Sunday, September 11, 2016

The fact that central banks provide welfare for the wealthy is now entering the mainstream. The fact that all central bank policies since 2008 have dramatically increased wealth and income inequality is now grudgingly being accepted as reality by mainstream economists and the financial media. 
Central banks can only do one thing, and that's provide monetary welfare for the wealthy. Now that the central bank has enriched the obscenely wealthy, distorted markets globally and addicted the economy to cheap credit, the servile toadies and lackeys in the mainstream media and the Cargo Cult of economic "professionals" is finally admitting that it was all a fraud, a racket that favored the rich. 
Wake up, America. The only way to stop widening wealth and income inequality and kick your smack addiction is to eliminate the pusher.
DYI Comments:  I recommend highly The Creature from Jekyll Island by Edward Griffin.  A top notch book detailing the history and workings of the Federal Reserve in NON TECHNICAL LANGUAGE.  Almost 600 pages with zero fluff straight to the point and written with smooth as silk prose making for an entertaining and very educational read at the same time.  The book is in its 5th edition AND in its 39th printing!  Updated to include the 2009 downturn. A must read.


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