Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Revolution or Submission?? Remains today's decision not just for New Zealand includes all countries worldwide. The global Bolsheviks haven't retreated they've changed tactics!

Don’t Trust Government(s)

Avoid Mainstream Media

Fight the Lies!

Coming to a Country 

Near You!

New Zealand

The goal of all these lawless bull Shit-Spewing Bolsheviks is NOT to protect New Zealanders from a flu that is essentially non-fatal … or save the climate … it is to implode New Zealand's economy, society and democracy. Until New Zealand, from coast-to-coast, becomes one huge massive poverty-stricken, crime-ridden, unemployed, uneducated, androgynous voter plantation ghetto where New Zealanders will be beholden to their new ego-blown dim-witted Totalitarian Marxist governmental overlords to meekly and dutifully vote obedience in exchange for the handouts of food & shelter needed for basic survival.

Jacinda Ardern as New Zealand's Prime Minister -- 'World Economic Forum Young Global Leader,' former 'International Union of Socialist Youth' President -- and whose only 'real job' prior to sucking off the Marxist teat was slinging orders at the Golden Kiwi Fish & Chips shop while in high school -- the country has goose-stepped straight into one of the most Totalitarian Marxist dictatorships on the planet.

Public servants required to calculate their 'white privilege score.' The historically indigenous Maori language is virtue-pimped everywhere, on road signs, on news & weather broadcasts, in all government communications, even though only 4% of New Zealanders actually speak it fluently … and the vast majority speak English fluently as well.

Recently a set of parents had their child put in care of representatives of The State because they refused to allow the child a 'vaccinated' blood transfusion.

For media to obtain funds from The 'Public Interest Journalism Fund,' it must adhere to The State's censorship. To point, Arden told the UN that free speech and free use of the Internet are 'weapons of war.' And she implemented a snitch-on-your-neighbors plan (called 'Know The Signs') if they are advocating against The State Narrative that, of course, would be hate speech.

Guns? A 2019 ban on a wide variety of 'semiautomatic firearms,' whatever she decides that phrase mean, a firearms registry in-process, a more-strict license required to own.

The Harmful Digital Communications Act targeting dissenters of The State.  For the farmers she hates, a cow-burp tax and a Clean Car Package (a utility vehicle tax). COVID?  In August 2021, Arden personally lockdowned the entire country a second time when ONE COVID case was discovered after six months of zero reports.

All types of workers were also required to get jabbed to keep their jobs. Then there was the 'MIQ,' the plan for 14-day mandatory isolations of COVID cases at government-run facilities.

Protesters of The State's draconian COVID policies at Parliament were ignored, then pepper-spray and water-hosed away. And even former MPs that joined them were permanently trespassed from Parliament. At one point, people were arrested for trying to smuggle KFC chicken buckets into locked-down Auckland.

The Totalitarian Marxist New Zealand State is in the process of hunting down the few people that it has not been able to jab … and force jabs upon them. The entire list of blatant Totalitarianism actions, check-boxed by Ardern to gain the admiration of other Totalitarian Marxists around the globe, is simply staggering.

And what have New Zealanders done about all this? Well they have been protesting. Well, here's the news flash. Protesting is not 'fighting for freedom,' it is 'whining for freedom.' Whining is not fighting; fighting is putting up your fists and swinging.

Fighting is non-compliance

Fighting is running for office

If they rig the election?

Get Nasty

Dictators do not capitulate to whining, they squash it using whatever violent methods are at their disposal.

The truth of the matter is that New Zealanders now only have two choices... revolution or submission.

If New Zealanders continue to choose submission, then they deserve what the Bolsheviks dictatorship will impose on them, which will be neither righteous or benevolent. Or they can choose full-out revolution. So, New Zealanders stop whining and start choosing.

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