Wednesday, June 17, 2020

America in decline
One Financial Looting at a Time!

21 Years Ago: The end of the Bombing of Serbia. And the Start of the Decline of the Western Empire

There was nothing special in the Western Empire taking an aggressive posture after the fall of the rival Soviet Empire. It is the way empires work: they are military organizations dedicated to shifting economic resources from the periphery to the center. So, empires last as long as the cost of their huge military apparatus can be paid for by the resources they can control. Since resources are never infinite, they tend to be overexploited and empires suffer of a classic economic problem: diminishing returns. That's the reason for the cycles of growth and collapse of empires in history.

One peculiarity of empires is their capability to mask their mechanisms of operation. After the end of WW2, the Western Empire had managed to paint itself as a "non-empire," a force for the good of humankind. 

Within some limits, it was not wrong: The Imperial Government in Washington did a lot to rebuild Western Europe, to restore peace and justice, to promote democracy, to keep in check the rival Soviet Empire. 

Up to the 1990s, it was still possible to believe that, although it required a certain degree of faith.

DYI:  The reason for the leap of faith being required in the early 1970’s is when President Richard Nixon abrogated the last vestige financial agreement of Bretton Woods ending the dollar ties to gold.  After that America became the 100% fiat petro dollar resulting in pent up inflationary pressures that exploded – along with interest rates – during the 1970’s.  So yes it did require that “leap of faith” testing the resolve for those who came of age during the 1950’s. 

 Again, no big surprise: the declining trajectory of empires in history starts when their propaganda ceases being believable -- 
 It had to happen, and it did. It is the moment when the empire starts discovering that it is not so mighty as it believed to be. It is when the imperial coffers start being emptied by the gigantic expenses of keeping alive a monstrously overgrown military machine that has become not only too expensive but also obsolete.

DYI:  At least back then when they faked events such as the moon landings it was not designed to scare the hell out of the American public.  Ripped off the taxpayers back in its day for sure at least folks felt exhilarated in our [faked] technical achievement though being bamboozled out of billions.  Fast forward to 9/11* another faked event but this time begins the process of scaring the hell out of the unknowing and unwitting American public replacing the Cold War with the never ending War of Terror. 

With the creation of Department of Homeland Security just after 9/11 they began their staged faked mass shootings beginning with the famed or should I say notorious Sandy Hook fiasco all designed to scare the hell out of gun owners for the non-existent possibility of gun control into a frenzy of gun and ammo purchases that elites who have massive equity ownership in gun manufactures.  Plus scores upon scores of sales reps have descended upon our public and private schools all hawking [totally unneeded] security devices and services to keep our children monitored and locked down.  And you guessed it the elites own these companies as well.

Medical Industrial Complex

Now the elites through their ownership of hospitals jumped into the act with their clever big business/big government collusion hyping beyond all realms of sanity the Corona HOAX.  The virus is real but the numbers of infected or deaths are a HOAX.  Bilking the American taxpayer out billions for unnecessary treatments [that caused many unnecessary deaths] then locked down the economy with business closures all designed for a multi-TRILLION dollar rescue program that a majority of the money will end up in the elite’s corporations further enhancing their already massive wealth.  Soon we’ll have a vaccine enhancing big Pharma’s wealth [and certain individuals such as Bill Gates] heavily pushed by our totally corrupt government agencies.

The George Floyd Distraction

It is my opinion the elites working hand in hand with our security services [CIA, DHS, Army Intelligence etc.] knew from the get go the American public would not believe in the hyped Corona scam.  They needed to distract the American public – and this time severely – with another DHS staged faked event.  That’s right those were NOT cops and George Floyd [what ever his real name is] is NOT DEAD.  That’s right folk’s another staged faked event to gin up riots all videoed by your mass media entertainment complex.

Decline of Empire

Since the inception of Department of Homeland Security these staged faked events are now ramping up at light speed from one event to another.  Below is an excerpt from Miles Mathis** [notes & links at end of post] explaining the major reason why these events are occurring.
We have an accelerating series of fake events, all scripted to keep your eyes off the multi-trillion-dollar steal from the treasury that just happened this spring. 
Corona was the fake event used as primary cover, but that veil began to fail, so these jokers came up with plan B: fake race riots. These race riots almost make you forget the whole Corona fiasco, so they are primarily a feint to “move you on”. They want you so distraught over these race riots, you forget all your Corona anger. Maybe you forget to sue for Civil Rights violations over illegal Corona orders. Maybe you forget to push back on Corona, because that is no longer topic one in your mind. And, most important of all, you don't organize Corona protests, because the streets are already filled with fake BLM protesters.
The real revolution is averted by being pre-empted by a fake one. The CIA and FBI have filled the streets with every last actor they could hire, to prevent real people from filling the streets themselves.  And the media is so busy reporting on this fake revolution, as they were hired to do, that there is no room left for real news. If real people are pushing back on corona or against the Federal Reserve or anything else, you won't hear about it. It will be drowned out by the fake riots. 
THAT is why the police are letting actors take over their precincts, burn their buildings, and pretend to beat cops. They have been ordered to do so. They are running their little Hollywood fake revolution, to pre-empt the real one.
The idea that any sort of pushback could be coming from Trump supporters is equally absurd. Trump is a rich guy who loves the CIA, so there is no possibility he is going to be part of any revolution or pushback. 
The Republican Party is not your friend and never has been, so get that through your head.  Neither is the Democratic Party. They are also owned by rich people, and always have been. 
This isn't a question of parties, since both parties are beyond corrupt. They will have to fall in the revolution with everything else. This isn't a question of Democrat v. Republican, or Trump v. Pelosi, or any of that. But these fake revolutionaries on both sides keep pushing you back to that split, because they want you talking about things that don't matter, and missing all the things that do. 
If you consider yourself a conservative, fine, it doesn't really matter. I assume you just mean you are in favor of conserving the family, conserving morality, conserving sensible laws, conserving the Constitution, and so on. So am I. What I am not in favor of conserving is the hegemony of the very rich, and their ability to steal from the worldwide treasuries with impunity. I am not in favor of conserving their ability to lie about everything all the time. I am not in favor of their ability to fake events, using the bought media to sell them as real.
So whatever your call yourself, you need to keep your focus. This isn't about black versus white, Democrat versus Republican, Trump versus Pelosi, men versus women, young versus old, north versus south, or east versus west. 
This is about protecting yourself and your fellow countrymen from being looted by billionaire bankers and cloaked investment groups. 
This is about refusing to play the stupid victim any longer. And it should now be about getting your money back. These bastards have already stolen hundreds of trillions of dollars worldwide from you and your parents and grandparents, and that money is not gone. It did not disappear. It is not being stored on Mars or Venus. So you can get it back. 
Therefore, you don't have to pick sides in this current fiasco. Tell both the Antifa actors and the Hell's Angels actors to fuck off and start your own real revolution. Drive around these bozos and do something real.  Form real alliances with real people.   
These fake revolutionaries took over the streets because the streets were empty. 
You were home sucking your thumb, afraid to catch a cold, cowering under the bed as CNN and FOX told you what to think and what to do. 
 But you can remedy that.  Wake up, dunk your head in cold water, slap yourself a few times, and remind yourself that your life is yours. The future is yours. You have things to do and you know how to do them. 
 So get busy.  Start by refusing illegal orders.*  Start by speaking out.  Start by talking to your neighbors.  Start by turning off the fake news.  Do not be afraid.  Do not social distance, do not wear masks, go to church, open your restaurant, open your gym. LIVE YOUR LIFE. 
*All these executive orders issued by Governors have no legal standing.  Laws have to be passed by legislatures, and Governors cannot make laws. Even in emergencies, Executive Orders have a very limited time frame, and that time frame ended months ago.  So all Corona orders expired a long time ago. Your government is currently existing on a bluff.  Call their bluff.
DYI:  The article I posted is correct stating the American Empire is in decline but simply does not go far enough the author may simply not know that U.S. citizens are being looted by the elites or does know but is unwilling fearing his readership will think he is a nut job [and loses his following].  Be as that may be the Corona Hoax with their hyped to the moon numbers of infection and deaths has now awaken a few more Americans to the onslaught of other faked events all designed in some form or fashion to rip off the American public of their hard earned dollars.  The elites in their arrogance have become so brazen they are sloppy with these events generated by government employees principally employed by DHS and secondarily the CIA and other intelligence agencies.  Amazing government employees working to have themselves looted and the American public at large.  Wow what an upside down world we live in!

SEPTEMBER  A top notch video and written material as to how the powers that be pulled off 9-11 bamboozling the American public with their fake terrorist attack all designed for a never ending War on Terror.  All to the benefit of the Military Industrial complex piling on massive profits for the elites ownership of war material companies.

** Miles MathisUpdates  Written form [with some still pictures] of current and decades past stage faked events here in the U.S.  The reason I have confidence in him is that I already knew around 40% those mentioned in his lengthy itinerary of past stage faked events.  This man is a national treasure.  Most likely you probably already know Face Book, Twitter, YouTube and many others will heavily censor videos or posts that step out line with the current staged faked events. does not censor and believe you me when you see their content you will know right away that they do not.

Till Next Time

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