Wednesday, February 22, 2023

 Don’t Trust Government(s)

Avoid Mainstream Media

Fight the Lies!

East Palestine, Ohio

Train Wreck


A Hollywood Production! 

From the desk of Miles Mathis:

And here's the clincher:

The cloud we have all seen is black. 

Burning vinyl chloride produces white smoke. See p. 11 here. 

And in other news, the toxic cloud in Ohio also looks staged. How do I know? Because Netflix predicted it just a few months ago, in the film White Noise by Noah Bombach. A train derailment and toxic chemical release happened in that film in. . . East Palestine, Ohio, with townspeople appearing as extras. If you think that is just a coincidence, you may need to remove the mask and breathe deeply. I will be told that doesn't mean it is fake, it just means it was planned. No, most likely planned and faked. Strawberry Fields, nothing is real, remember. This is Hollywood we are dealing with, in cahoots with Intel. The Matrix. They need these big scary events in the news every night, so they have to stage them. The constant fear porn of train derailments and millions of dead chickens and Chinese spy balloons and food plant fires and generator explosions and rapes and murders galore not only keeps you stunned with fear and dread, helping them sell you more antidepressants and driving any revolution into the future, it diverts you from what you should be focusing on: the vaccine genocide, the torching of the Constitution, widespread illegal censorship, and the destruction of search engines—to control all information.

Tucker Carlson has devoted most of his show for the past two nights to this, which is another clue. Is this really the biggest news in the world?

Plus, the train derailment probably doubles as some huge insurance fraud. Best guess is they purposely crashed and burned these old cars to collect insurance on them, rather than just scrap them. Maybe they will claim they also had some old master paintings onboard. Maybe that's where the lost Salvator Mundi was. Oooo, I know, maybe they burned a few more billions in cash from the Federal Reserve— since they couldn't send it to Ukraine fast enough—in order to drive up the debt even more.

That created this huge cloud of smoke, which is far less toxic than they are claiming. If it were really toxic they would have cleared the town. You wouldn't just have some claims of a few dead fish and a dead cat or fox (which are easy to fake). They tell us 3,500 fish died, but I have seen no pictures of that. It is just a claim. I will be told they have witnesses on Tucker Carlson, claiming they are having rashes and feeling sick. Except that they don't have any visible rashes. I guess make-up didn't have time to fake those. 

The guy claiming that is named Nathan Izotic. Pretty rare last name, so I looked him up. He IS listed, but his mother Barbara has been very conspicuously scrubbed. So I did a Google search on her. At we find she has been in 18 locations since 1991, starting with San Clemente, CA, where she was living in an expensive house on Vista Marina. So that's a bit odd. With more searching, I found this same Barbara Izotic has been in the news before. She reported being the victim of assault and battery in 2013, and charges were filed. A people search finds she is related to Klopp, Hatton, Wagner, and Yhelka.

Izotic is a variant of Izod, as in the famous clothing brand. The surname is a very old peerage name, and they came over with William the Conqueror in the Norman Conquest. It comes from Isolde, daughter of King Mark in the tales. They are currently related to the Nixon-Brownes, one of whom was recently a TV producer for CBC Canada. This also links us to Jack Browne, Baron Craigton, Privy Counsellor. Craigton was the son of Edwin Izod. They are also related to Hepburns, so you see the link to Hollywood. 

Also curious is that Tucker ran video of a lady nearby claiming her chickens died. Chickens again. But in the video we see red marks all over her face. Why not ask her about that?

Also let me just ask you this: if you lived there and believed they were really burning thousands of pounds of VC, would you be sitting there at home with your windows closed? Even more to the point, would you be walking around outside unmasked like we see them doing? Mask for a fake flu, but not for a huge toxic mushroom cloud? 

These people may be poor, but they have cars. So did they really need an evacuation order? How about get in the car and drive to a relative's house? Since they aren't doing that, instead standing around talking to reporters, we may assume they know what is really going on. Netflix informed them months ago.

And don't forget the clincher: the cloud we have all seen is black. Burning vinyl chloride produces white smoke.

Thanks Miles!


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