Friday, August 11, 2017

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Why Facebook should pay us a basic income

The idea of guaranteeing a basic income for everybody has many obvious flaws but one overwhelming virtue. It enshrines the principle that every citizen is a valued member of society and has a right to share in its collective wealth.
 That conviction has animated radical thinkers for 500 years since the argument was first sketched out in Sir Thomas More's Utopia. The idea has gained renewed resonance in our own times as we fret about the erosion of living standards, the concentration of wealth and the possible threat of mass unemployment caused by technological change.
The oligarchs and monopolists are attempting to do is “pay off” the American public with a token amount of money to maintain their competitive advantage.  Once the public receives the largess the only way that it will be maintained is by legislating Facebook and other corporations as natural monopolies.  This is classic “bait and switch” by baiting the public with a token bribe they can switch to their real agenda of using government to stamp out their industries competition.

What is needed is to bust up the cartels starting with the medical industrial complex, mega banks (plus End the Fed) along with the oil industry.  This will create competition thus lowering of prices enhancing the purchasing power of our citizens significantly.

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