Sunday, May 15, 2016

Socialist's Paradise Always End in Corruption,  Staggering Inflation, Totalitarianism, Poverty and a Trail of Tears for the Common Man!
DYI Comments:  When you have an economy build upon the socialist's mind that a society delivers boundless welfare programs without paying the bills collapse is imminent.  Oil prices dropped the breakdown and eventual ruin for Venezuela began.  They maintained the illusion for a time by running the printing presses and for a short time it worked but as the money circulated through their country ever increasing levels of inflation distorted their economy creating shortages of all kinds.  Food, medicines, even electricity etc. are now in short supply gripping their populous in a vicious spiral of increasing poverty.  In all societies crime is inversely proportional to the severity of poverty.  When the breakdown is so bad and food becomes scarce crime will flourish.  Venezuela is there NOW!

Inflation in 2015 was 275% and is projected by the IMF for 2016 at 720%.  If they continue on their path of economic insanity the IMF projects inflation for 2017 at 2,200% wiping out any trace of a middle class.  Currently today it is estimated that 75% are in poverty if projections are maintained by 2017 ninety five percent will be in poverty.  Only those connected to or serving the government will have some appearance of a middle class.  The Maduro's government is fully corrupt whether he was a delusion socialist in the beginning we will never know, but in the end, just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, all socialists end up part of the criminal class.  Maduro is no exception.

Their citizens have now collected over 2 million signatures for a recall election Maduro who controls their courts and the all important National Elections Board that certifies the signatures is pushing every bureaucratic delaying tactic.  Also Maduro has called out the military to prepare for an attack from the U.S. which of course is nonsense.  He will use the military to crack down on protesters in an attempt to subdue the populous.  As his fear of losing power increases (if he can maintain the loyalty of the military) socialists have a long sordid and wretched history of mass violence.  Most likely he will make a play in some form a dictator for life.  If he achieves this then violence will be on a large scale in order to hold power.  As you suspect those with any level of money have already fled the country(numbers are unknown) with a population of 30 million 25% emigrating would be of little surprise.

Want to vote for an avowed socialist?
   No, not that one he's dead.                                    

Image result for pictures of bernie sanders
 Here's the other socialist.

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