Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Critical thinking
Disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence:
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) -- Alarmed by the proliferation of false content online, state lawmakers around the country are pushing schools to put more emphasis on teaching students how to tell fact from fiction. Lawmakers in several states have introduced or passed bills calling on public school systems to do more to teach media literacy skills that they say are critical to democracy. The effort has been bipartisan but has received little attention despite successful legislation in Washington State, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Mexico.
Associated Press is short on specifics and long on glittering generalities, so much so, I can only assume their meaning of “media literacy” is acceptance of mainstream media as truth and all others as fake news.

What is required in our schools is critical thinking skills once fully develop media propaganda would stop dead in its tracks as educated citizens check verifiable evidence for what is being presented.  Critical thinking citizens would reject the emotional laden propaganda and seek out tangible evidence proofing or dis-proofing events such as the Las Vegas shooting and other historical episodes for their authenticity as illustrated by the moon landings.  Both of these were clearly faked yet many of our citizens today believe both occurred.

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