must sign a non disclosure statement.  After a year or two you have a change of heart and decide to tell your story to a blogger or web site that has a large following if the pharmaceutical company gets wind of this they will sue you for ten times your settlement.  They will win as all they have to do is prove you talked about your case as this ten times award is written into law.  Well your kid is still sick and now you are possibly homeless and flat broke.

Suppose your settlement is for $100,000 bucks and then begin shooting your mouth off to any alt media [main stream press will ignore you] they win a $1,000,000 settlement against you.  Obviously most folks cannot pay that level of money.  Most States will allow garnishment of wages up to 25% of income including Social Security.  Most will pay until they die and if there is anything left in your estate worthy of collection big pharma will be there to collect!

And it just gets better and better.  This money doesn’t come out of the pocket of the pharmaceutical companies Uncle Sam has the “Vaccine Injury Trust Fund” that collects an excise tax on every vaccine sold and is managed by the U.S. Department of Treasury!  The court [established 1986] as of 2015 has paid out settlements to the tune of $3,159,410,649!

 Oh big Mike there’s more.  I know I shouldn’t be questioning your all knowing authoritative propaganda – oops I mean opinion hack piece – but just let me go down this rabbit a hole a bit further if I may?  Pardon?  You said something under your breath you must have said “go ahead” but I thought I heard an F sound.

Since we are both journalist I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at the vaccine court transcripts.  Can’t do that they are sealed from prying eyes.  Proceed with a Freedom of Information Act [FOIA] and if by some miracle the court responds it will be worthless as it will be so heavily redacted.  I believe they call that censorship!

What if a pharmaceutical company knowing has batch of defective vaccines that will absolutely harm patience but elects to sell them anyway.  Not to worry as this industry has immunity from prosecution!  Just like the Monopoly game a permanent never go to jail card!

In California it is mandatory for a child to enter public school to have all of their vaccinations.  Wow what a business model with customers who are FORCED by law [if you kid goes to a government school] to use your products!  Give big pharma another 10 years the remaining States will follow suit.  Its all for the children and how could anyone be against children?

 Safe and Effective?

This industry is safe from lawsuits and prosecution and soon will have an effective business model with MANDATED customers by the FORCE of law!
 Moon Landings
Fake it until you make it!
There is now so much evidence that NASA faked the moon landings all I would be doing is reinventing the wheel.  Jim Fetzer’s book… And I suppose we didn’t go the Moon, either… is a great read.  Numerous videos on YouTube that have shown conclusively it was a staged fake event.  Better look quickly as YouTube is moving briskly to censure videos that don’t comply with the government narrative.

There are a few things that I can add to the discussion.  NASA has long been known for not forth coming with the truth.  Hence their nick name Never A Straight Answer!  A good portion of what they supposedly do is old fashion robbing tax payer’s money.  What is not a boondoggle it is for the military.  No, we didn’t go to the moon, but we sure as hell have many manned and unmanned platforms in orbit.  They are military of one nature or another.  And why I’m at it the rover on Mars; yep NASA faked that as well. 
While conspiracy ideas have long been around, the advent of social media put them on steroids. A crazy meme on social media can travel like lightning around the world. We saw that in the 2016 elections with the Russian Facebook attacks which were very effective in spreading dissension and disinformation in the U.S. This year, rumors on social media in India have led to the deaths of several people from mob attacks incited by the fake memes.
DYI:  What you are really bitching about Mikey [may I call you Mikey?] is the internet with its lighting fast dissemination of information.  I will admit as well, some is good and a whole lot bad.  However, as our citizens move through the maze of info they pick up a quality nugget here and there.  Many are putting the puzzle back together and arriving at vastly different conclusion than the main stream press.  Or to be very direct as these quality nuggets of truth are past from citizen to citizen they are seeing the main stream press as a lying PROPAGANDA spewing machine.  The main stream press – in the hip pocket of the CIA – is losing and in some cases lost their ability to control the narrative.  
Because of the huge amount of conspiracy theories floating around on social media, several groups have formed to debunk them., and are three of the most well-known organizations that attempt to replace rumors with facts. And they are staying very busy with all the crazy stuff people post on social media.
 DYI:  Oh come on Mikey it is well known they are a CIA front company designed to disseminate disinformation.  I haven’t dug into the other two but since you mentioned them they are most likely front companies as well.  Even if one didn’t know that is a CIA company it is so poorly done anyone with a half a brain knows they are full of crap!  [Am I losing my patience and possibly temper??]  
The larger issue here, however, is why do people believe in conspiracy ideas that are so crazy? Why aren’t conspiracy theories buried quickly under a mountain of reason and logic? 
There are a number of psychological theories as to why some people tend to believe conspiracy ideas. One of the key aspects is that some people want a simple answer to complex situations. They find comfort in having an answer, even if the answer is totally illogical and irrational.
DYI:  Good Lord; talk about twisting the truth in the opposite direction.

Remember a little less than week after 911 in New York City the F.B.I. found the alleged hijacker’s Atta’s passport completely intact.  Damn near in pristine condition two blocks away despite the obvious of his passport being in the plane which became a towering inferno!  And critical thinking citizens are required to buy that crap?  Even England’s main stream press newspaper The Guardian – who are the lapdogs for the CIA and MI5&6 – are looking for cover as author Anne Karpf [who was ready to barf] stated:
In less than a week came another find, two blocks away from the twin towers, in the shape of Atta's passport. We had all seen the blizzard of paper rain down from the towers, but the idea that Atta's passport had escaped from that inferno unsinged would have tested the credulity of the staunchest supporter of the FBI's crackdown on terrorism.
Unsinged….Even for a Brit when they use the word “credulity” is code for bull shit!  The majority of the main stream press ran with this as if it was gospel from the man himself.  Simply go back and read all of the questions regarding 911 that don’t make any common sense.  Yet the main stream press twisted and turned themselves into knots attempting to sell it as if it were truth delivered by God! 
Another thread is that people who tend to believe in conspiracy theories want to stand out in a crowd, to be different than the mainstream. In addition, people tend to believe things that reinforce their own biases. Those who didn’t like Obama were more primed to believe in the “birther” conspiracy idea because it helped them psychologically confirm their existing dislike of him.  
One might think that simply looking at facts and using rational judgement would erase many of the conspiracy ideas, but that’s not the case. Humans are often irrational in how we process information. People find ways to reject facts that disagree with their existing beliefs, even if their existing beliefs are irrational. 
Maybe some of this is harmless. If someone wants to believe the Earth is flat, or that there is a secret reptile ruler of the world, it probably won’t hurt anyone. 
But our democracy depends on a majority of people believing in a set base of facts. We might argue about what those facts mean, but we should be able to agree on the core facts themselves.
DYI:  A set base of facts??  Only our government [which is run by the elites] is THEIR set of facts which we know today is PROPAGANDA! 
That is starting to fray. In the U.S., many people no longer believe in facts, only in their own biases, or conspiracy ideas they see on social media. Real debate and conversation is impossible because so many people reject facts (“it’s just fake news!”)  
But facts matter. Truth matters. 
It may take some time, but despite the rise in crazy conspiracy ideas floating around the nation, truth will eventually win out.
DYI:  You’re right Mikey the truth will come out.  I highly doubt you wrote that article.  The twist and turns have all the hallmarks of a writing committee out of Langley VA [CIA].  In time the truth will come out and all you are is a sell out for any journalist ethics and as an American seeking the REAL TRUTH!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Chilling moment laser-sight targets one of two video gamers shot and killed by losing contestant before the dead-eyed murderer turned his handgun on himself during Florida competition
DYI:  One of the videos from has a news release about one of the fake as hell wounded.  Why do I say fake??  He was supposedly shot twice in the lower back with extensive bleeding was in the hospital for five hours and then release to a hotel room.  This is total BS.  I’m ex military U.S. Army this individual would have been in the hospital not hours, not days, not even weeks, but months!  This is nothing but low rent 3rd rate PROPAGANDA!  TOTAL BS!

The Smith-Mundt Act was modernized [repealed] making it legal for government paid news which is a polite way of saying propaganda.  The vote was passed in 2012 with only 23 nays!  So if anyone thinks there is micron of difference between Republicans and Democrats think again!
Image result for U.S. workers share of income chart pictures
As of Q2 2018 Labor's Share is 56.5%
Workers are getting a thinner slice of the American economic pie even with strong growth, robust hiring, rising corporate profits and the Trump administration’s tax cuts. Labor’s share of income of U.S. non-farm businesses -- reflecting salary and other employee compensation -- fell to 56.5 percent in the second quarter, down from the prior three months and below a year earlier, government data show. Some reasons why the share is still near a post-World War II low: technological advances, globalization, workers’ waning bargaining power and the rise of superstar firms, the theme of the Federal Reserve’s annual policy summit in Jackson Hole this week.
DYI:  Since 1962 American workers piece of the economic pie has been declining with lower highs and lower lows except the brief period during the booming 1990’s.  Since then workers share has reverted back to lower highs and if this trend continues within two or three years will experience an additional lower low.  If history is any sort of guide that lower low would clip workers down to from 53% to as low as 50% of corporate income.

The cause of this is multi prong.  The most common answer is outsourcing as manufacturing/services moved to foreign lands seeking cheaper labor costs those unemployed sought jobs with far lesser pay.  Just the threat of outsourcing companies that remained in the States bargained successfully for reduced wages and benefits.  Both of these business moves have made headlines since the 1980’s.

Automation is the unseen villain for every workers job that is outsourced 1.7 jobs have been eliminated due to clever engineers pushing for greater and greater productivity gains.  These gains have been slow enough not to shock workers but fast enough to outdo outsourcing!  An assembly line worker from the 1950’s would be shocked at how few workers are needed for the manufacturing process.  Automation increases are slow but relentless.

Surprisingly manufacturing is returning to our shores at a trickles pace only when high levels of automation can be achieved overcoming the foreign wage differential and transportation costs.  Within thirty to fifty years from now our manufacturing base will be returned to our shores.  However there will be no mass employment for these industries as those jobs will have been automated out of existence.

Services are not immune from automation.  When you go into a grocery store a bar code scanner is used to tabulate your bill.  This increase in productivity reduced the need for check out lanes of around 20%.  Add on the heavy use of credit/debit cards the checkout procedure time was slashed thus adding another small round of reduced aisle along with that corresponding job.  Again slow enough not to be a shock but is relentless.  Staying with the grocery store example companies are working on Radio Frequency Detection (RFD).  When this is perfected all items [except produce that has to weighed] will be detected and cost tabulated all at once.  In other words no more scanning across the bar code reader making checkout only as fast as the groceries can be bagged!  [Discount stores will have the customer bag their groceries themselves!].

Businessmen and women are in business to do two transactions.  Push for ever increasing sales and ever decreasing costs.  That is why outsourcing occurred.  Forget all of the promises politicians made; they lie as it is a requirement for the job [sarcasm].  Always remember businessmen/women have two core objectives sales and cost.  Everything else is simply touchy feely propaganda from either the business or politicians.  I’m not pro business nor am I pro labor.  I’m stating a fact that all business seeks to achieve.  Two plus two equals four or the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.  Both are facts not something a person would want to argue about.  I place this core tenet for business in that same category.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The CIA Owns

 The US and European Media

Paul Craig Roberts
DYI:  Paul Roberts headline is totally correct with the CIA/MI 5&6 “controlling” [they do not own] the main stream press.  He does not go far enough in his article in describing the breadth and depth of control.  Almost everything you read (including text books), hear (radio) and see on TV is monitored and controlled all for the use of delivering nonstop PROPAGANDA!  The area that is giving the elites fits is the internet that they so desperately want to control.  A small sliver of free thought and free press is moving through the information highway but be careful as the elites has their Army of bloggers and web sites to push out their narrative a kind word for propaganda.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Margin Debt! 
NYSE Investor Credit

DYI:  After correcting for inflation there remains a mountain of margin debt.  When the Great Wait ends America will experience the Great Unwinding of our securities markets.  Of course the Fed’s along with first world central banks will pull out all of the stops by doing the only thing they know and that is PRINT PRINT AND PRINT SO MORE.  Once sentiment has changed not just here in the States but world wide they will be of no avail with markets collapsing.  Will it be the Big Bang from 1929 to 1932??
Related image
Will we have the Japanese 20 year bear market??
  Related image

Image result for chart 1929 crash dow jones pictures  Will gold come to the rescue once again?  If history is any guide the answer is yes.  When financial and political problems reign supreme gold shines and will highly likely come to the rescue once again.

Monday, August 20, 2018

The Dying Empire? 

Sanctions, Sanctions, Sanctions – the Final Demise of the Dollar Hegemony?

Looks like everybody accepts this new economic warfare as the new normal. Nobody objects. And the United Nations, the body created to maintain Peace, to protect our globe from other wars, to uphold human rights – this very body is silent – out of fear? Out of fear that it might be ‘sanctioned’ into oblivion by the dying empire? – Why cannot the vast majority of countries – often it is a ratio of 191 to 2 (Israel and the US) – reign-in the criminals? 
Imagine Russia – more sanctions were just imposed for alleged and totally unproven (to the contrary: disproven) Russian poisoning of four UK citizens with the deadly nerve agent, Novichok – and for not admitting it. This is a total farce, a flagrant lie, that has become so ridiculous, most thinking people, even in the UK, just laugh about it. Yet, Trump and his minions in Europe and many parts of the world succumb to this lie – and out of fear of being sanctions, they also sanction Russia. What has the world become? – Hitler’s Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, would be proud for having taught the important lesson to the liars of the universe: “Let me control the media, and I will turn any nation into a herd of Pigs”. That’s what we have become – a herd of pigs. 
In a recent interview with PressTV I was asked, why does the US not adhere to any of their internationally or bilaterally concluded treaties or agreements? – Good question. – Washington is breaking all the rules, agreements, accords, treaties, is not adhering to any international law or even moral standard, simply because following such standards would mean giving up world supremacy. Being on equal keel is not in Washington’s or Tel Aviv’s interest. 
Yes, this symbiotic and sick relationship between the US and Zionist Israel is becoming progressively more visible; the alliance of the brute military force and the slick and treacherous financial dominion – together striving for world hegemony, for full spectrum dominance. 
This trend is accelerating under Trump and those who give him orders, simply because “they can”. Nobody objects. This tends to portray an image of peerless power, instilling fear and is expected to incite obedience. Will it? 
This behavior by the dying empire is driving allies and friends into the opposite camp – to the east, where the future lays, away from a globalized One-World-Order, towards a healthy and more equal multi-polar world. – It would be good, if our world body, the members of the United Nations, created in the name of Peace, would finally gather the courage and stand up against the two destroyer nations for the good of humanity, of the globe, and of Mother Earth.

Russia Ditches U.S. Dollar For Gold As Tensions Rise

Russia added 500,000 ounces of gold (15.55174 tons) to reserves in June and bought some 106 tons of gold since the start of the year, with total reserves now approaching the 2,000-metric-ton mark. Last year, Russia added a record 224 tons of gold to the reserves. 
The U.S. is still the largest owner of metal, followed by Germany--8,134 and 3,374 tons, respectively. 
Both political and economic reasons prompted the Russian central bank‘s decision. 
First, mindful of geopolitical tensions, the regulator has apprehensions that Russia-owned treasuries can be frozen. Ironically, the recent meeting between Trump and Putin, not only failed to ease tensions, but amped them up, with some American legislators calling for tougher sanctions against Russia. 
The Russian central bank hinted that it could invest the money from the USD sale not only into gold, but also into International Monetary Fund (IMF) bonds and Chinese bonds.
No surprise to anyone, the United States is in debt. Of the last 64 years, the U.S. has run a budget deficit for 62 of them.Sum that all up, and increasing deficit, rising interest rates, plus insurmountable interest payments are all going to pose huge economic challenges in the near-term.Borrowing more money to pay more debt, more interest, and future deficits is the never-ending cycle that spells “nightmare” for economists.Coupled with its other problems, the U.S. Economy is pretty much walking on eggshells.
Geometric Standard Deviation Average
5 Stocks Extend S&P 500 Gains.

DYI:  Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, and Netflix’s over the past year have account for over 50% of the S&P 500 gains making for a very crowded trade.  This is classic market top formation with less and less companies share prices propelling the market higher.  Simple math is bumping into our absurd valuation high flying stock market. Bonds despite their sub atomic low yields will out perform stocks over the 7 to 12 years and possibly as long as 15 years.
Image result for shiller pe chart pictures
As of 8/20/18 Shiller PE is
Investors who stay fully invested will want to avoid the three industry crowded trade.  Tech, Discretionary Spending, and Health Care should be avoided and purchase Utilities and Real Estate that is the least owned.  During a multi month market melt down a fully invested market player decline will be significantly less. 

Bearish Phenomenon.

What is different today as compared to other stretched valuation market tops is the lack of speculative fever among the general public.  It is difficult to find any over the top bulls that were so easy to find during the 1960’s or during the latter portion of the 1990’s.  Before the 2009 melt down though diminished market bulls were still easy to find.  Whether through snail mail newsletters, the internet or on CNBC TV bulls were at the ready.  I’m at a loss to see any flat out fire breathing bulls so prevalent at sky high valuation and yet you can find all of the bears [including me] you would ever need or want.

My speculation is this market forming top may go on for much longer they anyone would ever guess including this blogger who has been involved in security markets for over 40 years.  One thing that is perfectly clear valuations are not just elevated they are to the point of insanity pushing down future estimated average annual returns over the next 10 years to the zero return area.  Remember that is before taxes, fees, and the biggest tax of them all INFLATION.  Two plus two still equals four along with massive overvaluation making this a lousy time to purchase stocks on a whole sale basis such as an S&P 500 index fund.  The late super investor Benjamin Graham [Warren Buffett's teacher] would state this is a lousy time time to purchase stocks on a broad basis.  DYI's EYC Ratio is screaming get out of stocks!       


Ben Graham's Corner

Margin of Safety!

Central Concept of Investment for the purchase of Common Stocks.
"The danger to investors lies in concentrating their purchases in the upper levels of the market..."

Stocks compared to bonds:
Earnings Yield Coverage Ratio - [EYC Ratio]

EYC Ratio = 1/PE10 x 100 x 1.1 / Bond Rate
1.75 plus: Safe for large lump sums & DCA
1.30 plus: Safe for DCA

1.29 or less: Mid-Point - Hold stocks and purchase bonds.

1.00 or less: Sell stocks - Purchase Bonds

Current EYC Ratio: 0.83 (rounded)
As of  8-01-18
Updated Monthly

PE10 as report by
DCA is Dollar Cost Averaging.
Lump Sum any amount greater than yearly salary.

PE10  ..........32.75
Bond Rate...4.05%

Over a ten-year period the typical excess of stock earnings power over bond interest may aggregate 4/3 of the price paid. This figure is sufficient to provide a very real margin of safety--which, under favorable conditions, will prevent or minimize a loss......If the purchases are made at the average level of the market over a span of years, the prices paid should carry with them assurance of an adequate margin of safety.  The danger to investors lies in concentrating their purchases in the upper levels of the market.....

Common Sense Investing:
The Papers of Benjamin Graham
Benjamin Graham