Tuesday, February 8, 2022

 Russian – United States

Dog and Pony Show

A convenient distraction as Canadian citizens go COVID non compliance on a mass scale!    

Russia has added no new troops or equipment to the Russian/Ukrainian border since April of 2021.  In fact it’s been the opposite as several NATO countries along with the U.S. and Canada have moved a modest number of troops; and ship in substantial amounts of weapons into the Ukraine.

Russian’s have no intention of invading Ukraine as they have no interest in becoming liable in running a failed state that has had its industrial base gutted, it’s infrastructure run into the ground, it’s wealth stolen by oligarchs and their best and brightest who have long since fled the country.

Nor does she need a false flag event as an excuse to retaliate as Ukrainian forces are already indiscriminately shelling non strategic residential districts in the Donbass region on an almost daily basis killing innocent civilians; she has legitimate reasons as per the Minsk agreement to strike anytime she’s wishes.

Any Russian assault would be done mainly over the horizon with standoff weapons. They can easily decimate any and all military opposition in Ukraine including their foreign “advisors” and command centers and their equipment without a single soldier placing a single footstep on Ukrainian soil.

It’s the west who desperately needs something to happen for several reasons. For  economic reasons to stave off an implosion of the U.S. economy due to its ponzied mismanagement, with arms manufacturing being the biggest sector left in their outsourced economy. Another reason is to cut Europe off from Russian energy supplies thus making Europe – especially Germany – dependent on U.S. energy at a highly inflated price.

A third reason could be the neocons simply wishing to save face after the debacle in Afghanistan and more people starting to see through the lies of their Middle Eastern adventures all engineered by the Israeli’s.

But their second biggest fear of Germany freed from Western interference and moving closer to Russia is not mentioned even though the Hegemony has been manipulating events to prevent this for over a hundred years. Their biggest fear is a China / Russian Alliance being realized by leaps and bounds every day due to the ineptitude of the U.K, the U.S. and their assorted European vassal states.

The Russians have shown extraordinary patience over Ukraine, and Syria knowing full well who the real culprits are. After all they know that time is on their side with the U.S.’s imperial reign coming to an end and every day that they can buy sees a weaker west. It’s the west, which sadly includes butt licking vassal states like Australia that need something to happen soon as the time in the sun as an empire is running out.

One can only hope that Russian patience holds fast and western imperialism goes out slowly with a whimper instead of quickly with a bang.

No one wins; especially when the United States goes out with a bang.

Till Next Time


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