Thursday, January 26, 2023

I wonder how long this will stay up as Google has gave me my first communist strike! Well google is it 3 strikes and I'm out??




Don’t Trust Government(s)

Avoid Mainstream Media

Fight the Lies!.

There is NO COVID.
COVID does not exist.
There is NO pandemic. It's all a hoax.
There is NO Virus called SARS-COV-2 that allegedly causes
the imaginary COVID resulting in the fake pandemic.
Everyone is lying through their teeth.

And there are NO variants of an imaginary virus that causes fictional COVID resulting in 
no pandemic.

No one died anymore than in any other year absent the withdrawal of medical services and the lockdown issues.
(for 2020, and in 2021 COVID listed deaths are actually Khazarian Jew Jab vaccine deaths).
All-cause mortality is the most accurate data, and it shows absolutely no evidence of a Covid pandemic.

No autopsies were ever done on any so called COVID-19 deaths. None.

There is NO virus.
Viruses do not exist.
That means there are NO variants of a non-existent virus.

COVID is Influenza rebranded. There is no new sickness. Nothing has changed (for 2020).
Even the CDC admits this because they have now made the RT-PCR illegal (since Dec.31, 2021) 
as they finally state that it (PCR) unable distinguish imaginary COVID from Influenza.
Therefore this fraudulent RT-PCR test has now been designated by the CDC as totally invalid, effective 31 December 2021.

SARS-CoV-2 is a hoax.
There is NO VIRUS.
It does not exist.
Sars-Cov-2 has never been isolated, nor purified.
That also means there is NO gain of function research.
Therefore there is NO Wuhan Lab Leak.
And there are NO DARPA documents leaked to Project Veritas.
Project Veritas is a Controlled Opposition Front group designed to convince
people that a virus exists.

Del Bigtree, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones and Mike Adams are controlled opposition agents designed to do the same: believe in a fairy tale virus that was made in China.

These people want to start a war with China, because that's what their Khazarian Jewish masters want.

mRNA technology is a fraud.
Robert Malone is controlled opposition because he believes in the virus and COVID and 
his job is also to convince people that mRNA technology is real when it isn't.
You have Sasha Latypova talking about the dangers of COVID.

There is no mRNA technology.
The vaccine is straight up poison and the mRNA is a cover up story.
The Spike Protein is a natural byproduct of cell death.
And so they kill you with poisons and then pretend it's from the spike protein producing mRNA tech which does not exist.

All of this means the theatrics between Senator Rand Paul and Dr. Tony Fauci is a complete and total sham.
Senator Rand Paul is controlled opposition.

Peter McCullough is controlled opposition because he believes in the virus and COVID and thinks that vaccines are good for you.
Judy Mikovits, Sherri Tenpenny are controlled opposition agents because
they also believe in the imaginary virus and COVID as a disease.
COVID does not exist.
David Martin is controlled opposition because he believes the COVID virus genome was patented years ago.
There is no COVID virus and therefore there cannot be a patented genome for a virus that does not exist.

David Martin is a Satanic Freemason:

Brian Ardis is also a controlled opposition agent because he believes the virus exists when it does not and 
he also believes the COVID virus (SARS-Cov-2) was created from Chinese Cobra snake venom.

Ardis is a useful idiot just like Mike Adams and Alex Jones, always trying to place blame on China 
when the real criminals are Israel and the Khazarian Jews.

Controlled opposition agents are everywhere you look.
There is NO Pandemic,
There is NO COVID,
There is NO SARS-Cov-2 virus.


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