Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Clinton e-mail media storm shows sudden change in public mood - John J. Xenakis - Generational Dynamics

Whenever there's a sudden change in public mood in any country, it's of interest to Generational Dynamics, because it's often a sign that generational pressures have been building, and the change in public mood is caused by the latest rise of a new generation.

DYI:  The Millennial generation is on the move.  Ages 17 to 37 - this huge generation as large as the Boomer's will be felt for years to come.  Truly a MASSIVE generation that will run over generation X socially, spiritually, economically, AND POLITICALLY. 

Whatever the outcome of Friday's announcement by FBI Director James B. Comey potentially reopening the Clinton e-mail investigation, whether it helps or hurts Clinton or Trump, the unexpected media storm that followed the announcement is potentially significant.

My personal belief is that Comey made his announcement to cover his ass, for whatever reason. I also believe that he made the announcement on Friday afternoon expecting that, like almost all Friday afternoon announcements, it would be forgotten almost immediately. But that's not what happened. Instead of being forgotten, Comey's announcement is continuing to gain coverage in the mainstream media, which is a major surprise.

DYI:  Internet based citizen journalism along with newly formed internet news services are now driving the narrative, so much so, they are shoving old school main stream press into reporting.   I've said this for years that the main stream press especially T.V. are nothing more than a lobby for their CORPORATE GLOBAL MASTERS.  Who are in bed with BIG GOVERNMENT in order to thwart, reduce and eliminate competition by attempting to bamboozle the public into accepting as normal.    

The standard is that massive criminal activity and corruption by politicians in Washington is simply ignored. As I've been writing for years, thousands of Gen-X bankers purposely created trillions of dollars worth of fraudulent subprime mortgage backed synthetic securities, and then sold them to investors, knowing that they're fraudulent, creating a massive financial crisis that made millions of people bankrupt and/or homeless. And yet, not a single one of them has ever been prosecuted, but instead they've gotten off by contributing a fraction of their fraudulent gains as contributions to the Obama administration. And in Congress, as Peter Schweizer showed in 2011 appearing on 60 Minutes, Congressmen and Senators of both parties are using inside information on secret lawmaking negotiations to line their pockets with huge profits in the stock markets. Ordinary people would go to jail for insider trading for this sleazy behavior, but Congress has conveniently exempted itself, allowing it to commit crimes and enrich themselves on a daily basis and get away with it.

The massive corruption and criminal activity in Washington is far greater than anything in my lifetime, much greater than ever occurred in Richard Nixon's administration. 

But today, the Washington standard is that criminal activities go unpunished.

In the case of Hillary Clinton's e-mail activities, the mainstream media are so totally in the tank for Clinton, no longer even pretending to be unbiased journalists, that it's a shock to everyone that the stories around Comey's announcement are not only continuing, but growing.

The Republicans are gloating of course, because this is so unexpected. The Democrats are apoplectic with rage because they're suffering from a case of cognitive dissonance and are going through the five stages of grief, as all their fundamental beliefs about their right to commit criminal activity with impunity are suddenly being challenged.

The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost. They are tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling. But they are not stops on some linear timeline in grief.

From the point of view of Generational Dynamics, what's interesting here is not whether Clinton is guilty or innocent, but why there is a sudden change in public mood that might mean that her allegedly criminal activities might actually have consequences this time. It may actually be possible that after years of not caring about corruption and criminal activity in Washington, the public suddenly does care. If true, this change would be extremely significant.

That someone in Washington, and Clinton in particular, could possibly face this kind of hostile media scrutiny may represent a major change in public mood that will be seen in other ways in the months to come, no matter who becomes president.

DYI:  If Hillary Clinton had won her party's nomination instead of Obama it is highly likely despite scandal ridden would have made it to finish line of 8 years in office - looting her way to untold riches.  Times have changed - technology and generationally.  As with the song "Times are a changin" and so they have as the Clinton's have missed their mark on the time line of change.

Technology and generational shift of power will spell the end on a secular basis the power and size of the Federal government.  As this decentralizing technology rips through society will first neuter and then begin a multi long decade reduction in size bringing back the power and control to the States or the people.  This will be pushed heavily by the Millennial generation as they see big business and big government as an impediment to their way of life with technology that energizes that effort.  Will it be a smooth transition?  As with our democratic constitutional republic it will be messy along with fits and starts.  But in the end it will happen.


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