Wednesday, August 31, 2016

But suppose this election isn't about Trump or Hillary at all. Suppose, as political scientists Allan J. Lichtman and Ken DeCell claimed in their 1988 book, Thirteen Keys to the Presidency, that all presidential elections from 1860 to the present are referendums on the sitting president and his party. 
If the public views the sitting president's second term favorably, the candidate from his party will win the election. If the public views the sitting president's second term unfavorably, the candidate from the other party will win the election.
As I have noted before, there are very few ways left to stick your thumb in the eye of the elitist, predatory, self-serving Establishment that won't get you tossed in prison other than voting against their candidate, which in this election is Hillary Clinton.

DYI Comments:  If Donald Trump does not win it will be voter tabulation fraud. Why? Simple.  Trump's rallies all over the U.S. with all of his venues at maximum capacity along with several thousand out in the parking lot!  The best Hillary can pull off is one or two thousand with most well under 500 people!  Remember Bernie Sanders?  His rallies were significantly greater than Hillary's.  Not to the degree of Trumps but in the several multiple of thousands. 

 So.....1/3 of Bernie supporters will vote for Trump; 1/3 will vote for Hillary; and 1/3 will sit home, not go to the polls and watch the results on T.V.

Trump supporters are HIGHLY MOTIVATED!  They will not only get to the polls but will make sure friends, relatives, possibly coworkers as well.  The amount of newly registered voters for Trump are swelling his ranks and they will vote.  He is also making inroads to the African-American voters forcing Hillary to backpedal for support that once was "locked in."

Hillary Clinton's supporters are very low motivated as expressed by her dismal rallies.  Many will NOT go to the polls and simply watch the results on T.V.

Unless Hillary pulls off a miracle during the debates - Trump will win.  If Trump soundly defeats her(debates) - she will go down in flames - possibly losing all 50 States!


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