Thursday, January 14, 2021

American Civil War has BEGUN!



Don’t Trust Government(s)

Avoid Mainstream Media

Fight the Lies!

From the Desk


Miles Mathis

DYI:  Despite Miles writing the majority of his analysis in November the civil war we are in is between the Old Guard – [oil/gas, military (CIA/FBI) and industrialist] and the Up Starts – [DHS (and their allies), bankers, big tech and big pharma] is spot on.  This collision will take years to play out as the Old Guard destroys the Up Starts and brings back into the fold the remaining stragglers.  The Old Guard is not our saviors as they ran the likes of WWI, WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Gulf I and II wars plus the faked moon landings.  The Up Starts have allied themselves with big pharma pumping out one piece of crap medications after another that is highlighted by this bogus vaccine!  The mega banks are attempting to roll out world wide control – [U.N., World Economic Forum technocracy] and have allied with the insane eugenics crowd as well.  Again this will take years before stability is brought back to the 1950’s level.  In the meantime buckle up the United States and the world is going to continue to go crazy before this peaks – [Old Guard reigns in Up Starts] and begins the multi year journey back to stability. 

Miles Mathis       

November 29: A new article at The Spectator is good, and mirrors much of my analysis here. You will say it is by Patrick Basham, which puts me in the same camp as the Cato Institute. That surprises me as much as it does you, but I will show you how it fits into the greater story in my comments below.

What Basham doesn't mention is the extreme censorship of news going on now by Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. It is very difficult to get any real information, since only a few sites are even trying to report on late election news or anything else. The mainstream is blocking any search on alternative news or analysis. Collating all the snippets I have been able to glean over the past three weeks, I would say this news embargo is not meant to only block Trump news, but to block even greater news. We are simply not being told by anyone what is going on right now. What is going on is that Civil War I have been telling you about. Big things are going down right now, but no one is telling us—not even the Cato Institute. 

Our military is apparently deployed domestically, but we aren't told what the war is or who is fighting whom. It is mostly black ops v. black ops, so we may never get a real report of it. It will be spun later in whatever way the winner sees fit. That is why the court cases seem to be moving so slowly and not really going anywhere. Everything is on a weird pause. That is because they are waiting to see how these military battles play out. As I read it, the various military divisions had to first posture, then they had to see who was going to obey orders and which direction the major players would lean. After that was sorted out, they probably had a few limited skirmishes, to test those divisions, after which the boys stated their allegiances again.

My intuition tells me that although there are no white hats, the blackest hats are losing. That would be the DHS people and their allies: the newer players. The old military/CIA has had it with the new guys and are using this fake election to crush them. Gates and Google are among the new guys.

I will tell you again why I believe this. The postwar period in the US, from 1945 to 2000, was the most profitable in history for the central part of the Phoenician Navy, and they achieved that with low levels of obvious fascism. The fascism was there, but it was well disguised. Most people didn't have a clue.

After 2000, that scheme changed, with new players coming in and making even higher short-term profits. But to do that, they had to drastically increase the levels of propaganda and chaos. That new scheme has threatened the stability of the greater structure, and put in doubt the long term plans of the old guard.

But the worst of it is, the new guard is stealing profits from the old guard, which was a colossal mistake. 

The new guard tried to re-invest the old guard in new projects, but the old guard can now see that those projects aren't stable. Many of the new-guard projects are completely fake, and the reported profits are just mist. That may fool you, but it isn't fooling the old guard. They know that wealth doesn't really exist—think SpaceX, Tesla, Facebook, or a large part of Apple. So the old guard has to find a quick way to snuff the out-of-control new guard and move back to the old scheme. 

Think of it like granddad slapping down his stupid grandson. I think that is what we are seeing, which is why I think the future is going to be better. They have to move us back to previous models, which were working very well. So I predict a reversion to 1990 to start with, followed by a reversion to 1950.

That is not to say things are going to be just like they were in the 50s. They won't be. It will take decades to get there, and when we do get there it won't be like Back to the Future. Socially it will be very different.  But as a matter of stability it will be very similar.

And how does the article at The Spectator confirm this analysis? Because Basham links us to the Cato Institute, which links him to the Koch’s. Well, the Koch’s are old guard, being involved in oil and minerals. They are linked to the Republican Party in the current fracas, so they are Trump allies. If the Democratic Party is being purposely blackwashed, as I say above, the Koch’s would certainly be involved in it. They might also be involved in a slap down of Google and Gates, since they have come to see how awful the pre-vaccine lockdowns are for the oil and gas industry.

This current Civil War is just a continuation of the war between the largest investment groups that I have been exposing for the past decade. These investment groups and the families behind them own all the companies in the world, but these companies don't peacefully co-exist. Some compete with each other, but others do worse than compete: they destroy. 

For instance, if the bankers steal everything from the treasury and all future treasuries, there is nothing left for anyone else to steal. And who is hit hardest by this? The military, which is the second largest recipient of national money, after the banks; if the military is hit, then big oil is hit, because the military is the single largest user of oil. Imagine the amount of fuel they burn every year.

And that is just the primary example. Here is another. The military is expected to use soldiers to test new vaccines. But if this makes millions of soldiers sick, that hurts the military again. Young men won't want to enlist, for one thing, and all these sick veterans have to be taken care of later. If there is no money in the treasury to take care of them, you have the same problem again: their sons and grandsons won't enlist. That is just one reason of many that the military doesn't like Gates and his vaccines.

This gives me another reason to think Trump will eventually come out on top in this “election”. I am not a “pollster” like Basham, but I can tell you that a simple finger to the wind never indicated a Biden victory here. Biden was obviously chosen as a losing candidate and always acted like one. All the telegraphing has been for a Biden loss, and that remains true now, even as the mainstream falsely anoints him as the winner. 

The fake riots being in Democratic strongholds were a big sign in that direction, as were the fake race wars, which are also easy to pin on the Democrats. The blackwashing of Antifa and SJW was the same sort of signal, since they were also linked to the Democrats. After election day we’ve continued to have Big Tech linked to the Democrats, which put a target on them as well. But most of all, we have had a huge amount of chaos created, and all those reacting against it are being pushed right. A revolution is being sparked on purpose, and all revolutionaries are being pushed right. Which is very strange. Revolutionaries don't normally clamor for the Republican party, do they? So we are all being pushed in that direction, man, woman, and child.

If those running the greater project really wanted you to like Biden, you would. You would be pushed strongly in his direction, as you were with Obama. But that isn't happening. Even the mainstream isn't pushing you in that direction, though on the surface that looks like the story. 

But the mainstream only appears to be for Biden.

 In reality, they are blackwashing him by the form of their 


The mainstream media is still controlled now, and it isn't controlled by the left. It never was and isn't now. The mainstream is pretending to support Biden, but is blowing it on purpose. The media isn't just accidentally getting caught saying stupid things every day. The Democratic party isn't just accidentally acting like a band of petty tyrants. That is part of the script. You and I aren't the only ones noticing that the Democrats have suddenly become the party of intolerance and censorship. All real people are seeing that, because it is being shoved in front of their noses. That is what I mean by “telegraphing”. You can tell what is going on by looking at what we are being groomed to think.

We are also being groomed to detest Gates and Big Tech. If the CIA and MSM wanted you to love Gates and accept vaccines, you would. They are capable of that, and did it easily in the past. If 50% of the populace is slipping through their nets, it is because they want you to slip through.

In the 1950s, there were no alternative sources of news. There were three TV channels, and everyone got their information that way. Magazines and newspapers were also tightly controlled, and even the most fringe sources were straight-up CIA fronts. Almost nobody read them. Technologically, the CIA and MSM have many more ways to control you now, so why is everything so chaotic? Why is it so easy to get negative information on Bill Gates or vaccines or voting or anything else? Because somebody wants you to have that information. Which indicates the split and the war. In the 1950s, we may assume the bankers and military were on the same page. They weren't in opposing investment groups. But now they are. The success of the Phoenician navy led to a rapid growth in size, which led to a split. Which led to an ever-growing civil war and ever-growing levels of chaos, as the spies built ever-larger mazes of traps for one another. 

But this war had to end, because both sides ultimately prey off the middle class and can't survive without it. If they destroy the host they will destroy themselves. I think the older larger side is finally realizing that it can't let the younger side continue. The weaker side has to be killed and the remaining players have to come back together, as they were in the 1950s.

Thank You Miles


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