Saturday, August 13, 2016

Fed Official Confirms "Next Step" in Plan to Consolidate Economic Control

While on a speaking tour overseas, an official of the Federal Reserve has confirmed the “next step” in the Fed’s plan to consolidate complete control over the economy of the United States. 
During an interview on Australia’s ABC AM, Loretta Mester of the Cleveland Federal Reserve said that the Fed is “assessing tools” that could be used to increase the influence of the central bank on the flow of money in the United States. 
Goldman Sachs, the Fed’s farm team, doesn’t even bother to pretend that the issuing of helicopter money is anything other than, as they explain on their website, “a form of monetary finance, whereby the central bank finances fiscal stimulus through money creation.” 
The question remains: Will states serve as the barricades between tyrants and the people as the Founders intended, or will they continue serving no greater purpose than to be the administrative subordinates of the potentates on the Potomac?

Quantitative easing 'useful' when all else fails, says Fed official Loretta Mester

Updated 14 Jul 2016, 6:17pm
Dr Mester's cautious response to the helicopter money option follows recent comments from the Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen that the measure could be used in "extreme situations". 
Helicopter money is where stimulus is directly pumped into the real economy, not through the banking system, and discussion of it is increasing amid expectations that the Bank of Japan is poised to unleash a major fiscal stimulus package of at least 10 trillion yen ($130 billion) to kickstart its flat-lining economy.

Extended interview with Loretta Mester -Video

DYI Comments:  The very beginning of the interview Loretta Mester sees no stock market bubble. Stating that economic fundamentals justify market valuations.  Good Lord!  The market is in a bubble AND the Fed's live in one.  Talk about delusion.  Speaking of delusion Ms. Mester at 9:50 into the interview stated straight out "basically at FULL EMPLOYMENT!"  There are 95 million Americans who are out of the work force!  An eighteen minute interview full of soft ball questions.

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