Thursday, May 9, 2024


Land of the Rip Offs

From the Desk of

Miles Mathis

Biden just called for raising taxes on the rich and all the alternative and “conservative” sites like Breitbart, Infowars, Gateway Pundit, and Zerohedge are in a tizzy. Showing us where their loyalty really lies. Some wonder why I call myself a liberal, but you are about to see why again. I am not a democratic party liberal or progressive, obviously. I have no use for Biden. I am an old-school liberal, in favor of protecting the little guy from rapine by the rich. OF COURSE the rich need to be taxed more and the poor and middle taxed less! And that is just a start. 

So many other things need to be done as well, starting with enforcing existing laws against collusion by the wealthy and re-regulating big business, including the banks and huge investment groups.

The income inequality in this country was always obscene, but it is now just criminal. Such regulation isn't Communism or Socialism, though that is what these people always try to tell you. It is just the enforcement of sensible laws against racketeering, money laundering, and worldwide theft.

 [DYI:  Not just our nation the entire western world was psyoped into taking a bogus vaccine for a disease that doesn’t exist ripping off estimated 3 trillion in U.S. dollars.  Big Pharma is organized crime who racketeer (business model based on fraud) and this is only one example!]  

Get this through your head: ENFORCING LAWS AGAINST THEFT IS NOT COMMUNISM! It is simply the foundation of a civil society.

The very rich are now getting away with mass pillaging, it is that simple. Government is no longer government, it is just a vast front for and shakedown by the very rich. We used to have crony capitalism, but now we don't even have that, the economy just being a monstrous vaudeville in which you pay for a million things you aren't getting. 

Fake space programs, fake nuclear programs, fake anti-terrorism programs, fake security, fake bombs, missiles and planes, fake wars, and fake research in a thousand fake fields. And the few things that are being delivered no one wants: fake school shootings put on by thousands of agents, fake BLM parades and riots, fake Antifa, fake trannie programs run to cause chaos, 24/7 fake news, and a very real invasion by illegal immigrants.

You are paying the salaries of hundreds of agents who have nothing better to do than run psyops on you all day and all year. A lot of them are in the Department of Defense, residing on AFBs, since, like the CIA and FBI, these people have nothing else to do. 

There is no real mafia, no terrorism, and no real wars, but these people have to justify their paychecks somehow. So they have declared war on you. 

As the taxpayer, you have been tapped to underwrite an entire Matrix of lies and fictional events, most of them with you as the target. You are paying these people to attack you, steal from you, and ultimately destroy you.

[DYI:  The problem with thieves as long as they get away with stealing from you they will always come back for more as we've have witnessed rapidity making the American public an easy mark!  The billionaires (and trillionaire families) will not stop stealing until either we stop them or when there is nothing left to heist (with many of us dead)]  

If you could stop all those programs, your taxes would go WAY down. Defense could be cut by 90% and we would still be outspending China. Intel could be cut by 98% and no one would miss it. Mental health would skyrocket. Banker welfare could be immediately ended. Meaning, private banks shouldn't be loaning money to the treasury at interest, and shouldn't be in control of the Federal Reserve. Banking should be nationalized, like the post office. It should be a service, not a scheme of profit. The space program should be scaled back to reality, ditto for the rest of science. Outside NASA, science funding is pretty low: it just needs to be redirected into real programs instead of fake ones. As for the arts, they are actually underfunded, which—with Modernism—was fine with everyone, including me. But real art should be brought back and refunded.

If we reformed society on those foundations, we wouldn't have to tax the rich more, since they would lose most of their methods of theft. It is illogical to let them steal and then try to steal some of it back through taxes. Better to keep them from stealing in the first place, right?

Thank You

Miles Mathis

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