Saturday, August 31, 2024


CVS and Walgreens have agreed to pay a combined $10.7 billion to settle allegations they failed to adequately oversee opioid painkiller prescriptions, thus contributing to America's opioid addiction crisis.

The funds will be distributed to states, local governments and federally recognized tribes and will go toward opioid crisis abatement and remediation programs. CVS will pay $4.9 billion to states and political subdivisions and approximately $130 million to tribes. Walgreens will pay $4.95 billion, plus more than $750 million in fees for attorneys and costs. The payments will be made over time.

The pharmacy chains have also agreed to implement robust controlled substance compliance programs that will require additional layers of opioid prescription reviews and institute new mandatory training programs.

What’s the target here? What’s the net “blame game”?

So it’s not the doctor who prescribed it.
Nor is it the advertising consultants or TV networks who pushed it to the masses.
Nor is it the manufacturer (patent owner) in this particular settlement.
Nor is it the incompetence of the FDA which is supposed to “regulate” this kind of thing.

In this “settlement”, it’s the RETAIL sales distributor, at the very bottom of the supply chain, who’s being shaken down
The only step below to whom the cost of this shakedown will be passed on, would be the PATIENT / CUSTOMER

Put it all together and what it spells is the "controlled demolition" of the retail prescription sales business. Local stores will be devastated.

What really needs to be done?

1.)  Break up the Big Pharma cartels and abolish the corrupt FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID.

2.)  Pursue criminal fraud, extortion and racketeering charges against the key players in the "COVID" shakedown and heists.

The entire medical system has to be overhauled.

I don't expect any of that to happen without major conflict and upheaval. And much suffering first.

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