Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Natural Resource Grab!

AFRICOM: African Terror Threats Aren’t Necessarily Threats to the US

Testifying to the House Armed Services Committee, Gen. Waldhauser conceded that many of the “threats” that AFRICOM is fighting are not real threats to the US homeland, but not necessarily even regional threats within Africa. 
The general said many of these groups just have a jihadist ideology and some link to criminal activity of some such, then “hang out a shingle and say ‘we’re with ISIS today’.” 
He added this would happen whether or not the group had “intent or capability” to launch attacks.  
Though he conceded that the cuts would impact US operations within Africa, he said he didn’t believe it would great any “dire situation” for either the US or for local partner forces. He added there were no cuts in Libya or Somalia, the two places AFRICOM retains authority to conduct attacks.
DYI:  Why would these local criminal groups have any desire to draw attention with the very real possibility drawing in the U.S. Military?  Just maybe they are having encouragement and protection plus a whole lot of cash from the CIA?  Another attempt to pull the U.S. into colonizing Central Africa as a natural resource grab for our global corporations.  Why do I say this?  Occam’s razor; the simple answer is the super majority of the time the correct solution.

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