Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I have followed politics since the 1970's plus studied history intensely and never have seen the elites plus establishment this sacred...DYI

Trump Presidency Is a Global Threat, Economist Intelligence Unit Warns

The firm pointed to a number of reasons, including Trump's hostility toward free trade, his accusing China of being a "currency manipulator, his advocating the killing of terrorists' families, and his proposal to move troops into Syria to fight ISIS and take its oil. 
Also Wednesday, the Washington Post editorial board called for the Republican Party to aim for as brokered convention to prevent a Trump nomination, arguing that Trump "presents a threat to American democracy." 
"Mr. Trump resembles other strongmen throughout history who have achieved power by manipulating democratic processes," the editorial board wrote. "Their playbook includes a casual embrace of violence; a willingness to wield government powers against personal enemies; contempt for a free press; demonization of anyone who is not white and Christian; intimations of dark conspiracies; and the propagation of sweeping, ugly lies." 
DYI Comments:  Expect far more hit pieces especially if Trump secures the Republican nomination. So far he has been the only candidate to take on health care costs that have been artificially pumped up due to the lack of competition.  Currently today we are spending more more on a GDP basis than the socialized systems of Europe.
All that is needed is for these companies to be placed under the Sherman and Clayton antitrust acts plus the Patman act as well.  This alone would drive down cost by 60 to 85 percent depending upon the medical condition.  Trump has also advocated permitting insurance companies to compete across State lines thereby reducing insurance costs.  These savings alone would end our deficit spending slowing the banker's money creation.

Trump has also stated that the Federal Reserve System...[ There are no reserves(fiat currency) and it is not a system but a cartel]...needs to be audited from head to toe.  Hopefully he will come to the conclusion as Ron Paul has that the Fed's, our 4th central bank, needs to close it doors.  Having honest money once again.

And, of course, Trump wants to put an end to illegal immigration.  This alone would would put a serious dent into reducing African American unemployment.  Redo these insane trade deals and yes this would go a long way to reducing the true unemployment rate.

Trump must be real in his intent. I have followed politics since the 1970's plus studied history intensely and never have seen the elites plus establishment this sacred.  If he is real who ever becomes the next Attorney General (Department of Justice) will be a very busy prosecuting the many criminals that have pervaded our public and private institutions.

The reason I find this so captivating is the "fear factor" from the elites and establishment as this continues our country's move from pro business to pro labor.  America has historically oscillated between labor and business and rarely balanced both.  If Trump wins this will mark the kick off of the pro labor movement.  DYI will keep watching.


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