Monday, May 10, 2021



The Rise of Utilitarian Extremism, and How to Recognize It

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • Proof of vaccination requirements for travel are rare, and limited to travel to certain destinations where the risk of contracting a disease and bringing it back to a population with nonexistent immunity against it is high
  • The U.S. government’s job is to protect the Constitutional rights of all Americans. Allowing or encouraging businesses to create a two-tier society where unvaccinated people are barred from participating in civic society is unconstitutional
  • Proof of vaccination against COVID-19 will not ensure safety. It won’t even promote it, as the so-called vaccines are designed to merely reduce symptoms of the infection
  • Utilitarianism, which is now being increasingly promoted, is a discredited pseudo-ethic that has repeatedly been used to justify horrific human rights abuses. It is based on a mathematical equation that some individuals can be sacrificed for the greater good of the majority
  • Utilitarianism appears to be at work already. The European Union’s vaccine injury reporting system had logged 330,218 adverse event reports, including 7,766 deaths, as of April 17, 2021, and the U.S. reporting system had logged 118,902 adverse event reports as of April 23, including 3,544 deaths and 12,618 serious injuries, yet all of these injuries and deaths are simply ignored and people are told to get the shot, no matter what.

Utilitarianism is 
  1. the doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of a majority.
    • the doctrine that an action is right insofar as it promotes happiness, and that the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of conduct.

    • In an April 29, 2021, opinion piece published by Newsday,1 Arthur Caplan and Dorit Reiss, Ph.D., argue for the implementation of vaccine passports as a strategy to regain our freedom to travel and the “safe” reopening of schools and businesses.

Part of their argument is that vaccinations have “always” been “necessary for travel,” which is patently false. Proof of vaccination requirements are rare, and strictly limited to travel to certain destinations where the risk of contracting a disease and bringing it back to a population with nonexistent immunity against it is high. You’ve never had to show proof of vaccination when flying to Paris, France, for example.

Arguing for Unconstitutional Practices

Caplan and Reiss also argue that prohibiting businesses from requiring vaccine passports, which some state governors are now doing, is “unusual and irrational,” as private businesses have the right to make their business more attractive by increasing the safety for its staff and patrons.

The problem with that argument is that it is the government’s job to protect the Constitutional rights of all Americans. Allowing or encouraging businesses to create a two-tier society where unvaccinated people are barred from participating in civic society is unconstitutional on its face.

What’s more, proof of vaccination against COVID-19 will not ensure safety. It won’t even remotely promote it, as the so-called vaccines are designed to merely reduce symptoms of the infection. They don’t make you immune. You can still contract the virus and spread it to others. The only one who might benefit from the jab is the one getting it.

Of course, Caplan and Reiss make no mention of this crucial point, but since the vaccinated person is the only one getting any protection, no one needs to know your vaccination status, as it doesn’t affect them either way. A COVID-19 vaccinated individual poses the same risk to the community as an unvaccinated one.

So, the only reason for a vaccine passport is a control-related one, and Reiss and Caplan are keeping busy, trying to convince you otherwise. In a February 2021 Barron’s article,4 they argued for letting employers mandate vaccines for their employees, using the same lame arguments.

What’s happening here is that the U.S. federal government recognizes that it cannot legally mandate vaccine passports.

 It would be unconstitutional, as it would create a two-tier society built on medical discrimination. 

So, government is depending on private businesses to push through this measure. 

Reiss and Caplan’s efforts are part of this strategic subversion of Constitutional rights.

More Than 11,000 

COVID Vaccine Deaths Logged!

The latest data on COVID-19 vaccine side effects suggest governments are already operating under this horrific utilitarian ideology.

How else do you explain the fact that the European Union’s vaccine injury reporting system had logged 330,218 adverse event reports, including 7,766 deaths, as of April 17, 2021,8 and the U.S. reporting system had logged 118,902 adverse event reports as of April 23, including 3,544 deaths and 12,618 serious injuries,9 yet all of these injuries and deaths are simply ignored and the call for everyone to get their jab continues unabated — all while bashing vaccine hesitancy as a mental illness, intellectual deficit or act of domestic terrorism?!

DYI:  Amazing those numbers of deaths to my knowledge has never been reported by the main stream media press.  At this stage, with death numbers continuing growing, it is obvious this non-existence reporting is due to Big Pharma and actors in our government for additional controls over our citizens.  It is unfortunate that the vast majority of Americans have no idea that we are in the battle for our freedoms and in the case of those 3,544 individuals – [vaccine caused death] lost the battle with their very lives!

Those who think – [not the readers of this blog] – this will all blow over in due time are sadly mistaken.  These criminals will rollout different methods to nullify our freedoms and raid our Federal plus State level treasuries for their profit.  More is coming over the months and years ahead.  Items such as control of our food supply, and energy consumption by engineering cyber attacks creating blackouts in selected city metroplexes, social credit scores etc.  They will not stop unless as Americans we stop fighting among ourselves – [left-right, Republican-Democrat, black-white etc.] – stopping dead in their tracks the age old method of divide us by having our citizens arguing making it far easier to have us conquered and then enslaved!

By 2030 if this is not stopped by citizen action as a nation we will in shock as to our lost freedoms and standard of living decline for the vast majority!


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