Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Stop being the silent hostage to the psychopaths in the driver seat!

The People’s Enemies
“In order to rally people, governments need enemies.  They want us to be afraid, to hate, so we rally behind them.  And if they do not have a real enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us.”  Nhat Hanh

DYI:  World War II ended in two stages VE day – Victory over Europe and VJ day – Victory over Japan armistice signed May 8, and September 2, 1945 respectively.  The ending of hostilities brought an end for the need of a massive military.  The Military Industrial Complex owned by the elites were in a scramble for outsized profits; by ginning up a Cold war with the Soviets future profits were assured.  The Cold War began in 1947 the same year the Office of Strategic Services was merged into the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency – just a coincidence I’m sure…Yeah right!

Our ally during World War II now becomes our staunch enemy but even that was not enough to bring war profits back to the level of global war.  Korean War – June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1959 – then off to Vietnam in a growing presence – advisors – from 1950 then massive involvement until the late 1960’s as the American public tired of endless conflict was stalled until August 15, 1973 cease fire pull out ending in 1975 with unification of Vietnam.  Only leaving the war profiteers back where they started with the Cold War along with an American public that was questioning its validity as well.  Military Industrial Complex went into a rear guard action stalling the inevitable when the Soviet Empire collapsed when the Berlin War was torn down November 9, 1989.  Peace broke out all over the world.
“In order to rally people, governments need enemies.  They want us to be afraid, to hate, so we rally behind them.  And if they do not have a real enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us.”  Nhat Hanh
The Military Industrial Complex in need of a new enemy for the upcoming generation(s) to rally behind thus providing a new revenue stream.  Playing the long game books written in the 1980’s regarding growing terrorism – all with the help of the writing committees at Langley (CIA) grooming the western world’s masses of the growing threat.  Global terror equals global profits.

The Power of TeeVee
"The American people don't believe anything until they see it on television" Richard Nixon
The New Paradigm – Fake it!

Need a War on Terror but lack real terrorists then provide a bevy of actors portrayed on the powerful medium of TeeVee.  Hollywood at its best – and worst with absolutely terrible crises actors but before I get ahead of myself we need just for a moment to go back to 1947.  When the CIA was formed their highest priority mission was the complete takeover or co-opting of organized crime, command and control of Congress and President AND total control of all forms of mass media.  In future posts I’ll address the first two missions.  By the 1980’s due to consolidation everything you read (print or digital), hear (radio) or see at the movies or TV is controlled by the CIA.  Only a sliver remains out their hands with the internet being their current problem child.  OK back to the 1990’s or more significantly February 26, 1993.  The faked first attempt to destroy the twin towers – that’s right faked.  Set off an explosion in the basement make a bit of a mess all for the TV camera/photo propagandists highlighting terrorism. Plus no one died.  Remember the so called news is controlled.
Image result for first bombing twin towers  pictures

Modus Operandi
A modus operandi (often shortened to M.O.) is someone's habits of working, particularly in the context of business or criminal investigations, but also more generally. It is a Latin phrase, approximately translated as method or mode of operating.
That’s right NO ONE DIED.  This is the M.O. of all of these operations.  Why?  CIA unable to find a sicko to commit mass murder?  Here’s the answer.  If you can achieve the same level of propaganda without killing anyone thus not committing a capital crime so much the better.  Human nature as it is if you don’t go and kill anyone those who go along with this nonsense will rationalize with a multitude of excuses why it is OK (especially when big money is involved).

Faked events for propaganda has been a stable of American intelligence services since the beginning of the Republic all devised in order drive the American public in a direction of our political/corporate/individual elites.  Back in 1898 – not a typo 1898 – the sinking of our heavy cruiser the Maine in Havana Harbor Cuba was a stage event.  It is reported that 258 sailors died.  Don’t bet on it.  Send a ship across the Straights of Florida to Havana Harbor with 25 or so Naval Intelligence/explosives experts posing as the first arrivals of crew replacement send the sailors of the Maine back to Florida on the ship Naval Intelligence arrived on.  Blow up the ship blame it on Spain and the Hearst Newspaper Empire gins up war fever, America declares war – Spain is kick out of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.  One hell of a land grab!
Image result for pictures sinking of the maine newspaper articles
More recent events faked such as the Charles Manson/Sharon Tate murder devised to discredit the Hippies of the 1960’s who were gaining traction with the generalized public  protesting the Vietnam War plus Republican and Democrat parties who supported the war.  Did the ruse work?  The faked murders happened July and August of 1969 stalling the total end of the Vietnam War for another six years.

The gold standard faked event though not a staged murder – the moon landings.  NASA is in the beginning stage of admitting just that.  No not in your face type of admittance – such as a big laugh then followed with a $hit eating grin.  No!  The best example is the new Orion project designed to overcome the perils of space travel through the Van Allen Belt of high radiation.  A presentation by a young engineer – I’m assuming he is – as we know NASA stands for Never A Straight Answer – yet not one mention of Apollo missions and how with 1960’s technology over came the dangerous hazard of the Van Allen Belts.  This is what I call the back door admittance.

Fast forwarding to 2012 Newtown Connecticut Sandy Hook totally faked – that’s right no one died – school shooting.  All to propagandize the American public for gun control AND big pharma – if our made up shooter just taken the correct meds this would have never happened – school shooting.  
Image result for sandy hook  pictures
Classic demonic photo shopped propaganda picture.  
Adam Lanza; fictitious never existed shooter!  

What I’m building is our historical modus operandi or M.O. propaganda/intelligence services.  If you can deliver the same amount of propaganda without killing anyone no capital crimes have been committed.  Real deaths are just messy and unnecessary as Hollywood special effects will do all the work.

911 Hoax’s
I was at home a bit after 9A.M. turned on the TV to the business/stock channel and wow massive amount of smoke coming out of the South Tower and then the second plane hits the building and partially out the other side of the building.  Yep I saw that feed as it happened that day.  Airplane made of aluminum with a plastic nose cone – not to interfere with the radar – remains intact. Wow must be a super duper plane or just maybe this is Computer Generated Images [CGI].  As my emotional state cooled off – and began thinking critically – it  had become clear there were no planes at all.  Not in New York, not the Pentagon, nor the big hole in the ground Shanksville PA.

If there were no planes; then obviously no hijackers; and of course no passengers – faking it is so much cleaner and easier especially when it delivers the same quantity or volume of propaganda.  But how did they do the rest?  Admittedly I struggled for years until I ran into a YouTube video called Empty Towers.          Related image

This jogged my memory.  I remember reading in a business publication – most likely Business Week – the main reason the towers were built as the highest in New York for the communication gear at the top of the towers.  If you are the highest you deliver TV, Data Streams, Radio, Cell Phones etc. and collect the revenues.  From day one there never was any attempt to complete the building as the interior had NO FLOORS.  Simply cat walks around the perimeter and ramps to enter or exit the elevator cabs.  If the building was never completed then leasing it up would be impossible.  Finishing the building once erected is possible but it would be outrageously expensive as everything would have to done from its interior.

But, But, But, at the top is a restaurant.  Yep when I visited New York I too went to the restaurant – and had one hell of an expensive meal [the view was great].  Dot the I’s and cross the t’s the top section had a few floors: one for the communication equipment then the restaurant and a ball room below and most likely one floor for a kitchen and storage.  Then nothing, nothing, and more nothing until the mid section with an observation floor then nothing, nothing, nothing, till the ground floor the entrance with possibly three or four floors completed and actually leased.  Out of 110 stories only 8 floors completed the rest empty.    
Occam’s Razor
The term Occam's razor refers to the philosophical idea or scientific principle that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, it is most likely that the simplest one is the correct one. 
The term "razor" refers to the "shaving away" of unnecessary assumptions when distinguishing between two or more theories.
What happened to all of the tables, desks, phones, file cabinets, computers, toilets, chairs, TV’s, water tanks, refrigerators, microwave ovens…the list is endless.  None of this was found at the debris site!  Yet they have us chasing our tails to come up with a rational explanation except one: IT WAS NEVER THERE!  That is the solution.  Occam’s razor the simplest solution is the correct one! The rest is pure Hollywood with a dramatic ending by demolition of the Twin Towers plus an extra – the Solomon building [building #7] as well.
Show Time!

Lights, camera, AND ACTION!

The amount of conspirators that are in the know is under around 100 more or less.  A very easy controllable number, the development of the nuclear bomb had 100,000 people plus working on the project and no one ever knew.  Yep a select number of NYPD cops would know along with a select group of fireman [[of course certain politicians] [I’m concerned with boots on the ground]]. 

Moving on…Follow the script and above all be convincing when delivering your lines!

What floors that did exist have been cleaned out weeks before simply state that the restaurant/ballroom is in major renovation…Sorry for the inconvenience but when finished it will be SPECTACULAR!

CIA and Mossad demo teams plus someone with experience in demolition of buildings of this magnitude plans and coordinates the setting of charges and any preliminary work required.  Pre-cuts with cable system to pull in the metal works where the ghost planes hit with pyrotechnic and smoke generators all along the windows.

People jumping from the building are either CGI or done in a studio – most likely a combination of the both.  Anyone thinking they were throwing dummies out the 96 floor (or whatever floor it was) has to be nuts.  You as an operative throwing dummies out the window a building soon to be demo’ed.  What if the elevator fails??? Run down 96 floors of stairs??  Not a chance!

Other preliminary work…Interviews: man or women on the street performed in front of green screen planting the seeds that the fire where so intense the building collapsed or any other propaganda necessary for the event.  Brainstorming any other preliminary work required.

NYPD and fireman in place…Mainstream media in place…


There may have been a few trained technical operatives in the both Twin Towers to insure the automated cable system pulled the pre-cut hole igniting the pyrotechnics and smoke generators.  It has been said when looking closely you can see an individual waving and at the same time adjusting a possible smoke generator.  Whether this is true or not continuing with this train of thought he would have time to get out whether or not the elevators failed.  Throwing dummies out the window just makes me LMA-OFF!

Cops and fire fighters pre-positioned.

Cops clear not only the lobby but the mall under the Twin Towers plus ALL of the buildings.  The fire fighters those who are in on the deal never entered either building.  They stall hold back fire fighters who were called as late as possible (not to cause suspicion).

First Tower goes down…

Fire fighters willing to go into the remaining tower??  Would require very little convincing not to!  I’m not saying these boys are cowards – remember this is a 110 story building!

Second Tower goes down…

Propaganda swings into high gear…Off to war we go and the Department of Homeland Security (Secret Police) is passed by Congress and signed by the President…. 

Links of interest.

9/11 NO FLOORS: A Transparent Deceit

Very possible only 3 floors – not counting the lobby – Sky Lobby on the 44th, 106th the Ball Room, 107th the Restaurant. See 4:34 mark of video.

3000 VICTIMS 9/11 WTC DEATHS “FAKED”: “Nearly 3000 9/11 Victims Not Registered As Dead By Social Security Death Index” WTH?!

Complete Bull$hit…A+…Very convincing; great propaganda to keep you thinking All of those people died.  Remember that is the theme of all of these faked events.  Who am I taking about none other than operative Judy Wood Ph.D. which stands for pile higher and deeper.

Moon Landings

As time rolls on the controllers no longer feel the need to censor as illustrated by the multitude of videos – YouTube- explaining the fake moon landings.  So much time has lapsed the American public no longer cares and those involved are dead.  Most likely 40 or 50 years from now NASA will flat out admit the moon landings were faked all for the Cold War.  That would be closer to the truth but not completely those involved simply ripped off American’s of their hard earned tax dollars.  Russia whether the Soviets or Russian Republic has been our ally since the American Civil War!


It appears censorship of 911 is in the beginning stage of lifting as the passage of time performs its magic with a regression of concern as this event moves from a current event to history.  We will see if this video and others gain any traction.  My suspicion Americans as a whole is the same as Vietnam.  Don’t want to discuss it nor entertain what really happened on 911.  If that is the case then this post required several days to put together simply robbed me of precious time.  I hope I’m wrong!

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