Thursday, October 22, 2020

New York Post Propaganda!



Don’t Trust Government(s)

Avoid Mainstream Media

Fight the Lies!

Scientists worry as more Americans say they’ll refuse COVID-19 vaccine

by Eric Spitznagel
October 17, 2020

A response to the above article written by David Mandelstamm from the comment section of Technocracy News.  Short and very insightful.  Below is what he has to say.

Let’s point out some of the mind-control techniques that aware people “can’t help but notice”.

In the context of the article, “anti-vaxxer” is framed as a pejorative term, clearly for the purpose of discrediting such people. SOME of those people might be more correctly identified as “vaccine safety advocates”.

But no matter…The technique is “guilt by association”. Essentially the powers-that-[shouldn’t]-be lump people together in the same basket. So to shut us up, they portray is as “those people”. That could include 9/11 questioners, “birthers”, QAnon followers, home schooling advocates, flat earthers, those who distrust government, etc.! (I can assure the reader that I’m in SOME, but certainly not ALL of these categories!)

And…Did anybody notice that the good doctor Scott Ratzan is a “medical misinformation expert”, among other things? Wow! Okay, boys & girls… Put on your decoder ring. “Misinformation”, according to the people who run the system, is any ideas or narratives that run counter to the orthodoxy. You see, the peons aren’t supposed to question the holy anointed ones in government, corporations, and academia.

Since the onset of the COVID horror show back in February, we’ve increasingly seen another development. It’s the “religion of science”, not to be confused with REAL science. According to Dr. Ratzan, our [THEIR] problem is “a massive assault on trust in government, in science, and in public-health authorities”.

Let’s unpack this. Many people don’t trust government. So why should they? Those of us who are “seniors” have extensive first-hand experience of the government lying, cheating, and stealing from us… for DECADES! But we can somehow trust them now?

How about that science stuff? REAL science is based on the spirit of research and inquiry, requiring the application of proper scientific methodology. Nobody should trust “science” as presented by those with vested financial interests in Big Pharma, government, sold-out institutions like Johns Hopkins U., B&M Gates Foundation, etc. The arrogance of these people and organizations knows no bounds!


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