Sunday, March 13, 2016

Student Loan Madness

Help! My fiancee has $90,000 in student loans. Should I call off the wedding?

I am in love with a man. We have been together for almost three years and are looking at the possibility of getting married. The one issue is that he has quite a bit of student loan debt. It amounts to about $90,000. He has had trouble paying this student debt. The Department of Education garnishes his wages, and he cannot own any property without the fear of having it foreclosed on because of his student loan debt. 
If we are to get married, what would I be responsible for? Would my wages get garnished? Would my bank account be subjected to being frozen and money taken out of it? Could we have a joint bank account without the fear of that happening? If we were to jointly own a house would we still be in danger of foreclosure due to his student loan debt? Also, if we were to have a child would my husband be able to claim hardship and not have his wages garnished anymore?
 Jennifer in Ohio
DYI Comments:  First of all the debts(student loans) are all his and will be forever or until paid off. If you get divorced a few years later his student loan remain with him(sorry for being so morbid).

Let's get real and deal with the emotional impact of this large debt.  When all three of you get married this will be akin to you sharing him with another women!  Are any of his student debt from "Sallie Mae!?"  Call off the wedding?  No!  Postpone?  Yes!  He needs to work on his career, work extra jobs, live at home with his parents until this debt is gone.  Expecting any women or man(it works both ways) to help in paying off this size of debt is madness.  He needs "to kick Sallie Mae out of his life forever" before you marry.  Only then can you begin your relationship fresh.  Also my suspicion tells me, you will have a far more mature husband when he retires the debt.  Plus it will acknowledge how committed he is to you.

Best of Luck Jennifer,


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