Saturday, October 12, 2024

There are no safeguards that can protect the emotional investor from himself."


J. Paul Getty Quote!

Stock Market - "For as long as I can remember, veteran businessmen and investors - I among them - have been warning about the dangers of irrational stock speculation and hammering away at the theme that stock certificates are deeds of ownership and not betting slips.

The professional investor has no choice but to sit by quietly while the mob has its day, until enthusiasm or panic of the speculators and non-professionals has been spent. He is not impatient, nor is he even in a very great hurry, for he is an investor, not a gambler or a speculator. 

"There are no safeguards that can protect the emotional investor from himself."

John P. Hussman, Ph.D.
President, Hussman Investment Trust

August 2024

When a speculative bubble collapses – and I suspect this one will end like others before it – it isn’t because people take money “out” of the market. Every dollar a seller takes out is the same dollar a buyer just brought in. Prices collapse because the sellers are more eager to get out than the buyers are to get in, and a price decline is needed in order for stocks and cash to exchange hands (that’s why it’s called a stock exchange). 

The hypervalued market capitalization people call “wealth” simply vanishes because market capitalization is just price times shares, and the only way to get sellers and buyers to trade with each other is for the trade to happen at a lower price. With market valuations just shy of their recent record extreme, it may be helpful to seriously consider your exposure to risk, and the full-cycle losses that have resolved speculative episodes across history.

Margin of Safety!

Central Concept of Investment for the purchase of Common Stocks.
"The danger to investors lies in concentrating their purchases in the upper levels of the market..."

Stocks compared to bonds:
Earnings Yield Coverage Ratio - [EYC Ratio]
Lump Sum any amount greater than yearly salary.

PE10  .........37.00
Bond Rate...4.82%
EYC Ratio = 1/PE10 x 100 x 1.1 / Bond Rate

2.00+ Stocks on the give-away-table!

1.75+ Safe for large lump sums & DCA

1.30+ Safe for DCA

1.29 or less: Mid-Point - Hold stocks and purchase bonds.

1.00 or less: Sell stocks - Purchase Bonds

0.50 or less:  Stock Market Crash Alert!  
Purchase 30 year Treasury Bonds! 

Current EYC Ratio: 0.62(rounded)
As of  10-1-24
Updated Monthly

PE10 as report by
DCA is Dollar Cost Averaging.
Lump Sum is any dollar amount greater than one year salary.
Over a ten-year period the typical excess of stock earnings power over bond interest may aggregate 4/3 of the price paid. This figure is sufficient to provide a very real margin of safety--which, under favorable conditions, will prevent or minimize a loss...If the purchases are made at the average level of the market over a span of years, the prices paid should carry with them assurance of an adequate margin of safety.  The danger to investors lies in concentrating their purchases in the upper levels of the market.....

Common Sense Investing:
The Papers of Benjamin Graham
Benjamin Graham

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