Dr. Steve Pieczenik
Las Vegas Shooting Hoax
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Crisis Actors Commit Treason!
Thanks to one of my emailers, Kristie Oaks, who made me aware that a new batch of “phony Americans” are willing to prostitute themselves out as ‘crisis actors’ for an impending ersatz crisis. Nothing is more repulsive to me than a man, woman or child who is willing to sell his/her integrity for a few shekels to betray this country in an absurd event: the false flag.
DYI has been saying the very same thing since
Sandy Hook in 2012. How can anyone prostitute
themselves just for a few dollars? I can
only guess these people believe this will enhance a career in the entertainment
business. Talk about nerve to put on one’s
portfolio acting credentials the degree to which you terrorized the American
public acting in a fake shooting! And
those crises actors who pretend to be wounded and are committing charity fraud
with your gofundme accounts along with the fake dead raising money for the
families as well. Shameful our society
has degraded to this degree!
“Sandy Hook”, a complete fiasco of reality, underscored the degree to which local/ state police and Connecticut officials are willing to “whore themselves” for a few million dollars.
The Newtown School had already been closed for asbestos contamination prior to the event. Yet, the idiot denizens of this Connecticut town/state were willing to partake in an Obama/Holder act of treason akin to shouting ‘fire’ in a movie theater [for which one would be arrested ASAP!].
Not one of the crisis actors was arrested. Lets consider that the governor, the bureaucrats, and the local citizens conspired in one of the most pathetic scenarios of a non-existent autistic boy not-committing an act of terror/massive child-killing. #Fake News played up the volume of this farce but journalists who dared to question or declared the event false were demonetized, sued, fired or all of the above. Sounds like East Berlin? Communist Russia?….you betcha, same tactics.
It is about time that truthers start to sue the feds, congress, and state/local officials for a panoply of felonious activities.
In a dysfunctional world where American politicians have initiated wars which last for sixteen years [Afghanistan]; it’s time that the Republic awaken from its stupor and finish the farce entitled ‘Federal /State Govt’.
America must retain this one truth: the individual is always superior to the collective in the USG. We must fight until that point will be made clear. Perhaps, like our founding fathers who endured real violence and real bullets; citizens must fight the stupidity /arrogance of our political elite. No one is above the law.
Let us not forget the New Hampshire motto;
“Live free or die!”