Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Barack Obama
America’s First
Communist President?

Communist FALN Terrorist Honored at Puerto Rican Day Parade

“We learn from history that we do not learn from history,” 
said German philosopher Georg Hegel. This certainly applies to the resurgent support for Marxism and the tolerance for her adherents, bloody though their hands may be. A good example is the honoring of communist FALN terrorist Oscar López Rivera at Sunday’s New York City Puerto Rican Day parade. 
Rivera, 74, spent 35 years in prison for his involvement with the FALN, a Puerto Rican terrorist group that bombed more than 120 U.S. targets between 1974 and 1983, killing or maiming dozens of people. It advocated independence for Puerto Rico but also its enslavement — as it also advocated Marxism. (Of course, Puerto Ricans have never voted for independence — they just voted for statehood — but pesky little matters such as the people’s will never deterred Marxists.) 
 Communist FALN Terrorist Honored at Puerto Rican Day Parade
Rivera was free to be honored because Barack Obama had commuted his two sentences — amounting to 70 years’ incarceration — just before leaving office in January. 
Rivera can be seen at the parade in the picture above showing the communist clenched-fist salute to supporters.
Sadly, this isn’t so unusual today. The Obama administration was infested with Marxists, both closeted and avowed. As I reported in 2010, “There was former ‘Green Jobs Czar’ and self-proclaimed communist Van Jones; former communications director Anita Dunn, who said that Mao Tse-tung was one of her ‘two favorite philosophers’; ‘Manufacturing Czar’ Ron Bloom, who said in a speech, ‘We agree with Mao’; and ‘Global Warming Czar’ Carol Browner, who was until recently listed as a leader of the socialist organization ‘Commission for a Sustainable World Society’ (note that, in classical Marxism, socialism is but a transitional phase between free markets and communism).” 
This just reflected Obama himself. As The New American noted in January addressing Rivera’s commutation, “The radical move is merely a reflection of Obama's radical roots. After all, the virtually unknown extremist who grabbed the presidency with the backing of the establishment got his political career off the ground in the home of Castro-backed communist terrorist William Ayers of the Weather Underground — a close ally of the FALN terrorists. According to FBI operative Larry Grathwohl who infiltrated the outfit, Ayers' Weathermen group was plotting to exterminate 25 million anti-communist Americans in death camps once they overthrew America with help from foreign communist dictatorships. Like Obama and Ayers, Lopez Rivera was also a ‘community organizer’ in Chicago.” 
Also note that Obama’s mentor as a youth was Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA. 
Then there’s John Drew, a former Marxist who knew Obama at Occidental College in 1980. He says that Obama was a flat-out “Marxist-Leninist” who believed in old-style (violent) socialist revolution.
Despite this timeless truth, Marxism/socialism has gained currency in recent times, as I reported herehere, and here, and as epitomized by the rise of avowedly socialist senator Bernie Sanders.
 DYI:  During the nineteen seventies and eighties socialism/communism on a world wide basis was held in disdain with multiple countries moving to a market based system.  The pinnacle was on December 26, 1991 when the Supreme Soviet Consul invoked declaration number 142 – H dissolving the Soviet Union into individual republics with many moving to a market based system including Russia.  But as stated in The New American article “We learn from history that we do not learn from history.”  Time is the enemy of history making way for politicians to peddle the same old lie to garner votes from the populous of receiving goodies from the government without the pain (those receiving the benefits)  of taxation.  Or as Margaret Thatcher so aptly stated “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”

Here we are the year 2017 after suffering eight years of America’s first communist president.  My God at the age of 62 I never thought I would see the day America would elect as president a full blown Marxist.  American society is infiltrated with progressive/socialists through the seven major avenues of our cultural, civic and judicial institutions.
1.     Politicians
2.     Main Stream Press
3.     Police administrators
4.     Professors and public school educators
5.     Prosecutors
6.     Pastors – Preachers – Priests
7.  Hollywood

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