Monday, July 5, 2021

Day one of 9-11 I stated there were zero airliners - [except what you saw on TV all done by CGI] - people thought I was crazy. After a few weeks I stated no one died making me an insensitive raving lunatic. Once again I'm the lunatic as Surfside Condo Collapse was a ZERO casualty event - obviously that is my opinion.


Collapse Distraction

For Lull in COVID Narrative!

Surfside Florida Building Collapse

Not buying this event. Here is what I’m seeing that stinks.

A.      Outside video clearly shows bright lights popping on then off inside of buildings possibly indicating the use of thermite.

B.       Outside video shows buildings collapse exactly into their own footprint in the manner of a successful controlled demolition.

C.             We are being instructed through the main stream press – due to underground water structural damage – to believe every steel beam snapped off from every beam like a match stick and again falling straight down into the building’s own footprint??  Pressing the possibility of this happening beyond the scope of any credibility.  

1. Family members – especially the women – not shedding one tear during any TV interviews.

2. The mystery phone landline dialing a family member that reminds me of the impossible phone calls from the 9-11 planes.

3. Immediate and similar made flyers of missing people! This nonsense happened at 9-11 as though their loved one has turned into the walking dead and may have seen walking around waiting to be rescued.

4. Still no other security footage of this building in the hours/minutes leading up to this event. Today, 6 days later, they claim some new video surfaced and showing running water in the parking area. Gas lighting proceeded for days and then video surfaces of this guy recording a water leak at 1:30 am, and records it? Yeah, ok

4. It appears some of these people being interviewed are actors. This well spoken 11 year old talking about her friend being lost, and if you look her up you will only find a Go-Fraud-Me account page and this 11 year old is the person they claim ? Eleven year old sets up a Go-Fraud-Me account, begging for money, instead of looking for her missing friend?

4. The person that saved this boy at the initial collapse is out walking his dog at 1:30 in the morning? Very odd time to walk dogs.

5. Immediate call to make more condo regulations before they know anything. Even going as far to say they will likely push FEDERAL regulations, which is ridiculous because engineering of buildings vary in every state because site conditions are so different as well as design elements! You can’t require buildings in Las Vegas to meet roof snow loads required in Michigan. It’s just more push for federal behemoth government. Problem, Reaction, Solution.

6. They’ve been setting up Governor DeSantis as the next Republican President, almost like the next George Bush. Why not cap it off with a 9-11 style tragedy?

7. Where is all of the security camera footage? Ring, Arlo, or any other Wi-Fi security cameras that save files to the cloud and don’t tell me these condos didn’t have security cams, or the buildings adjacent.

8.  Members – [active duty] – of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) or should I say IDF Intelligence – [my speculation] helping with a rescue operation?  Foreign troops operating in an official capacity; – not just here for training purposes is very unusual for America military or civilian domestic policy.

9.  Use of rescue dogs from Mexico??  FEMA is unable to have trained up ready to go, on a moments notice rescue dogs along with they’re trainers, despite multi-billion dollar per year budgets??  This data point of information will be overlooked by the general public as something inconsequential; however I see this as a major point of interest.  If these buildings were vacated earlier and then controlled demolition there would be no bodies to be found despite what was being told to the main stream press.  Far easier to control the lie of no bodies found, with a paid off foreign national with zero interest in America’s problems.          

The more that comes out the more I’m not buying this was an accident and nothing more than a highly controlled zero deaths psychological operation for multiple agendas.  The agendas that come to mind is the kick off for Governor DeSantis as future Presidential possibility.  The COVID-19 Hoax is in an easily predicted lull period providing a distraction for the American public.  Provides the main stream press with ratings driving story – [if it bleads, it leads concept]. More Federal involvement into State and local building codes further eroding away of our concept of a constitutional Republic of 50 States.


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