This investment approach is an offshoot of Harry Browne's Permanent Portfolio that maintains a fixed 25% invested in the above four asset categories listed above. Harry's uncorrelated assets at the time was ground breaking. Today it is taken for granted. As much as I was impressed with Harry's work it always made me uncomfortable to always own 25% in each asset. When valuations are at extreme lows a greater percentage is called for and conversely at historical nose bleed levels significantly less (or none) - see chart below.
DYI’s approach working through our four assets and determining with a measure of accuracy the percentage invested depending upon long term valuations. This is done by calculating our averaging formula for each asset.
If all three assets - gold, stocks, long term bonds, cash is our default position - are at fair or average value then each of the categories will be at 25% of the portfolio just like Browne's Permanent Portfolio. However as prices move up or down from their respective mean our averaging portfolio will make the adjustment enhancing the overall return.
If all three assets - gold, stocks, long term bonds, cash is our default position - are at fair or average value then each of the categories will be at 25% of the portfolio just like Browne's Permanent Portfolio. However as prices move up or down from their respective mean our averaging portfolio will make the adjustment enhancing the overall return.
Will DYI outperform the market??
Our primary goal is to outperform the Permanent Portfolio first. Outperform the market? Maybe? DYI's intentions is a 6% real return - as opposed to Browne's 4% - into your pocket with low volatility as opposed to our fully invested stock market investor. In closing each of these assets stocks, long term bonds, gold and cash, all have their their moment of fame or shame. Value players reduce or eliminate the overvalued assets and increase the undervalued; simple as that!
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