Sunday, August 4, 2024


From Ireland

Another Home Run!

Regime In Panic: 

Wake Up And Smell The Fakery

We're reaching peak fakery and it can't come fast enough. 

Once a critical mass of people sees through the fake terror, rigged elections and mind control ops, the regime and its control grid collapse.

JUL 25, 2024

All the controllers have left is fear. For decades, it’s been their weapon of choice against the dumbed-down masses they seek to brainwash, manipulate and control. 

Fake terror attacks. 
Fake assassination attempts. 
Fake viruses. 
Fake protests. 
Fake wars. 
Fake climate change. 

It’s all manufactured theatre; the central plank of their ‘Order Out Of Chaos’ strategy designed to implement a One-World Government to destroy nations and all human freedom.

But the game is almost up and they’re running out of Psy-Ops thanks in no small part to the COVID scam which woke up millions of order-followers from their zombified state.

The recent Trump fake assassination attempt was so laughable that only the blind still believe there was a grain of reality attached to it. 

It was nothing more than an absurd fear/sympathy op to justify the re-selection of the self-professed ‘Father Of The Vaccine’. And anyone deluded enough to still support him is a supporter of mass murder. There’s no other way to say it.

Click Gemma's name above for the full article

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