Saturday, August 13, 2022

World domination is no longer a Conspiracy Theory...It is Conspiracy FACT!



World Bank Creates $1 Billion Fund For Vaccine Passports

Unelected and unaccountable Technocrats are bent on creating vaccine passports. There is no discussion with nation-states or actual citizens who will be forced into taking the passports. A universal digital ID is the Holy Grail of Technocracy because it will enable a “Skynet” system of total control. The World Bank’s backing guarantees that Central Bank Digital Currency will be tightly coupled with vaccine passports.

CBDCs will collect all financial transaction information. Social media collects all of your personal contacts and psychographic profile. Amazon Ring and Google Nest cameras collect your every local movement. Vaccine passports collect and store all of your health information. DNA collection will provide health predispositions. Existing government databases collect everything from drivers’ license data to gun registrations to political positions. When all of these types of data systems are connected and integrated, Skynet will have arrived to stay. It will know more about you than you know about yourself. It will predict your behavior. It will control your every movement. Resistance to this emerging system is not anti-technology as they would have you believe; it is anti-control. ⁃ TN Editor


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