Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Sandy Hook

We are to believe that an emaciated, totally underweight 6'2 112lb adult was able to even walk not to mention drive!? You know that if that was real, he would be very ill and hospitalized with a feeding tube inserted into him.
Image result for adam lanza pictures
His so called psychiatrist Dr. Fox who only saw him 2x alongside an assigned psychologist who saw him all of 4x diagnosed him with Asperger's and PDD.

Asperger's being a very high functioning, articulate, intelligent person on the Autism Spectrum who will likely suffer from being clumsy (many tend to walk with the step taken from the ball of their foot as if to have a hop like appearance to their walk) making them trip easier than a typical person would but nonetheless are for the most part very successful in life due to their high intelligence.

Take into consideration that it is stated that Adam was 6'2" 112lbs and wore a size 8 shoe! This disproportionate body would surely make him even more uncoordinated.

Asperger's has also be labeled "social awkwardness" for decades because of they tend to be more shy, timid, and obviously not great at speaking or feeling comfortable in social settings yet PDD which is Pervasive Developmental Disorder being on the opposite end of the Autism spectrum causes one to have sever anxiety, fear of being out in public (angora phobia) severe reactions to BRIGHT LIGHTS and LOUD NOISES, reclusive and not very verbal or intelligent.

I like the shills to explain intelligently how it was possible for Adam to drive to the school, pack 50 lbs. of gear and shoot all those 26 bodies Rambo style in 10 minutes.
We are to believe that 'glamour girl', Kaitlyn-Roig DeBullshit fits herself, and 15 first graders into a 3' x 4' x 6' toilet, which even she admitted was so small, that she felt uncomfortable using it as it was too small for her alone??
Image result for Kaitlin-Roig closet pictures
 “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire"
At least now she is admitting that the door opened inward. So now she has to say that she couldn't close the door without "rearranging" the children. Were they lying on floor stacked like a wood pile? All standing up? Even giving her the leeway of three on top of the tank [oh, and one on the TP dispenser so she had to hold that one on], It is impossible to fit that many people in that space.

BTW, first graders are bigger than you think, especially since so many now are overweight. How did they last 45 minutes? Pretty tough to get enough oxygen when hyperventilating in a small sardine can.

Common sense would tell you they would have been crying, trying to breathe and not suffocate, rolling over up down however she says she placed them to stretch out. You've heard of stampedes? People don't all die from trauma but because they were pushed down so hard they smothered. Oh!! Don't forget having to open the door (squash everyone behind it?) and grab that ineffective book case to barricade a door that opens inward. And she sure did this in record time.

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