Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Europe and United States

Observations - Catalonia, Spain, France and the U.S.

Central government of Spain ruled the succession vote to be illegal – all based upon a twisted, mangled, excuse driven ruling to thwart a democratic process from happening.  Why?  The top leaders – especially the President of the Government - Mariano Rajoy Brey – knew if the vote were to happen succession would win in a lopsided fashion.  Despite all of Madrid’s heavy handed use of Federal police they were unable to shut down all polling stations.  Despite this around 25% of Catalonia’s possible voters 90% VOTED FOR SECESSION!

What prompted the vote – and this has been brewing for decades – Catalonia is an economic dynamo paying a disproportion of taxes to Madrid and receiving very little back as well.  This is a failure of socialism which works fine in the beginning until you run out of other people’s money.  In this case Catalonia – they haven’t run out of money but see the hand writing on the wall now that the socialist EU has added on all of their anti-business regulations, additional taxes, with an expanding welfare state.  The success of Brexit has emboldened Catalonian’s so the vote took place.

Word of warning Madrid and EU
If Madrid and the EU don’t end their anti-business, socialism, welfare state programs – the odds of that happening is hell freezing over – the Catalonian’s will move from paper ballots to firearms and forcibly kick out Madrid and the EU as well.  Moving to an oversized city state with Barcelona as the capital and economic epicenter.  Historically all that is required is 10% of the populous willing to take up arms; with the vote at the 90% margin that historical requirement has more than met by a factor of 3 to 5 times.  A tinder box just waiting for a match.  Madrid and EU’s autocratic and outright flamethrower oppression will ignite Catalonia into force of arms.  This is not a question of if but when!

Basque Region – Overlapping Spain and France will be embolden and energized to form a new country.
The Basque region has been a source of tension and discord within each country and between the two countries for at least 200 years.  Their culture is so much different than the French or Spain was written about by the Romans!  Times may change but the people have not making for the classic artificial borders only held together by silver (redistribution of taxes) or lead (the heavy hand of police and military).  So much so the Basque region is officially in “cease fire” since 2014 as the separatist ETA ended their 40 years of hostilities and turned in their guns – of course no one believes they turned all of their weapons in hostilities could begin at anytime.  So...Emboldened and energized hopefully by the ballot box only but with the known France, Spain, EU statists heavy hand of centralization will only inflame very, very old wounds.

America’s Great Unraveling – 

Patriots and our 50 States will no longer tolerate an – oppressive – bloated – tax gouging – war mongering – Federal Government – for the benefit of global sized corporate monopolies feudal state.

The Patriot grass roots movements as opposed to the well funded corporate/non-profit socialist groups are in the beginning stage of conflict. Patriots have remained peaceful, however cannot be said of the socialists who have resorted to divide and conquer violence all orchestrated by the Shadow Governments main players – CIA (operational control) – Legacy Main Stream Media (dissemination of propaganda) – NSA (eyes/ears CIA).

Internet – Patriot’s not so secret weapon

Information is being decentralized at a fevers pace dislodging the legacy main stream press from their perch as the final arbiters of truth.  Their days are numbered as newly formed news organizations funded internally (selling their own products) and more importantly citizen journalist sponsored by donations from their readers/viewers have cut through the propaganda bringing about a renaissance if not rebirth of honest reporting.  Don’t get me wrong there is a share of charlatans among the alternative press.  Compared to the outrageous propaganda spewing legacy main stream these abuses are small potatoes AND when given multiple choices over time American’s BS detectors are able to determine the wheat from the chaff.

911 – Federal Government Tyranny.  
To use the movie matrix analogy the red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are popular cultural symbols representing the choice between: Knowledge, freedom and the (sometimes painful) truth of reality (red pill) Falsehood, security and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill) symbolizes 911.  For those who took the red pill – looked beyond the legacy media and the 911 errors, omissions, fantasy report a Patriot was born.  Clearly a false flag operation carried out by our own government to propel America off to continuous war all for the benefit of the Military Industrial Complex, oil and gas industry, and global bankers.  For me and many others this was our RED PILL MOMENT.

Shadow Government Lashes Out.
The shadow government is losing the information war as citizens are awaken (red pill) to our tyrannical federal government.  They (shadow government) will double and triple down with divide and conquer tactics of violence.  The Las Vegas shooting whether a lone wolf madman or something more sinister is symptomatic of more to come.  So far Patriots have remained non violent preferring the ballot box or the court house pushing and pulling to our constitutional roots.  Just as in Catalonia their patience will wear thin as the violence ramps up to a fever pace.

Patriots will win – I don’t know how it will play out.
Hopefully the Patriot’s will overwhelm the socialist shadow government along with the deep state restoring America back to its constitutional roots through the ballot box and court rooms.  Hopefully this will not turn into a two sided shooting match…The demassification (decentralizing) of countries – America included – moves forward ending artificial boundaries such as the Soviet Union – Gone, Yugoslavia – Gone, possibly Scotland, Catalonia and Basque, Alberta Canada AND the significant reduction in size of the U.S. Federal Government.  

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