Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Farrakhan then turned his focus towards the Democratic nominee. 
“My dear brothers and sisters, this is serious,” Farrakhan told his congregation. “Her husband and Joe Biden were the authors of the crime bill that put tens of thousands of black brothers and sisters in prison.” 
“Mrs. Clinton backed the crime bill and then called our young people super predators. Of course she apologized, but just a minute. See Hitler could’ve said to the Jews after Auschwitz, ‘I’m so sorry.’ Would that be enough to satisfy you." 
“Look at this award that she got,” he continued. “In 2009 Hillary Clinton received the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood. It was Mrs. Sanger who advocated population control of black and poor people.” 
“In a 1939 letter, Sanger wrote about getting the black preachers to help with her efforts. She said, ‘we don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.’ … And when Mrs. Clinton received the award, [she said] I admire Margaret Sanger enormously. Her courage. Her tenacity. Her vision.’ Now they have to admit that the war on drugs was a war on black people.”
DYI Comment:  There rarely is anything I agree with when it comes to Louis Farrakhan but this situation he is "spot on" a "direct hit" his knowledge regarding the history of Margaret Sanger is absolutely correct and the ardent racist Hillary Clinton.  As the word gets out she will be rejected by the people unless there is MASSIVE voter fraud by the computers.  My suspicion the global power brokers are lining up to "throw her under the bus" by allowing her to lose.  Their greatest fear is NOT with Trump but with the American public who are beginning to awaken.  They will push the economy into the trash bin and blame it on the movement along with the age old divide and conquer strategy by further pushing racial disharmony.


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